Jan 15, 2019
I might be wrong but as far as i know none of them have such a limit or at least i have never encountered it with the downloads... tbh my net is slow and 20GB would probably take me about 12 hours (aka about 2-3 days real time) to download so i might not even hit whatever limits they (IF) have :HideThePain:.
Use idm while downloading with these sites
Your downloading speed will improve


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
:unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

the point is exactly that

if Mc stays over to "sleep" at Josy's, it makes sense for the parents to punish her, but they do it anyway, even if MC leaves right after dinner, which doesn't make much sense, but Josy MUST be punished, otherwise she would have the phone
Yes, you are correct that Josy is punished even if she isn't caught in bed with the MC. But there are two things to consider here. First, she did still invite someone into the house (and serve him alcohol) without her parent's permission. Second, we know her "dad got to hear an earful about Monica" (which happens in both scenarios).

Given Josy's contentious relationship with her stepmom, I don't think grounding her and confiscating her phone for a couple days is an implausible outcome.

I probably didn't explain myself well...

I mentioned "murder on the orient express," as an example of a very neat plot, like the mechanism of a clock. BADIk is not and does not want to be, and I do not need to see how it will continue, because it is clear that this is not its goal.

the themes it deals with (homosexuality, difficult families) have nothing to do with what i have said

you are the one who gives a strange and negative meaning to the term soap opera, in them everything happens, people die, get sick, change sex, and everything revolves around the sentimental events, which are the pivot of the plot
I'm not sure how you can say that when BaDIK isn't finished yet and there ARE a lot of "clockwork" events at play in BaDIK.

Hell, as much as I dislike the Jill blackmail subplot, structurally it was fairly well set up in the story. Jill sees the MC getting into lots of trouble and doing several stupid things, and knows he has no money or safety net. Tybalt's wealth, pettiness, and animosity to the MC are clearly established. The game even makes a big point about how reckless the MC has been during Hell Week. It makes sense that Jill would agree to humor Tybalt in exchange for him going easy on the MC after he and Derek wreck the mansion.

The glaring flaw isn't that this event came out of nowhere, it's that in the next episode Jill seems surprised by the terms she agreed to and suddenly needs Bella's help. (Well, that and the fact that watching Tybalt bore Jill to tears isn't interesting, but that's what I classified as subjective.) I think the idea was that Jill expected Tybalt to be less persistent and realizes she needs reinforcements, but DPC overplayed the scene, IMHO.

I've been a Quinn fan since day 1. I think you misunderstood what I said. I don't want Quinn to change how she is to everyone else... I could give a fuck if she slaps Riona's whole head off...or forces Maya to leave college...or continues her prostitution ring and selling drugs. I don't care about any of that shit. What I want to happen with her is those walls shes got built up to come down for MC and MC alone. That's it. When I said the softening of her eyes verses how she is in other interactions, note that she was LOOKING AT MC during that scene. That's the shit I dig. I don't care about her interactions with anyone else.
I'd say my feelings on Quinn are well known at this point, so I won't rehash them here.

What I will say is that while I largely agree with your goal, I think you're still getting ahead of where Quinn is. I don't think she's softened to the MC all that much. If she is she could somehow solve her money problems in Episode 8 at the expense of the MC, I think she would do it with minimal hesitation and acceptable levels of regret. And like with Tommy, she would bitterly defend her decision if the MC called her out on it.

To me, that's what Quinn's "redemption" arc will likely be about when we finally get there. She won't become a "good" person. She'll just be willing to let someone like the MC into her life as more than a toy. In short, she'll still be an abrasive jerk who likes to fuck with people, but she'll not longer be a toxic, abrasive jerk who likes to fuck with people.

But that's not going to happen until she hits rock bottom. I don't think she's there yet; I'm not even sure she's all that close. And it would not surprise me if she winds up betraying the MC at least once along the way. So my advice for Quinn fans is to plan for the long haul.

I’ve been in the hospital for two weeks unable to check the thread. Can anybody tell me if beta testing has started? Also any images I’ve missed. Please/Thank You
Yes, beta testing began last week. We're speculating a release somewhere in the 19-26 range if things go well, but that's just a guess. All we know for sure is that DPC *hopes* to release the episode in November but doesn't think that's guaranteed.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Mississippi is worse than Alabama. Marriage age without parental consent is 15.

Now, I'm no rocket surgeon, but I'm pretty sure she wasn't punished for having dinner with a boy. The much more probable outcome is that it was because she basically got caught fuckin' in her parents bed.

Which, all things being equal, is not unreasonable.
the point is exactly that
if Mc stays over to "sleep" at Josy's, it makes sense for the parents to punish her, but they do it anyway, even if MC leaves right after dinner, which doesn't make much sense, but Josy MUST be punished, otherwise she would have the phone
actually... she burned the kitchen and she could have burned down the house! thats the real reason she was irresponsable with the responsability of taking care of the house when she decided to cook!

the other option would be her father and Monica tasted her food... let me tell you even ChipLecsap orders from ubereats and he loves Josy!

Yeah but that's the Alabama of Europe.
some cantoons in northern Switzerland let me tell you... but they are germans so it still counts!
Just before this conversation gets deleted.

View attachment 1487048

Actually that’s Spain. Jesus.
ok someone should nuke Yemen ffs what is wrong with people? also how can it be called age of consent if the consent is being given by the great grandfather? either reexamine the concept or change the defenition to age of consent decided by the family!
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Mar 29, 2019
Yes, beta testing began last week. We're speculating a release somewhere in the 19-26 range if things go well, but that's just a guess. All we know for sure is that DPC *hopes* to release the episode in November but doesn't think that's guaranteed.
What are the chances of us getting the update next Friday, which is what I'm really hoping for?


Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2019
19GB file, no update patch because of what DPC said, and nopy is dead.
Mega would die after 10g... Nopy is dead, all other sites are trash with 6 hour download times for a 1g file. Hopefully someone releases a compressed version fairly quickly
Workupload is good and big files can be split in 2GB parts
Pixeldrain is good and big files can be split in 5GB parts
MediaFire is good and big files can be split in 10GB parts
Letsupload is good and big files can be split in 11GB parts

... and for single file download there are these two...
Gofile is good and has 30GB
FileMail is good and has 50GB
I am disappointed in each and every one of you for consistently overlooking the torrent option. Get one good seed going and everybody will be able to get a taste. My biggest problem is uplink speed. I can download fast, but my local UL is slow, so even getting it piped up to my server would take forever - but if we have a torrent, I could load it up there and just leave it running for the next six months.
What are the chances of us getting the update next Friday, which is what I'm really hoping for?
Extremely slim, but I won't go so far as to call ti impossible. I just think it might be. 19th seems much more reasonable considering when the actual beta period started.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2018
No not really. US is one of these few countries that would but most western countries are fine with it. it. In germany for example it is pretty normal when a 16 year old dates a 22 year old. They get to introtuced to their parents etc.
Even in the US, it depends on the state.

The real problem is Vatican City, where the age of consent is 12. Not kidding.


Active Member
Jun 30, 2020
LAMO, this stuff isn't Shakespeare man,
Yeahh, that has sense.... a little straw man... but still true..

And art isn't subjective, no serious artist will say this,
Wait... what??

"What we call art is nothing more than the inscription of subjectivity"
Roland Barthes.
And thats just art, couse there is a really large tradition in western philosophy that not only the art but even things like knowledge, or even true is a subjective construction:
"In arts and knowledge, like in facts and action, everything relies on the pure apprehention of the subject"
Friederich Schlegel
Actually i cant find a group of literaty theorists (forget the artists) who think that art is objective (guess you mean it can be understood and build acordint to objective rules) with the exeption of the russian formalists and they didn't had to much succed.
though he was considered lowbrow for his time.
Exactly, you see? how subjective it is?. He was lowbrow in a periferic country and now it's synonimous of geniousness in the whole world, that, right there is pure subjetivity. Shakespeares works are the same, it's the subject of his works what completely change in this 400 years. We are different people.
Quite frankly it's insulting to say that because art is "subjective" DPC and William Shakespeare are potentially literary equals.
Well it'is exactly the oposite.
Noone sayd that, couse DPC and William Shakespeare are not equals for us. And they are not couse one of them has 400 years of scholar tradition behind and the other it's primary goal is to masturbate. They are not the same, but art is subjective.
Nov 13, 2019
LAMO, this stuff isn't Shakespeare man, though he was considered lowbrow for his time. It's interactive American Pie.

Shakespeare's work stands on its own merits, and has for a long time. Elizabeth I has been dead for a long time too. Him being one of her court favorites, not the only one btw, has little to do with his popularity. You couldn't name another playwright from that time, only him. This is not a product of Early Modern petty court politics.

And art isn't subjective, no serious artist will say this, though no serious artist will spend their time insisting neoclassical realism is the only legitimate form of artistic expression either. Quite frankly it's insulting to say that because art is "subjective" DPC and William Shakespeare are potentially literary equals.
The irony in this isn't lost on me... but I can see reasoning with you is pointless becuase you just made an insane amount of assumptions based off of what I said that are only tangentially related to what I said but don't really have anything to do with what I was trying to tell you. I don't know how anyone could miss the point that badly unless they where trolling. Art IS subjective no amount of fenagling on your part is going to change thatYou do you man.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Yes, you are correct that Josy is punished even if she isn't caught in bed with the MC. But there are two things to consider here. First, she did still invite someone into the house (and serve him alcohol) without her parent's permission. Second, we know her "dad got to hear an earful about Monica" (which happens in both scenarios).

Given Josy's contentious relationship with her stepmom, I don't think grounding her and confiscating her phone for a couple days is an implausible outcome.
how is it believable that Josy is punished the same way for two completely different things?

we are even told that her father loves Josy very much, so that he punishes her for having sex in his bed is credible, that he punishes her in the same way for having dinner with someone doesn't make sense to me. the presence of wine changes very little, except for wanting to suddenly turn Josy's father into a faded copy of Maya's one

we are not talking about a 14 year old girl, but about a girl who has worked all summer and who is going to college soon.

at this point I much prefer Warscared 's explanation.... he has punished her for cooking, and if she has made pasta with ketch up it seems to me also little

I'm not sure how you can say that when BaDIK isn't finished yet and there ARE a lot of "clockwork" events at play in BaDIK.

Hell, as much as I dislike the Jill blackmail subplot, structurally it was fairly well set up in the story. Jill sees the MC getting into lots of trouble and doing several stupid things, and knows he has no money or safety net. Tybalt's wealth, pettiness, and animosity to the MC are clearly established. The game even makes a big point about how reckless the MC has been during Hell Week. It makes sense that Jill would agree to humor Tybalt in exchange for him going easy on the MC after he and Derek wreck the mansion.

The glaring flaw isn't that this event came out of nowhere, it's that in the next episode Jill seems surprised by the terms she agreed to and suddenly needs Bella's help. (Well, that and the fact that watching Tybalt bore Jill to tears isn't interesting, but that's what I classified as subjective.) I think the idea was that Jill expected Tybalt to be less persistent and realizes she needs reinforcements, but DPC overplayed the scene, IMHO.
If I'm watching a movie and the first half is a light comedy, I don't expect the second half to become a Nolan movie, it could happen, but statistically I would exclude it.

it has nothing to do with whether i liked it or not. it seems clear to me that the construction of the story told, as a succession of causes and effects, is not the central point of BADIK, the central pivot is the creation of situations with strong emotions, with people crying and running away. this for me is basically a soap opera, if for you this is a definition so degrading was not my intention, teen drama is better? the concept does not change

going back to what I was questioning: I was not referring to the plot itself (in which there are things I like and others that I absolutely do not appreciate), but to a whole series of situations in which the game decides not to take into account, essentially for simplicity, and that's fine, but I do not think you can say that in BADIK every aspect is taken into account, DPC takes into account the choices that serve him

so Cathe, in order to give a blowjob, takes off her panties and leaves them in Bella's car, while Quinn and Mc having sex on the roof remains a private news, even if Jacob saw them and then tells it to all the DIKS, Derek's big mouth included (it's not sure yet, but three whole chapters have passed...)


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019
The influx of neophytes into this game has made the thread explosive! My few cents about the game (if you're interested, of course).
For me, the most important plus of the game is the motivation of the characters. The main problem of all porn games on the site, and BaDIK is primarily a porn game - this is the reason why one of the girls starts sucking or lies down under the hero. In CoBD, the main characters are pursued by the whole city. And it was even more strange to see when the hero fucked with girls when he was on the verge of death and life. You read and think: :"Dude, now is clearly not the time to fuck this lame Asian!" BaDIK has never had such thoughts. I understand why Sage, Josy, HOTs, Maya and others began to fuck with him.
hile Quinn and Mc having sex on the roof remains a private news, even if Jacob saw them and then tells it to all the DIKS, Derek's big mouth included (it's not sure yet, but three whole chapters have passed...)
Someday the news about the adventures will become known. Jill finds out that MС is fucking other girls, Josy gets jealous when she finds out that MC is dating Jill. At some point, Sage finds out that MC is fucking Quinn and she gets jealous (I really hope so), and Maya finds out that MC is fucking Josy behind her back. Shit should explode. It's too early to draw conclusions.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Someday the news about the adventures will become known. Jill finds out that MС is fucking other girls, Josy gets jealous when she finds out that MC is dating Jill. At some point, Sage finds out that MC is fucking Quinn and she gets jealous (I really hope so), and Maya finds out that MC is fucking Josy behind her back. Shit should explode. It's too early to draw conclusions.
in that situation, the problem is if Maya knew about it, not Sage, who would have very little to say for that episode (it's Sage who tells MC how much Quinn likes him...)

instead Maya and Josy, who a few hours later might have accepted Mc's offer, I don't think they would be enthusiastic about it.


Engaged Member
Mar 29, 2019
I am disappointed in each and every one of you for consistently overlooking the torrent option. Get one good seed going and everybody will be able to get a taste. My biggest problem is uplink speed. I can download fast, but my local UL is slow, so even getting it piped up to my server would take forever - but if we have a torrent, I could load it up there and just leave it running for the next six months.
Extremely slim, but I won't go so far as to call ti impossible. I just think it might be. 19th seems much more reasonable considering when the actual beta period started.
Doesn't beta testing last somewhere between 7-9 days though? The problem is DPC didn't mention when exactly it started. So if we assume it started on Monday, we might just get the update next week. But he still has to announce the release dates and he usually does that on a Friday, so the 19th really is the possible release date, if there aren't any major problems during the testing.
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Jun 7, 2017
how is it believable that Josy is punished the same way for two completely different things?

we are even told that her father loves Josy very much, so that he punishes her for having sex in his bed is credible, that he punishes her in the same way for having dinner with someone doesn't make sense to me. the presence of wine changes very little, except for wanting to suddenly turn Josy's father into a faded copy of Maya's one
Don't forget that Josy tells that things had gone heated with Monica and that his father got an earful.
So the date pb is just the match that light the powder. The punishment is logic in both situation.
MC stays and they are caught fucking in the parents bed or not, both went to an altercation with her father and the subsequent punishment.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
The glaring flaw isn't that this event came out of nowhere, it's that in the next episode Jill seems surprised by the terms she agreed to and suddenly needs Bella's help. (Well, that and the fact that watching Tybalt bore Jill to tears isn't interesting, but that's what I classified as subjective.) I think the idea was that Jill expected Tybalt to be less persistent and realizes she needs reinforcements, but DPC overplayed the scene, IMHO.
Well that certainly wasn't my interpretation. Jill wasn't surprised, she knows Tybalt is being disingenuous (though apparently not that he's trying to get in her pants). But being a sheltered snowflake, she doesn't know how to placate Tybalt without pissing him off & putting the MC at 'risk'. Hence the plea to Bella for help dealing with Tybalt.
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Any contrived excuse to smash Tybalt in the balls is totally worth it though.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2018
Doesn't beta testing last somewhere between 7-9 days though? The problem is DPC didn't mention when exactly it started. So if we assume it started on Monday, we might just get the update next week. But he still has to announce the release dates and he usually does that on a Friday, so the 19th really is the possible release date, if there aren't any major problems during the testing.
Normally, but they have to at least partially redo the beta testing for the whole game, so I would expect it to take longer this time than in the past - hopefully not doubling or more, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was two or more weeks.
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