Yes for me top is Jane , she has that mature vibe , very good char model and even if the relationship progresses in a classic manner i feel it feels way more natural and believeable than lisa’s for exemple.
Yeah the problem with the main cast of girls being main Li limits the games potential. I mean some side chicks do indeed have higher potential , Rosa was indeed nice material. And an ending with her and catherine in a no string atached relationship wouldve been a nice addition. A nicole end would also be good, and yes even Emma content was nice (dispate what she did in the past she did reallyq care about mc) . Lisa for me is okay but not great , she easilly falls into the MAIN LI clichè type and doesnt have good storyline attached. I wouldve loved more if we had an only jade romance , she was better written than Lisa. Not a fan of bisexual relationships for a character ending.Uhg...................... She was the only girl I was rooting to lock my path. I even turned down Selina and other girls just to be faithful to Rosa! I'm out guys. See ya and thanks for letting me know.
Yes for me top is Jane , she has that mature vibe , very good char model and even if the relationship progresses in a classic manner i feel it feels way more natural and believeable than lisa’s for exemple.