To answer this as a 3rd (4th whatever) party, it's the tone of which Da22 is using, as it feels to some, including myself, as if they are all knowing and what not and even goes to backhanding anyone who calls them out for it. He is just like many on here that have popped up and to be rather blunt, it's fucking annoying and puts off others who simply want to state their thoughts without condesending feedback from someone who thinks they know more than anyone else.
Here is the honest truth: They don't know shit and know more than anyone else here. Don't be a condesending dick about it. Knock off the "Oh I know more than anyone else" bullshit and respect everyone without the attitude.
It's a good game, though this update has alot of people on edge and pissed considering it's taking a play from Acting Lessons and some of theses people who are expressing their thoughts, like myself, aren't to keen on what happened here and in AL.