
Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2021
He did seem rather surprised by the fact that MC had gotten some Quinn action, and somebody else had commented that Quinn doesn't usually kiss boys. Maybe Tommy had been trying to get some and she shut him down because she's more into the girls?
I think the chink in Quinn's armor is when MC actually cares (beyond the throw away statement of she thought MC was a "white knight pussy"). Her texts to MC speak as someone that is in rabid fear of letting her guard down but at the same time very distant hints of liking MC. Other: I thought it was interesting that she asked MC over to hang out (after gaining some trust of him). There wasn't a time limit. Just an easy hangout. And my thinking on that is that every single other person on that campus is an adversary or someone to dominate to keep her several business plans going. Deep down, she doesn't see MC as getting in the way of her business plan or other interests, but with all the other signs, Quinn ultimately likes MC. It is sweet story telling, even if Quinn treats other people horribly.
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Engaged Member
Oct 24, 2018
You know, it occurs to me that this is exactly the sort of exchange that seems like an innocent joke about incest games now, but would take on a whole new meaning if it turns out Bella had a miscarriage. Just saying.
I got to be honest, I never actually thought about that, but would be the kind of thing that in hindsight will make you taste foot. :cry:

Acting Lessons. Sigh.

Okay, here's the thing. AL is a very well-crafted game with excellent character work and a lot of good bits. But it's also a fucking bait and switch. The game is not what it presents itself as for the first 6 chapters. The end of the game not only takes a famously dark turn, but that turn doesn't flow out of the events leading up to it. It just pops up out of nowhere and completely changes the tone of the game, practically wallowing in misery by the final episode. The endings can have some nice, bittersweet moments depending on how you play, but the emphasis is mostly on the bitter half.

As long as you know that going in, I think you'll be fine if you want to try it (assuming you can handle dark stories, obviously).
Now I don't know if you played it live and if you were misled about tags, or the dev's posts AND since by the time I played it I was spoiled about any possible twists in the story I can't make the claim that I'm 100% sure, but I'd like to think I would not have been blindsided about the big event. Predicting the exact thing that would happen and the culprit absolutely not, but growing up in post communist eastern Europe, I would have 1000% expected something extremely bad to happen(Sexual assault, shooting, knife, drug gangs) from dealing with people like Rena's bf and Peter. I don't want to offend anyone, since its just my supposition, I might talk out of my ass, but this seems to be the kind of thing sheltered first-world people from western countries, that live in a world where words are violence and don't know how bad, 'bad' actually is would get blindsided by.

Again, if the tags/devs promised comedy and then come later seasons he pulled a Ryan Johnson, then fair enough, but from what I've seen and I've read every post in the AL thread from start-to-date when I went and played it, it seems to me people were just shocked a dev in this genre of games actually went there, or upset he fucked with their waifus, or my favorite bulshit reasoning 'I don't play games to get sad'... I don't have an opinion from a storytelling perspective, but from a gameplay one, yeah, he probably should have made this avoidable, or affectable by player choices. The only thing I take issue with is the 'getting blindsided' aspect of it.

Fun fact, only 2 people in the entire thread predicted the exact guilty person and ending and most aspects of their theory crafting were just hunches. I don't know what that says about DPC's writing, was he too good, or complete shit at setting things up? You make your own conclusion, I just found it interesting.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
I don't think we need to compare BaDIK to TV shows with millions in budget.
Even compared to itself - in earlier updates the story wasn't dragging as much, nor was it so filled with melodrama.
The very few first episodes of BaDIK are spent with MC acting like a butthurt snowflake over a twist straight from soap opera, and dragging the plot out for the sake of drama. It's commonly brought up as the game's weak point.

I think you're letting your prejudice cloud your memory and judgement.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2020
Just getting back from vacation, and I'm doing some catching up.

I posted a while back how that might mean more than what it seems...

Goblin is probably the nicest thing you can say about her.

Something I wanted to show you.jpg

Sounds like you could use some immersion therapy:


I agree with this position and believe that Madame Rose and possible future D&G sessions should be cut from the game. This will make BaDIK better.

50 percent is correct.png

And finally, the obligatory preview dialogues:

Preview #18-1.jpg
Preview #18-2.jpg
Preview #18-3.jpg


Feb 13, 2018
Next: He comes out and says that he wants to do Christmas Party in the game. Oh boy, then get ready for the next update to come out at 12/2023. The incoming update for Halloween is for sure very good since he keeps up the quality but he should start thinking about getting some help or some people to get his progress out there faster. Dont know what his plans for making games are but in the long run having a good team with reliable people would benefit him more tbh.

The waiting is killing me.......................
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