
Feb 26, 2021
Or because she gazes longingly at the picture she drew of him on the train while talking about what she left behind.
Yeah but is it longing for her best friend or longing for someone she wants to be in a relationship with? We don't know because Zoey literally acts the same at the start of the Interlude as she does at the end :KEK: The fact that Zoey thought they were just fuck buddies the way she acts around him is so baffling that it actually breaks my suspension of disbelief, but that's just me I guess. I get where you're coming from though.
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Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
In fact, I thought the preview would be only next week, since Pink needs some time to create an environment, but the fact that he showed the preview now means that the work is in full swing!
Apparently, this is a preview from Sage's branch and she's after a shower.
Was it interesting before he met the Burkes or after? :unsure:
Logically, this is after the meeting with the Burkes, because EP8 ends with them going to the Burkes.:rolleyes:

At least it appears that the MC can have committed to be in a relationship with Sage and still survive the meeting at the Burke's. :unsure:
The MC doesn't necessarily have to have chosen Sage. After all, he took care of Sage when she was sick. But one thing seems indisputable. Sage and the MC are damn good friends. Actually, even better friends than Zoey and the MC. Sage and the MC's friendship relationship is much deeper emotionally.:rolleyes:

Yup felt it could've easily been condensed down into a short prologue for episode 9... Was totally uninterested in the drama with the tattoo chick and her "friends"... 15 minutes focusing on Zoey's grandmothers death, her moving away, her struggling over there then coming back would've been enough instead of an hour long thing. The most interesting part for me was seeing them three girls in the episode 9 teaser :LUL:
No, that couldn't have been summed up in a short prologue for EP9. DPC put in variables for Zoey, he couldn't have done that with a flashback. In order to make a decision for Zoey, we as players need to get to know Zoey.

I had missed the preview, as first preview rightly little shocking

probably an after sex picture, Sage looks very serious, maybe she just let herself go to some sentimentality, or she's holding back from laughing at MC's emotional outburst
Sorry, but I have to disagree with that. Sage's face and hand gesture indicate that something serious happened. What that might be is in the realm of speculation and probably depends on the choices each player has made. I'm thinking of what the one guy from the gym said to the MC. Not fighting is sometimes a luxury.

Important decision
- EP2 beat up jocks
- EP5 mess with Caleb
- EP5 Beat up Tybalt
- EP7 Throwing the Alphas out of HOT's house.

The Mc told Sage in EP2 that he only does martial arts to defend himself or others. The problem is whether the MC has enough true friends to stand by him. We should also remember that Quinn wants to distract the Alphas so they don't show up at the Halloween party. If there's one thing we know about Quinn, it's that her plans very often don't work out.:rolleyes::unsure:


Active Member
Jul 1, 2017
The MC doesn't necessarily have to have chosen Sage. After all, he took care of Sage when she was sick. But one thing seems indisputable. Sage and the MC are damn good friends. Actually, even better friends than Zoey and the MC. Sage and the MC's friendship relationship is much deeper emotionally.:rolleyes:
Now I'm not opposed to Sage letting him stay the night despite not being on her path (for the exact reason you gave). But her having her tits out while holding MC would imply that this preview features a Sage path.


Active Member
Jul 1, 2017
Of course EP9 contains the Sage path. But so that her nipples are a little bit to see, does not mean so that the preview explicitly belongs to the Sage path. Sage has also worked out in her underwear with the MC without explicitly following the Sage path.

Sage is wet and probably came out of the shower in a hurry because something just probably happened.
I would argue it does, assuming I'm correct, we've never gotten any slips or nudity from Sage unless we're explicitly on her path. Does this mean we will never get moment like in the preview while only being friends with Sage? No, I don't think so. But I do think it's more likely than not that this preview is from Sage's path. Otherwise we'd have to make more assumptions that we wouldn't have to unless we were on her path. Assumptions like

- Sage willing to let MC stay the night for an unexplained reason.
- You see her exposed and she seemingly doesn't care.
- Sage is embracing MC in what appears to be a loving and tender moment. It could also be just a friendly hold.

2/3 of those instances (assuming the 3rd is only a friendly hold) only occur during a Sage route.


May 14, 2018
There was never, and will never, be an official patch from 7 to 8, because he changed from 32-bit to 64-bit RenPy. Some members of the community made an unofficial patch, but it was easier to just torrent the whole thing from RPDL.
He's been in college less than 2 months. Excluding Bella, I doubt most of them would know if they were pregnant in that time window in the first place.

Not to say I'm not trying, of course.

Jill was the only one worried about it. Meaning if you cream pied her chances are she is aware that she can get pregs at that time show who knows lol be a fun way to ad to the problems MC has lol
Dec 6, 2019
I think that getting a pregnant option will make the game fun with the drama that might come with it given if that's how you play the game. It would definitely add another layer to the story and I'm All for that.
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Active Member
Jul 1, 2017
Even if the player is not on the Sage path, there is nudity from Sage. EP7 shower scene, SMS from EP1 or EP2.

Also, both Sage and the MC have no problem with nudity per se. I have seen friends of mine naked and there was no problem.

FKK = Free Body Culture (Freikörperkultur).

Imagine a good friend of yours just got hurt and you find out while you're in the shower. You dry off in peace, put on your clothes in peace, in the case of a woman makeup has to be applied, and then you go to your friend who is lying injured in your bed just one room away. Awesome. What a friendship. (Sarcasm)
I should have been more clear, no nudity that MC gets to see. Those pictures are sent if you're fuck buddies with Sage, there's one she sends of her in her underwear if she likes you (High RP).

It's not about having a "problem" per se, but they don't have any reason to expose themselves. Especially Sage since she made the effort to put clothes on in the first place (assuming this is a friend route). Plus we see MC get a little nervous about entering the changing room at the Pink Rose (full of strippers, mind you)

Lol, all the more reason to believe this render is from the Sage path.


Feb 8, 2022
01. my MC is not a fuck friend of Sage and still gets the picture sent by Sage.:rolleyes:
Did you bang at the Hots party? fairly sure that opens up the sage path. otherwise, odd the guide says you need to be on her path for that conversation.
I can't verify Rn since I can never say no to Sage...


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2021
It wouldn't shock me if she did. She is a "Dudley Do Right" and she is extremly angry the guy she fell in love with and best friend both played her. She has that "I am going to stab you over 50 times to death, chop your dick, watch you bleed to death and eat your organs angry face going on.
So, my Jill-as-an-active-shooter scenario still has legs. (y) :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2021
For Sage fans, that latest image can be only one thing.

MC tells Sage that he likes history, and that he is going to tell Sage a poem from Leo Marks of WWII code/poem writing fame.

And that to make it work, MC has changed one word to give it purpose.

The life that I have
Is all that I have
And the life that I have
Is yours.

The love that I have
Of the life that I have
Is yours and yours and yours.

A sleep I shall have
A rest I shall have
Yet this will be but a pause.

For the peace of my years
In the long green grass
Will be yours and yours and yours

:D :love:

.....Sage: "Oh MC, that is so beautiful!
Now get your ass out there and fix the icemaker on the fridge...."


Conversation Conqueror
Jan 2, 2021
I can't import my S2 end save because previous port was from different person from this one? Using s3 DA android port. Help please I wanna fap :-|
Go analog ! 2a9061a80882d8105b0d6066798e81fe.gif :LOL:
Besides Android... :FacePalm: This game is just too big for it... the transfer system fucks up the plan of joiplay... the dude who's been doing this port was spotted by MEGA ( me and Techstar have explicitly warned folks not to use MEGA based on our own experiences ) which means creating new accounts won't solve this problem for him and dropping off new projects will be dicey ( it will be detected in short it will get removed and your " new " account will be suspended shortly... ;):p ) And the ultimate reason... officially there is no Android release and with good reason ! :LOL::ROFLMAO:;)

So get at least a laptop and play this game from there... fapping works any other ways :LOL::ROFLMAO::KEK:
There was nothing to see in Darius' face.
Nope :p Because " what's his face " here means in a polite way : Who the fuck is this tosser anyway ?! :oops::rolleyes::unsure:
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Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
I don't understand the point....

Zoey arrives in San Diego in the summer, in early fall at the latest, if her grandmother died at the end of the previous school year it doesn't create any problems (we actually don't know how long the grieving lasts and how much time Zoey takes to decide).

Mc has an entire (or at least almost entire) school year ahead of him, which of course lasts less than 12 months.
That timing still seems off. The MC says he'll know trigonometry "in spring." If this takes place at the end of the MC's junior year (i.e. the spring semester), that's an odd way to phrase it. Also, it would mean Zoey must have flunked trig in the MC's sophomore year (or at least the fall of his junior year, if we assume trig is taught separately in both semesters), since otherwise she wouldn't have known for certain she'd failed yet. That's a long time for her to be waiting around to make it up.

The scene makes the most sense in the fall of the MC's senior year.

the question of their first time is binding for Patreon, it can't become so no matter what we are told, we can also think that MC turns 18, they have sex, Nana died, and Zoey shortly after leaves for San Diego. even in this hypothesis from when she leaves to when she comes back a year passes, she leaves with MC who has celebrated 18 and comes back who has already turned 19 a while ago
We know the MC's birthday is in roughly the third week of the B&R fall semester because he turned 19 in Episode 6. We can say with certainty that any sex taking place before his senior year in high school would be before he turned 18.

Thus if we want to stay strictly above board, that likewise forces the Interlude into the mid-fall in the MC's senior year. The timeline fits all the known (retconned) data points. The only issue is that it means the MC's "FWB" relationship with Zoey lasted at most 2 months. But that's a side effect of giving the MC a sexual history prior to his 19th birthday. There's not much room to work with, and Zoey needed to be long enough ago that the MC had started to move on.

DPC should have had the MC take a year off to save up for college (so he'd have turned 20 in Episode 6), but he probably wasn't thinking through all the implications of his backstories when the game got started.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2017
The MC doesn't necessarily have to have chosen Sage. After all, he took care of Sage when she was sick. But one thing seems indisputable. Sage and the MC are damn good friends. Actually, even better friends than Zoey and the MC. Sage and the MC's friendship relationship is much deeper emotionally.:rolleyes:
Come on man, you know the game too good to be saying that. There is no girl at B&R that comes even close emotionally to what MC felt for Zoey. You can't fake growing up together, you cant replace or replicate those memories and you cant get to that level of trust in 6 months or even a year or 2.

You know I'm not a fan of Zoey or the interlude, but imo 2 scenes had to be shown to move forward. The first is MC sitting on the bench after Zoey left, frozen in spacetime, lying to her that he's walking home, unable to cope with what just happened - he might not have realized it back then, because he had nothing to compare it to, but he loved her with all his heart. I think the "Let's move to Miami" scene with MC not even thinking and just saying "I'm in" served to get that point across.

And the second is Zoey coming to the realization that nothing matters more in her life than what she had with MC.

To me, and thats all just my take, there will be no "war" Zoey vs the Li you have choosen at the end of Ep8, it will be about if MC will forgive Zoey for hurting him ( The scene where she says "all i really need to be happy is ..." and MC just replies "ok..." ) and if she will tell him how she feels. And then there will be a choice obviously, but 100% sure, that choice will be in the players hand.

But as of right now, if you throw Zoey and any other girl into a river with both of them drowing and MC can only save one ? Well there is no choice right now, I assume that's the main message DPC wanted to get across with the interlude.

Even in the final phonecall ... Shock, confusion and then concern ... "Is she okay?"

But as I said, there is no doubt she will require a choice, so people shouldnt fear her or see her as a threat. She is probably what DPC had in mind for the "happiest of endings", Hollywood style.
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