sorry, the seccond post about : jump LeonoraEnoEN , i dunt get it, and that code doesn't work ?!
Now I don't know if you just place the : there or you write it in shift+o, because that's not needed, the code is
jump LeonoraEnoEN but if you didn't miss the scene (didn't do Olivia's quest), it's unadvised to use, cause the game will do it as it intended.
BTW I read the offi WT and there is the sentence which warns you not to do Olivia's quest until Leonora's... funny.
@Manfegor , I really appreciate the help. I was just unsure if there was anything I was missing with Leonora after
I was just asking about Lucia because in the walkthrough you quoted in my previous post it mentioned talking to Lucia, so I thought maybe she made a gloryhole in the bathroom or something after you talked to her, after that scene with Leonora. But thanks again!
P.S. I've noticed a new icon when talking to the girls in the cafeteria but haven't been able to figure out what it does. What is the beaker of sperm for?
To see all of the content you should do Olivia's questline after Leonora's, and Leonora's quesline after Lilith's. But other than that, there is no new scene I think.
And the other one... well, that's a good question what that icon means. I tried to figure it out, but surprisingly didn't find anything, only at the beginning there is a variable, but other than that... nothing really.
What scene exactly you want to see?
i don't have any scene with sasha till now in school affection increase at home she lock door
but carol scene i got is i can enter her room before she to school 1 time i had at poolsex nothing after that is there any thing more
You need to set the Carol_points and the Sasha_points variables to get the other scenes.