to start her line you need to pay the price to get into the art room, it goes quickly from there.No I haven't I'm not sure how to start her questline to be honest that might be why Mirandas line isn't progressing
to start her line you need to pay the price to get into the art room, it goes quickly from there.No I haven't I'm not sure how to start her questline to be honest that might be why Mirandas line isn't progressing
Oh right thanks for all the helpto start her line you need to pay the price to get into the art room, it goes quickly from there.
I did find her in the art class room and later in the libraryto start her line you need to pay the price to get into the art room, it goes quickly from there.
I think the mansion is only in the original game for now. No way to get it in the remake yet, unless someone knows do i get the mansion people are talking about?
to continue the alexia line you have to upgrade the office at the carwash and wait for miranda to show up and continue her line which will merge with alexia at the beach bar the second time you meet miranda there.Does anyone know were i can get the sport outfit for Mary
And how do u proceed with Alexia i am stuck after i found her at the library and she ran off
And how do u proceed with Miranda after that first carwash visit she said she call the mc but so far nothing ?
And how do u start the Cornelia quest
welcome to her alpha state now that she is powered up a bit.That killer move of that tiny maid of ours was bad ass
Almost killed off that alcolyte
just a bit more. 7 more quests to be precisesasha has more stuff after taking her to Dagon city?
any clue how to get them? I've been stuck on being told to wait and I don't have active quests for anyone else as far as I know...just a bit more. 7 more quests to be precise
they just happened for me, it could be just waiting for some times to pass at school, yu'll love the next quest with her at school, it brings back so many memories from my childhood.any clue how to get them? I've been stuck on being told to wait and I don't have active quests for anyone else as far as I know...
Not gonna lie with sophie our tiny maid having that op alpha state and the mc his new aura power they gonna be a force to be reckoned withand also remember the sophie put the other maid who was going to be our main maid into a come before joining us and powering up with levels and our own access to aura as a bonus to her as our souls are also merged due to the ceremony.