
New Member
Nov 12, 2020
So I finished the game multiple times using a walkthrough. I think I saw most of the endings, if not all. So far my thoughts are...

May have slight spoilers

The good:

1. Length - the game length for a single playthrough was good. Not too long and not too short. I am not fond of games that have multiple "seasons" like a TV drama nor am I fond of games that ends in 1 hr. This took me a few hours to complete. Felt like I got a full complete story out of it.

2. Story - the story was pretty decent. It was definitely not mind blowing, but I was thoroughly entertained. It was a "feel good" story with good romance paths.

3. Ending - I love it when romance games have epilogues. Gives closure to the relationship I have built with my chosen female character. Gives insight to their future instead of leaving it up to imagination. Makes the game feel more complete.

4. Render - Loved the character renders in this game. It was clean and had good detail. Skin texture was really good. I especially liked Emma, Nicole, and Jane. The setting and background was done well too.

5. Self explanatory choices - even though I used a walkthrough cause of all the branching routes, most choices were common sense. If I wanted to see a certain girl's ending its common sense not to fuck around with every girl I come across. So picking dialog choice that avoids that was self explanatory.

6. Band name - I get to choose my own band name! And it is set throughout the game. Awesome touch!

Now the lacking:

1. Emma - My #1 gripe I had was Emma has no ending. She just gets mentioned in 1 dialog in the "alone" ending that the MC accidentally ran into her on his business trip and had reconnected. I guess kinda started to date her again? For a character that shows up pretty frequently and has multiple scenes with the MC kinda felt empty for her route to suddenly end when she moves away. It felt abrupt and incomplete. A dialog choice selection in Emma's last scene where MC says goodbye to Emma in her apartment would have been perfect. A choice where MC can choose "1. Don't Let Her Go/I Love You" or "2. Goodbye" and rekindle their relationship if MC asks her to stay/confess and give her a proper ending. It felt rushed.

2. Jade - why tie Jade with Lisa route? Its either a 3some or none with her route. If she swings both ways why not give her own route? I mean she ends up with Lisa everytime MC chooses a girl other than Lisa so it seems it would make sense if she has 1 route with just the MC. Jade was an interesting character that I felt should have gotten her own single story.

3. Nicole/Rosa - I felt these 2 characters deserved more of a complete story than side flings. Especially Nicole. Nicole could have used a deeper character development. Very mysterious character. Has a cold professional deminor but has a warm heart underneath. It would have been good to see MC crack her shell and makes her realize the value of loving someone instead of trying to find one night stands. For Rosa it would have been funny if Rosa got an ending where the MC marries Rosa and becomes Selina's step father lol

4. Music - the game could have used some vocal tracks. I know those licensed songs can cost a bit, but like the dev says in his Patreon page, a story about forming a rock band that does not have vocal song is weird. But I am not sure if there is a cost effective way... There might be license free or less expensive vocal songs available online.

Anyway those are my opinions and what I felt after I played this game. I am not sure if F95zone is correct in labeling this "completed". I visited the dev's Patreon page and I could not find anywhere where it says the game is completely finished. So if the game is still being worked on I hope the dev adds more to places that is lacking mentioned above. Please.
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Active Member
Sep 18, 2021
The game dev has always said there will be no incest.

This thread is only 144 pages long. Provide a link instead of telling me to go to a non existent page.
Emma's not incest.

Also, here:

Why didn't the dev make a choice dialog in Emma's last scene where MC says goodbye to Emma in her apartment? Instead of saying goodbye, ask her not to go and rekindle their relationship and give her a proper ending.
Conversely, have her leave regardless, but you're given a choice to either let her go permanently, or get her to agree to stay in touch. That way you both continue to improve yourselves (you working to help your band succeed, and her still going to school). Then with the implication that you can both slowly get back together without either of you needing to compromise who and what you want to be.

Then you can basically skip ahead in an epilogue where it's confirmed that you did indeed stay in touch and occasionally meet up, and the two of you wind up back together fully after your band manages to become a success and she graduates.

It feels like it would be more realistic and more satisfying than just having her give up all autonomy to become the MC's accessory.

Jade - why tie Jade with Lisa route? Its either a 3some or none with her route. If she swings both ways why not give her own route? I mean she ends up with Lisa everytime MC chooses a girl other than Lisa so it seems it would make sense if she has 1 route with just the MC. Jade was an interesting character that I felt should have gotten her own single story.
Probably because she really doesn't swing both ways equally as presented. Or to put it another way, she doesn't wind up with Lisa "every time MC chooses another girl", she winds up with Lisa EVERY time, unless the MC chooses Lisa specifically and prevents it from happening.

Jade doesn't really have an interest in hooking up with you. She's only hooking up with you because you're hooking up with Lisa. In that relationship, Lisa is basically the center of attention, and you're just getting side benefits from sharing.

Sure, the dev could completely change their own perception of the character to make it easier to go exclusive with her, but that's pretty much the same scenario when it comes to incest. If it's not a story the dev wants to explore, and it's kind of established from very early on that Jade isn't really interested in hooking up with a guy at this point in her life, then it isn't necessarily justified to expect them to change everything around just to cater to people who want to hook up with her alone.

I get it - we all have our preferences. Personally I think it would be neat if we had a chance to flirt with/hook up with the girls from Naked Park, but I also understand why it's not an option, so I accept it.


New Member
Nov 12, 2020


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
Euh .. .. .. You sure about that ?? ?? ?
pages depend how many posts are shown per page, by default it's 20 and can be set to show all.

Is there a fix for poor animation performance on older hardware? it pins my laptop cpu at 100% and i get like 1 fps, and on my (admittedly older) gaming rig my cpu shoots up to 80-90%
what's your laptop's processor? pentium 4?

anyways could try compressed if there is one and also choosing other renderer (start game while holding shift and g and choose other renderer).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
Is there any consequences for cheating on lisa? in the walkthrough there seems to be a CHEAT POINTS thingy that disappears after mid point, are the consequences gone with it? are they only existent if u dont break up with Selina/Jane/Anna when they try to make it serious?
Asking cuz theres is NO WAY I'm not banging MILF Sage. lmao
As shown in the walkthrough you mentioned, messing around with side girls has no impact on the LI relationships.

It also shows the Lisa cheat points are never used. MrJet has mentioned this too:
Originally I had the idea of making two endings for each love interest. But in the process, I realized that this was way too ambitious, and I just couldn't pull it off. So I had to give up on that idea. The same goes for cheating points.
Is there a fix for poor animation performance on older hardware? it pins my laptop cpu at 100% and i get like 1 fps, and on my (admittedly older) gaming rig my cpu shoots up to 80-90%
Try the official advice regarding first, but most likely the issue is BaRS was previously using Ren'Py 7.4.2 (up to v0.9), but updated to Ren'Py 7.5.3 with v0.99.

Some older machines (including mine) exhibit significant animation performance issues in games built on the Ren'Py 7.5 & 8.0 branches. I've seen no explanation for what causes the issue, or suggestions on how to fix it.

Personally I'm rebuilding the game to run on Ren'Py 7.4.2 again. My initial attempt solves the animation performance problem, but there are issues with losing persistent data if you've previously played v0.99 or 1.0, so it's less than ideal if you have existing progress.
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Brother Lui

Jan 15, 2019
pages depend how many posts are shown per page, by default it's 20 and can be set to show all.

Thanks for mentioning that @cxx I have never changed that neither have checked it before so it seems I have the default settings of 20 posts per page and we normally are now in the 719 page.

And Bavor sorry couldn't stop laughing about the pages :giggle: and also I never laughed or told anyting about the incest part I know it too well that there isn't any in this game from the early conversations when the game started. Nevermind peace and thanks for the laugh opportunity. :cool:


Dec 27, 2019
what's your laptop's processor? pentium 4?
Surface Pro 3 (2014) I3. I tried the compressed and thought that would work but no luck, changing renderer didn't work either.
but most likely the issue is BaRS was previously using Ren'Py 7.4.2 (up to v0.9), but updated to Ren'Py 7.5.3 with v0.99.

Some older machines (including mine) exhibit significant animation performance issues in games built on the Ren'Py 7.5 & 8.0 branches. I've seen no explanation for what causes the issue, or suggestions on how to fix it.
Thanks for the info, that explains why it only happens for a few newer games.
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