To me the Maya and Josy revelation was so far the biggest curveball and a textbook curveball at that. Like how many posts have we seen of people asking how to get rid of one of the two ?
You play the game and you really like one of the two and then you find out you have to either share her with a girl you dislike or you lose her.
I really wish we could start a poll to find out how many, if given the choice, would've chosen Josy or Maya over both.
I have a feeling the result would make it look more like a punishment than a gift and at least to me it was 100% unexpected and a huge bummer.
but that was the story DPC wanted to tell, without that situation it would not have been BADIk, but another game
if from the meeting in MC's future room a couple other than M&J would have come out, Maya's problem would have been solved (if she had been with MC she had nothing to hide, if she had lost Josy, living in hiding or waiting for her college years would have been a minor effort), at that point no more scavenger hunt, no more danger from Patrick's visit, no more Sage's intervention to help Maya... practically 60-70% of BADIk's story would have been skipped, basically only Tybalt's blackmail would have been left... not a good prospect...
as a general rule: in my opinion, DPC often exaggerated these moments and did not always achieve the desired effect.
I am not convinced that the reaction to certain moments was always what DPC had intended.