It's not really forced if it been built up to.
Forced Drama is putting drama out of nowhere without a purpose or where it's unnecessary.
Tommy finding out that MC fucked Josy on their parent bed, Josy dad being clearly angry about it, then there the fact Tommy will be mad MC wasn't mad enough to talk to him about it especially being a DIK brother. I mean look how he reacted when Quinn did something disrespectful to the DIKs. Then fact the other DIKs hide it from him showed that it would pissed off a lot.
I don't think it'll be serious but it'll cause more tension between the two because he's already jealous of him in a way, now to add he's fucking his sister, then didn't talk to him about it. Pretty much is disrespectful towards him in a way that it'll add more tension between them.
Will see, I don't have faith in DPC that he is capable to make it feel organic.
We talking about a guy, who writing scenarios, of Sage disliking Jill because she think she dates Tybalt, but immediately became BFF once she found out she is not.
or that none of the characters actually telling MC who Sage parents are, not even after they saw a video of him Fucking her mother, they dont say a word to him, even then.
Tommy is just one of these. at least you right about the fear of Josy dad finding out, it was MC who she Fucked with on her parents bed. at least that feels realistic, being afraid of Tommy is not.
and weak drama creates weak solution, like the Fuck fuck Fuck in the end of episode 8.
But knowing DPC I won't be surprised if Tommy think it was Jacob who fucked them, since for some reason they assumed Sage was coming out from Jacob room, too.
Do you think he give us a proper scenario when MC be like: Hey, Tommy, if you genuinely worried for Josy and look at for her best interest , I can assure you she is in good hands. But if this is about You, and how that Make you feel, then Fuck off, its none of your bussines.
- I don't know,