Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
Not to mention chest sizes I'd imagine Jade at that age would still have a very impressive size compared to that girl :p
Not necessarily. Womens boobs don't always stop growing after their teens. A number of reasons such as hormones, pregnancy, weight gain, and even taking birth control pills can cause boobs to grow for women in their 20s and even 30s. There's also breast augmentation, so just just because they look a little smaller here doesn't mean it can't be her.

Melissa fan

Sep 23, 2019
MC takes trip to Josy during a weekend - so why wasn´t that a question for her to visit Maya (30 Minutes with train to the college if I remember correctly?) or vice versa?
Would she even be allowed to go when she wasn't a student? Maya could have easily gone to see Josy. I don't think Maya was as committed to that relationship when she could have easily gone to visit Josy but didn't and wouldn't even admit to the MC she was even in a relationship the way Josy did without mentioning it was with a woman.

Personally didn't feel like the extended Maya and Josy episode IV opener actually contributed anything to the story we didn't already understand.
I just skipped over that whole scene and don't feel like I missed anything.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
Would she even be allowed to go when she wasn't a student? Maya could have easily gone to see Josy. I don't think Maya was as committed to that relationship when she could have easily gone to visit Josy but didn't and wouldn't even admit to the MC she was even in a relationship the way Josy did without mentioning it was with a woman.
Pretty sure anyone can be on a college campus, not just students, so Josy probably could have gone to see Maya if she wanted.

The thing is that both of them were tired of arguing with each other and they each thought the other one didn't care about them as much as they thought; Josy felt that Maya didn't care about their relationship because she wouldn't stand up to her Dad for them, and Maya felt that Josy didn't care how she was feeling by wanting to hold on to her relationship with her Dad and not lose his love. So even if they thought about going to see each other, they probably weren't in the mood because of how hurt they were both feeling and figured they'd probably just end up fighting again.

Also, I'd say Josy was the least committed because she was the one who really went after the MC whilst at the same time entertaining the idea of just running away and leaving it all behind without properly resolving things with Maya.

I just skipped over that whole scene and don't feel like I missed anything.
I wish I skipped over that because I feel like the only purpose of that scene was to crush hearts and DPC succeeded in that, but I didn't need that.


Devoted Member
Nov 30, 2018
but almost 3000 pages speak for themselves...
Very debatable as of late thread was better when it was at its peak last year when not so much was frowned upon.

The girl on the left looks like Jill`s model with saggy sage`s/bella`s boobs milkers on top :Kappa:
My money is 30% on team #jillssister (with some botched tit job tho) and 70% #youngbella, shame the boobs still look old :KEK:
They look very well developed already if that is Bella of course. The other girls not so impressive and I'd know if it was Jade.


Engaged Member
Jan 16, 2020
Honestly, the more I see people's complaints about Maya and Josy the more it just sounds like guys who are butthurt over not getting the girls they wanted in the way they wanted them.

Yeah, it sucks, and I felt disappointed and heartbroken over it, but the more I thought about it the more I felt I understood them and could forgive them, and having a chance to still be with them was great because there is something there between the 3 of them and it would be silly to throw it away before getting to truly explore it.
Or maybe it's because they're more interested in the other girls in the game and are tired of having Maya & Josy content forced upon them by the dev simply for the sake of plot progression. Just a thought.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
For me it's like I said, Josy's more willing to pull the chute and bail out when things get tough. Maya's Dad found out about them and forbade Maya from seeing Josy and likely prevented Josy from seeing Maya. Maya's also not given much indication that she ever stood up to her Dad in defense of her relationship and Josy will have wanted that. They probably also fought before that because of having to keep their relationship a secret and both these things put a strain on the relationship with Josy wanting Maya to be more assertive and Maya trying to hold on to her relationship with her Dad as much as possible. Both of them felt hurt by the other for not respecting each others feelings, but Josy felt like she couldn't be bothered anymore and that she had an easy way out with the MC, just like her Dad did when he cheating on her Mom.

There's a lot of reading between the lines and taking a step back to think about human behaviour in these situations. It's what makes DPC such a good writer because these characters feel very human and are doing things that real people do.
I finally played through most of this game and I was quite impressed. I'm definitely going to have to get episode 5 when it's released. I agree with Holy Bacchus that the interaction between the characters leaves a lot unstated and does feel very human.

On Josy in particular, I think the main issue is that she was isolated - both in that she was lonely, but also in that there was no one she could turn to for advice. She seems like the sort of person who needs to be around people, but she couldn't see Maya and her other friends had moved on. We also know that, like Maya, she didn't want to talk about being in a lesbian relationship.

I think she went on the first 'date' with the MC because she just wanted a friend to hang out with for a bit. After all, he'd been working with her for months and hadn't asked her out, so she probably thought he just wasn't interested in her romantically. It was only when she realized there WAS a mutual attraction between them that she panicked and called the whole thing off. That in turn made her feel even worse because on the one hand she felt like she had cheated on Maya, but on the other hand she enjoyed the companionship and felt like she had treated the MC badly.

From there it gets more speculative because we don't know what they said to each other or when they said it. But we do know they had started fighting and we know Josy told Maya about her plans to leave town, probably about the same time she told the MC. That's when the MC asked for (effectively) a second, and Josy said yes.

I suspect Josy wanted Maya to make more of an effort to see her, but Maya wasn't willing to risk it until she had a way out from her father's control. After her brief tryst with the MC, that became increasingly hard for Josy to take. So once it looked like she wasn't going to get in to B&R (thus might never see Maya again AND had no clear path out of her lousy situation), Josy started thinking about running away and making a new start somewhere else. When the MC heard that, he rushed back to see her. Maya didn't.

So when the date happens, it's no surprise Josy is really conflicted. As she said, she desperately wanted to feel loved, and here was the MC showering her in affection while Maya was (possibly) avoiding her. Based on her dialog in the sex scene, it seems like Josy was trying rationalize the cheating by leaving it up to MC; I don't think it's coincidence she brought up her father and Monica over dinner. She was so desperate to get away from her worries and feel something positive she was willing to cheat, but still couldn't quite bring herself to pull the trigger. It's self-destructive behavior, but it does feel believable, at least to me.

Obviously, this depends on things we don't know, and it might fall apart if and when we learn more about Maya's dad (or Josy's dad and Monica, for that matter). But personally, I find it works very well because all three parties can share the blame for the situation. Maya absolutely should have told the MC that she was still in a relationship, but it's understandable why she didn't given that she's a very private person who has clearly been burned badly talking about that relationship in the past. Josy should have either broken up with Maya or stopped flirting with the MC once it was clear he was interested in her romantically, but it's easy to see why she failed to do so. And while the MC can justifiably feel misled by Josy and betrayed by Maya once the whole thing came out, at the end of the day he was the one who kept pursuing them after they had each said no in their own way. As Josy said, he knew full well she was in a relationship when her pursued her; the only thing that really changed is that he got to feel what that was like from the other side.

Anyway, I've really enjoyed their story thus far. Hopefully all four possible 'pairings' can have a happy ending, but we'll see. That said, while I think this trio is too central to the story to ignore them, it would be good for the next episode to put more of the focus on Jill, Isabella and Sage. There's plenty of room to flesh out the new status quo of the MC and Maya/Josy through small incidental interactions. This is something the texting phone app might be good for.

It's only when the three are an item that we should keep the focus on them. Fortunately, it would make sense for that start slow, so there's still a chance for the other characters to shine now. Eventually whichever characters aren't chosen will have to fade into the background, so some level of varied interaction is going to have to happen. But hopefully that will come near the end of the game so it doesn't get unmanageable.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
Or maybe it's because they're more interested in the other girls in the game and are tired of having Maya & Josy content forced upon them by the dev simply for the sake of plot progression. Just a thought.
Well, trawling through some of the old pages prior to both episodes 3 and 4, it's interesting to note how a lot of sentiment towards them changed. A lot of people liked Maya and Josy and were excited for ep 4 and the prospect of a threesome with them, but then after ep 4 released is when the mood soured for a lot of people. Why? Because their connection to each other was revealed to be much stronger than first thought, not just a casual fling or lesbian experimentation, but love.

It makes the MC feel like the third wheel, like he's the one who's getting in the middle of their relationship, and adult games typically have the MC be the linch pin of a FFM relationship, with both female characters falling in love with him before agreeing to all be together. Not having him be that here makes Maya & Josy feel like they were always out of reach and it's frustrating and emasculating for some, making people irrationally angry at them.

If some people are tired of their drama, fine, but I'd say a fair few people were just hurt by it and simply try to find other ways to justify not liking them.
Last edited:

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
I finally played through most of this game and I was quite impressed. I'm definitely going to have to get episode 5 when it's released. I agree with Holy Bacchus that the interaction between the characters leaves a lot unstated and does feel very human.

On Josy in particular, I think the main issue is that she was isolated - both in that she was lonely, but also in that there was no one she could turn to for advice. She seems like the sort of person who needs to be around people, but she couldn't see Maya and her other friends had moved on. We also know that, like Maya, she didn't want to talk about being in a lesbian relationship.

I think she went on the first 'date' with the MC because she just wanted a friend to hang out with for a bit. After all, he'd been working with her for months and hadn't asked her out, so she probably thought he just wasn't interested in her romantically. It was only when she realized there WAS a mutual attraction between them that she panicked and called the whole thing off. That in turn made her feel even worse because on the one hand she felt like she had cheated on Maya, but on the other hand she enjoyed the companionship and felt like she had treated the MC badly.

From there it gets more speculative because we don't know what they said to each other or when they said it. But we do know they had started fighting and we know Josy told Maya about her plans to leave town, probably about the same time she told the MC. That's when the MC asked for (effectively) a second, and Josy said yes.

I suspect Josy wanted Maya to make more of an effort to see her, but Maya wasn't willing to risk it until she had a way out from her father's control. After her brief tryst with the MC, that became increasingly hard for Josy to take. So once it looked like she wasn't going to get in to B&R (thus might never see Maya again AND had no clear path out of her lousy situation), Josy started thinking about running away and making a new start somewhere else. When the MC heard that, he rushed back to see her. Maya didn't.

So when the date happens, it's no surprise Josy is really conflicted. As she said, she desperately wanted to feel loved, and here was the MC showering her in affection while Maya was (possibly) avoiding her. Based on her dialog in the sex scene, it seems like Josy was trying rationalize the cheating by leaving it up to MC; I don't think it's coincidence she brought up her father and Monica over dinner. She was so desperate to get away from her worries and feel something positive she was willing to cheat, but still couldn't quite bring herself to pull the trigger. It's self-destructive behavior, but it does feel believable, at least to me.

Obviously, this depends on things we don't know, and it might fall apart if and when we learn more about Maya's dad (or Josy's dad and Monica, for that matter). But personally, I find it works very well because all three parties can share the blame for the situation. Maya absolutely should have told the MC that she was still in a relationship, but it's understandable why she didn't given that she's a very private person who has clearly been burned badly talking about that relationship in the past. Josy should have either broken up with Maya or stopped flirting with the MC once it was clear he was interested in her romantically, but it's easy to see why she failed to do so. And while the MC can justifiably feel misled by Josy and betrayed by Maya once the whole thing came out, at the end of the day he was the one who kept pursuing them after they had each said no in their own way. As Josy said, he knew full well she was in a relationship when her pursued her; the only thing that really changed is that he got to feel what that was like from the other side.

Anyway, I've really enjoyed their story thus far. Hopefully all four possible 'pairings' can have a happy ending, but we'll see. That said, while I think this trio is too central to the story to ignore them, it would be good for the next episode to put more of the focus on Jill, Isabella and Sage. There's plenty of room to flesh out the new status quo of the MC and Maya/Josy through small incidental interactions. This is something the texting phone app might be good for.

It's only when the three are an item that we should keep the focus on them. Fortunately, it would make sense for that start slow, so there's still a chance for the other characters to shine now. Eventually whichever characters aren't chosen will have to fade into the background, so some level of varied interaction is going to have to happen. But hopefully that will come near the end of the game so it doesn't get unmanageable.
This is a perfectly well put together explanation/reasoning of this whole situation and I enjoyed reading it. I was thinking about addressing each point individually to add to it, but there's nothing to add because it's exactly how I see it as well.

I only wish more people saw it this way then maybe they wouldn't have such irrational hatred for these characters based on their own hurt feelings.


Dec 6, 2018
The leftovers option in Quinn's restaurant is like the best thing ever.

Also thank you ename144 for posting that wonderful read.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
The leftovers option in Quinn's restaurant is like the best thing ever.

Also thank you ename144 for posting that wonderful read.
My pleasure, glad it was worth the time to write. It's nice when a game makes me care enough about the characters to get into the weeds on just what makes them tick.


Engaged Member
Jan 16, 2020
This is a perfectly well put together explanation/reasoning of this whole situation and I enjoyed reading it. I was thinking about addressing each point individually to add to it, but there's nothing to add because it's exactly how I see it as well.

I only wish more people saw it this way then maybe they wouldn't have such irrational hatred for these characters based on their own hurt feelings.
Most people do understand their situation perfectly, they just disliked their actions to the point of not having any romantic interest in them and again prefer other girls (like myself).
Apr 26, 2020
I finally played through most of this game and I was quite impressed. I'm definitely going to have to get episode 5 when it's released. I agree with Holy Bacchus that the interaction between the characters leaves a lot unstated and does feel very human.

On Josy in particular, I think the main issue is that she was isolated - both in that she was lonely, but also in that there was no one she could turn to for advice. She seems like the sort of person who needs to be around people, but she couldn't see Maya and her other friends had moved on. We also know that, like Maya, she didn't want to talk about being in a lesbian relationship.

I think she went on the first 'date' with the MC because she just wanted a friend to hang out with for a bit. After all, he'd been working with her for months and hadn't asked her out, so she probably thought he just wasn't interested in her romantically. It was only when she realized there WAS a mutual attraction between them that she panicked and called the whole thing off. That in turn made her feel even worse because on the one hand she felt like she had cheated on Maya, but on the other hand she enjoyed the companionship and felt like she had treated the MC badly.

From there it gets more speculative because we don't know what they said to each other or when they said it. But we do know they had started fighting and we know Josy told Maya about her plans to leave town, probably about the same time she told the MC. That's when the MC asked for (effectively) a second, and Josy said yes.

I suspect Josy wanted Maya to make more of an effort to see her, but Maya wasn't willing to risk it until she had a way out from her father's control. After her brief tryst with the MC, that became increasingly hard for Josy to take. So once it looked like she wasn't going to get in to B&R (thus might never see Maya again AND had no clear path out of her lousy situation), Josy started thinking about running away and making a new start somewhere else. When the MC heard that, he rushed back to see her. Maya didn't.

So when the date happens, it's no surprise Josy is really conflicted. As she said, she desperately wanted to feel loved, and here was the MC showering her in affection while Maya was (possibly) avoiding her. Based on her dialog in the sex scene, it seems like Josy was trying rationalize the cheating by leaving it up to MC; I don't think it's coincidence she brought up her father and Monica over dinner. She was so desperate to get away from her worries and feel something positive she was willing to cheat, but still couldn't quite bring herself to pull the trigger. It's self-destructive behavior, but it does feel believable, at least to me.

Obviously, this depends on things we don't know, and it might fall apart if and when we learn more about Maya's dad (or Josy's dad and Monica, for that matter). But personally, I find it works very well because all three parties can share the blame for the situation. Maya absolutely should have told the MC that she was still in a relationship, but it's understandable why she didn't given that she's a very private person who has clearly been burned badly talking about that relationship in the past. Josy should have either broken up with Maya or stopped flirting with the MC once it was clear he was interested in her romantically, but it's easy to see why she failed to do so. And while the MC can justifiably feel misled by Josy and betrayed by Maya once the whole thing came out, at the end of the day he was the one who kept pursuing them after they had each said no in their own way. As Josy said, he knew full well she was in a relationship when her pursued her; the only thing that really changed is that he got to feel what that was like from the other side.

Anyway, I've really enjoyed their story thus far. Hopefully all four possible 'pairings' can have a happy ending, but we'll see. That said, while I think this trio is too central to the story to ignore them, it would be good for the next episode to put more of the focus on Jill, Isabella and Sage. There's plenty of room to flesh out the new status quo of the MC and Maya/Josy through small incidental interactions. This is something the texting phone app might be good for.

It's only when the three are an item that we should keep the focus on them. Fortunately, it would make sense for that start slow, so there's still a chance for the other characters to shine now. Eventually whichever characters aren't chosen will have to fade into the background, so some level of varied interaction is going to have to happen. But hopefully that will come near the end of the game so it doesn't get unmanageable.
Indeed, very good analysis. As a person who played this masterpiece only two days ago, I must admit, that indeed I felt betrayed and emotionally drained after the conclusion, wanted to blame them. After I come to my feels and thought about a situation from the point of player, not MC, I found that they indeed had their reasons, reasonable or not, to behave like this/ Realistically flawed, but likeable and in the end good persons.
Although from my point of view the main hatred towards Maya/Josy come not from lies, but from Maya and Josy solved this situation. Like, after months of denial, lies and other they just talked several miutes and decided that none of this matters and they forgive each other and decided that they love each other. Such things happen, of course, but not so quickly! From the side point of view it just seems like "Ok, I behaved bad. But she also did the very same thing for the same reasons! So, if I forgive her, than I am not guilty at anything! Nothing happened!". It's not the solution of problem, it's just walking away from it, with all their wrongabouts, all their breaking relationships, all reasons WHY they decided to end teir relationship in the first place just...overlooked? Forgotten?Walked away from it, again? And MC, who they claim to love, just...bleaked away? From their reactions they are completely fine being together with or without MC, which in my opinion is the true "betrayal" from the point of view of many players - MC didn't mean AND won't mean anything to them, always the effect of the "third wheel". Nothing was solved, and from this I think that their relationship was never love, but passion. It seems good at the moment, but with time it disappears with time and only only bitterness remains. They are too different and too much alike at the same time, so their relationship just doesn't have future, especially with the storm that's coming in the next episodes. In the threesome route they MAY develop thir relationship in stable form...with much help of MC, of course, but otherwise?
That's why i REALLY hope about about single romancing paths for them in friendship route, it will open so much about them and may indeed save them in eyes of players, with a much character development and drama.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2018
Could it be that Bella and Jill´s sister were friends at the college and the sister - out of reasons yet unknown, maybe because being bullied or blackmailed - committed suicide (for we know from Jill she "passed away") and that one scene is a flashback of Bella and the sister ... there is also the connection to Jade maybe she attended the same college. And that would count for the close relationship Bella has with Jill - perhaps remorse or even guild ...:unsure::unsure:
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