Nice analysis.
I still have one candidate.
He is good candidate too, because he is in fact the very first (of those whom we can notice) who visited the bathroom.
What if this major choice wasn't designed to expose a cheater?
I, personally, never told that. I think it's mostly the choice of sharing the boat with cheater(s) or sink this boat, while neutrality allows us just not participate and watch where is this boat going. Any choice will have consequences and I doubt that you will like both Chick and DIK ones, while Neutral are hardly achievable at that moment, since you can do only 3 Chick or DIK choices previously to get this option.
What if this major choice wasn't designed to expose a cheater?
No LI runs the risk of being the cheater. They don't go to the toilet and they also learn everything.
No MG - 100%, but I'm not sure in SGs. I hope it will not touch them too.
- In EP8, if you pay attention, you know what to study and when to get 110% on every midterm. Oddly enough, English has to be learned together with Josy, Maya, Derek and the MC.
you can boost one up to 140% or do a balanced preparation and get 120% for both, add here Derek's cheats and Magnar boosts and all this tests are quite easy at the second half of Season 2. Regarding learning English, it's because last time they learned math, with only difference - w/o Derek, but with Jill.
- In EP9 actually all cheat contestants are not at the dorm party. You learn.
emm, what? EP8 probably? Also, studying doesn't guarantee that person will not cheat. Studying and cheating gives the better result. Because otherwise you will look very suspective during midterms. Just like Gina. And she participated at the dorm party, she had a lot of fun there
Guy to the left is the one, whom we also met and the Halloween party (not 100% sure, since some model details are different, like hands and nose? but profile and hair are 100% matching):
But now comes something interesting.
But it doesn't end there. The MC then meets Sage later that same day. On the same day? Isabella was wearing the top that day, which Sage recognized in EP9. Sage also asks the MC if he has studied and gives the MC some tips about the midterm exams. Sage is a Burke, that will be important later.
While WE (as players) haven't seen Bella in this outfit, I suppose Sage had. It looks like her "home" outfit, since she wears it when checking the tests in EP9, also she comes in this outfit to the party. Sage has nothing with Bella regarding midterms/exams/whatever, Bella is not her teacher, she is her mentor on diploma work.
Of course Sage gave MC some tips, because she is oh her 4rd year, while MC is a freshman.
You put a sence into everything and link absolutely different events at the same time. Sometimes you should just hear and trust people, w/o any overthinking. We haven't seen Elena in classes and even in campus. To link her somehow to the cheating sheets and this particular midterms we need to know 100% that she was there same day. Midterms takes time (2 hours?), and I don't think that those cheating papers was intended and left for a different groups of students.
Even for one group, such cheating is arrogance and an incredible risk, but leaving them there even longer is just madness. And it is unlikely that the questions and tests are the same for students of different years as well. Elena on her 2nd? And if I remember right MC mentioned while talking with Maya that they will have common classes like English and math only during the first year.
It's just a fun moment with Elena and I heavliy doubt, that she occupy bathroom booth in campus for hours to play a 3-tile on phone.
Isabella met with Isabella when she was wearing the particular top, i.e. after the MC asked Isabella about the English test questions. Sage informs her father about this and there is a reason for that. That reason could be Cathy.

So, we have 2 Bella's ? or have you made a typo again?
So, MC, jokingly, asks Bella about the answers to the tests (or at least just checks the boundaries of what is allowed), Bella... she goes to Sage (we remember that she had a preconceived opinion about her, which changed after a couple of meetings in the library regarding her diploma work) to get answers to tests for MC... and puts them in the bathroom booth. Since MC did not ask anyone about math, but it is the answers to it that he finds first. I would say that this is all far-fetched. What Cathy? She changed job a weeks ago...
Cathy had connections to the DIKs, especially Rusty. She helped the DIKs from the beginning and I think also with the midterm exams for the freshmen. The Diks had their hands full with the founding and perhaps had the wrong priorities. She gave the DIKs the test questions for English and mathematics. Cathy will have informed Stephen about this in her letter of resignation. But Stephen has to react now.
Rusty is on 3rd year and definitely haven't English and math classes and tests. We haven't seen any other DIKs in classes with an except for Derek, since MC and him are both freshmen and on 1st year.
Cathy was intimate with Stephen, while Bella probably not (if she is not liying regarding 3 years w/o man). Cathy doesn't have feelings for Stephen, it was just an affair. That's why she even ventured to use Swyper. Stephen is interested in Bella, it's obvious, but just like in the case of Cathy, it's not about feelings, but about the desire to have an affair and sex.
With the help of Sage, he puts Elena in the bathroom, where Elena discovers the papers. She waits to see who uses her and that includes the MC. He has it in hand. The only problem now is so that the MC can be good at math and Cathy noticed that too. So Stephen changed the English test questions beforehand. How? The questions and answers were the same, but the order was not.
oh god

Do you even realise that MC should be on Bella's branch for this to work, because otherwise we have an option with Bella not liking MC (for example). The same with Elena. If you won't accept her special shot at the dorm party, then they are not bonding and become friends. Scene in Halloween then played in this way:
Why the hell Elena have to help MC if she even doesn't consider him as friend? And not even help, but take a risk and do a dirty stuff, for the sake of what? Why you think that somebody would help MC while he even never asked for? This cheating sheets was prepared for some person or a several persons and our major choice probably won't touch MC himself, but may (and probably will) affect somebody else fate and college life, and as it usually happenes, chain of events will play out in a couple of ways at least. All this may accumulate to the end of the game with some of other our choices and actions (smoking weed, probably doing different drugs in the future, public sex, using restaraunt, affairs with teachers...), so even MC can be affected and get a bad game ending due to this, but don't expect something, at least until the second half or end of S4 in such case.
Since we haven't any differences in scenes with Bella, Elena, Sage regarding midterms and so on - it haven't any sence.
Why is that important? The DIKs still had the old first semester intermediate exam questions and Isabella stands out so that they are the correct answers to other questions. The trap worked. The MC is clean because he had the right answers to the right questions. But the person who didn't have that learned with the old midterm exam questions that the DIKs had. Stephen Burke makes a deal and finds out who cheated and can watch that person. Why should he do that?
First part of this is a good take. I mean it may explain where and how this answers came from. And why somebody fucked up putting correct answers to a non-matching questions. Somebody was in a hurry or just too dumb.
But it's just a version, since we haven't a clue how tests and questions are changed from year to year. Are they just being mixed or they changed in a more complex way. Because the other reason for this to happen is that you need to remember all answers well, including the questions numbers. It's easy to fuck up just by reading and trying to remember things. Especially when you hurry, dumb or you doesn't study at all, but just trying to rely on such cheating stuff at midterms and exams. Who was a definitely "not ready" stereotype, so MC noticed that? Gina. She even didn't tried to write something. She was sitting with empty papers, relying on those cheating sheets in the bathroom booth.
This person resold Cathy's old freshmen midterm exam questions and that is not good for B&R. I thought of Tommy first
Tommy wouldn't sell anything to the alphas that would help them. But Dawe and Anthony failed the exams. At this, Anthony mentioned to Cathy that he passed the exams, to which Cathy says he didn't. Cathy realized that Dawe and Anthony were cheating because Cathy had already changed the midterm exam questions a year earlier and let them both fail the exams. She did this partly to protect herself. Here we have a reason why Cathy Cluck existed in EP4. Cathy wanted Dawe and Anthony out of the way because of the midterm exams. Then the MC also humiliated Dawe in EP2 and the DIKs fucked his Arieth. Pure revenge and two birds with one stone.
Another good take. Alphas is also a plausible version, especially in conjunction with those mismatched questions/answers. Since even to cheat, the person should have some intelligence, but Dawe & Anthony are dumb as fuck, like Arieth. And since we seen Anthony and Dawe at this midterms... As I said it also sounds plausible. They are not freshmen, I even can't predict how much years they failed math and English classes. Cathy mentioned that both will probably stay for another year. So it's already happened, we just don't know how much times.