I am incredibly dissapointed. No one can deny that DPC is a great artist and we all enjoy his work and for that we should thank him. However, this last episode makes me think that he’s hit a roadblock.
He has either become very lazy in his work, the amount of meaningful content in this does not fit 6 months of development time let alone 1 year as we have it now, especially with the funding that he is getting.
Or he has hit a developmental roadblock, this happens sometimes, Winds of winter being one of them, and this happens when you convolute the plot to such a point where you don’t know how to establish a narratively satisfying story. That could also explain why he spent half the budget on the meaningless halloween intro of extremely beautiful moving animation which pleases the eye but let’s down everything else.
My opinion is that he should start making an endpoint and finish up this story with grace and then establish a new project where he can start a new and therefore gain a straightforward line of work. We all love these characters but I feel like, the plot should come to a conclusion and therefore so we can end these characters with a good and satisfying ending.