Day 2 - walk along the beach: google doc can bug out, especially when I'm continually editing things, if a sentence is there twice before and after a page change, it's likely just that, if the choice isn't in the game twice. In my doc I only see it once here.Same as before : good job, keep going, some things i noticed but just details :
Day 2 walk along the beach : both sentences start the same way, correct answer should be "Not at all, i was just walking along ..."
Day 4 : during Nancy EpicLust : you cannot cum twice or you run out of stamina after the spider scene in Nikki room. (Also means the "might be not neccessary" on the save scum at the changing room IS necessary).
And 2 littles doubts about de choices :
Day 2 : Do you actually need to buy the Lubricant ? Because on your guide at Day 5, it is useless i think (a bonus scene in the shower ? I also remember something about Pamela maybe but later on ...)
Day 5 : You can have 2 points with Brittany with a scene in the school bathroom. It can put you in 10 points but no epiclust. So maybe it is completely useless.
Sorry if it's just things you left here and there because "work in progress". I actually discovered a LOT in this game thanks to you.
day 4 - Nancy Epiclust: this may be true, can't remember of the top of my head, all I remember is going in to Nikki's room with 0 stam, - 1 from the spider, energy drink from -1 to +1, sex goes down to 0. I'll check it tomorrow.
The lubricant: I actually have the same thoughts, and one of my theories involve not getting it day 2, it's in every other guide I've read, so I ended up adding it there too. part of what I'm thinking, is saving the money from day 2 which would allow changing some things, probably buying it later to still get the peek scenes, once money isn't so tight.
Brittany bathroom: I actually had plans to use these more, but because of the locker mistake I made, for this version they wont be used, Brittany's only scene we get day 6 anyway, the extra 1 or 2 points isn't needed. In theory you could talk to Chantelle at launch for +1 but -1 to brit, then go to bathroom to get +1 back on Brit, it's in my notes for the second pass.
Please keep coming with these things, and don't worry about being annoying. Hope you enjoy the guide.