Ah... this is a difficult one. I have stated in the past that I think Quinn is one of the best characters in this game and that I think it is insane she is not a main LI.In fact, there is nothing in common between Quinn and Joffrey. By the way, Joffrey is not a polarizing character at all. He doesn't love anyone. He's just a nutcase and a sadist who enjoys the torment of others. We can't say the same about Quinn. There is no evidence that she likes to cause someone physical pain. The case with the taser does not fit, because we do not know what force the charge was. Perhaps Fuckface is not the first one who was brought to the place for the cum-petition in this way. Yes, it's maybe like bullying college freshmen. But the same can be said about all the DIK's trials. They seem very hardcore. Therefore, it is impossible to accuse Quinn of sadism using the example with taser. In addition, we can see that Quinn is very warm to his father and cherishes the memory of him. She is no stranger to bright human feelings. Unlike Joffrey. It's not Joffrey's fault, he's just the product of incest- a defective, sick person. All the cruel actions that Quinn commits, she commits under the pressure of circumstances. And Joffrey is for his own pleasure. Therefore, it is not correct to compare these characters.
Now, does that mean I think she is a good person? No. She is absolutely horrible to almost everyone. The MC is a big exception here, because she has feelings for him. That doesn't make her a good person though. I think that rather soon the MC will find out what Quinn is doing when she's not fucking broccoli guy, and it is not going to be pretty.
In all likelihood there will be a big decision tied to this. And let's not fool ourselves, most people will probably want to save Quinn from herself. Let's see how that's going to work out. Hope really is a cruel mistress. For what it's worth, I don't think Quinn is beyond "saving". Not yet at least.