Hey! I hope you're having a wonderful day!
So, the game is now being created in two separate launchers.
Seasons 1 and 2 feature Episodes 1-8. After you've finished this, you might want to move on to the interlude and season 3.
You should download "Season 1 - 2" first. This will provide you with Episodes 1-8.
Download Season 1& 2 from any of these links:
After you've finished that, you'll carry on to Season 3. This comprises the interlude and Episodes 9 (more are in the works).
Download Season 3 and Interlude from any of these links:
Don't copy and paste anything from season 1 & 2 files into season 3. These are seperate launchers!
Ignore "Patch Interlude to EP 9" this is only for people who downloaded the interlude and need to update it to include episode 9.
Hope this helped![/spoiler]