Here, read this comment i posted on another thread. At least the guy I sent this to, got the point.
"It takes a long time even if you think this game is just simple. The coding, the art work, the plot of the story. Most developers don't make games like these just for the sake of sex or romantic scenes, especially visual novels. These are not easy to get done with, and I'm sure he too has other responsibilities in his own life that he needs to deal and take care. He/She/They are human beings after all. Complaining to developers because they are taking too long, is just simply being childish and selfish, and people like these are simply too immature. Once people like these have, grown up, then they'll understand.
Were it so easy, we would all have done it" - Keith David (voice of the Arbiter, during an interview) "
Stop, and don't put pressure on people, ESPECIALLY if you're not the one who's doing work. Just don't. It's not healthy for a human being, especially mentally. I've lost good friends because of that. And no, they didnt unfriend me. They're literally dead cuz they couldn't handle it mentally just because of people who didnt know how to put themselves in their shoes. So please, learn to be patient. This goes to everyone else who wants updates so badly like those freakin seagulls from Nemo who're just like "
mine mine mine mine mine mine". I understand how you all feel. It's frustrating on our part, but it's more stressful on the devs part. All we're doing is waiting while they have a lot to think about.
To put it in a simple sentence:
Let us all stop being assholes
Not saying you're immature tho. That was just a post of mine from another thread. HOWEVER. I could give you a much more longer answer if you still don't get it. Would you rather have shitty updates every month? Or a well made content which takes months to plan and execute? ASK YOURSELF
(forgive me if i sound too serious, i just havent eaten my 3 daily meals yet. im just not me when im hungry okay?)