
May 14, 2023
the realization that we (myself included) are playing a game where most of the girls we meet instantly melt into a wet puddle at our feet, as if they are nazis and the mc's dick is the lost ark, but then feel comfortable throwing around terms like "in real life" to make points for our theories.....:unsure::LOL::ROFLMAO:

fuck it, im too far gone to turn back now. so, about vinny pulling the gun.

what i see as the irl issues here are that the mc walks into his room, sees vinny trashing it and stops to have a convo first. thats an instant beat down imo, which probably negates vinny having a gun in the first place because vinny wouldnt have seen it comming, and the strikes you dont see comming are the most likely to knock you out.
but ok, it happened, we had the convo, it didnt go well. mc punches vinny in the mouth, and then.........stands back, waiting for vinny to ready himself, when he should have kept throwing, and again possibly negating vinny having the gun. vinny then lifts his shirt to flash the gun thats tucked into the front of his pants (proving hes a real dumbshit gangster). and he does this while in reach of mc, who again, despite being full of liquid courage, does nothing. had he reacted, he either takes the gun, or they struggle, the gun goes off, and happens to be pointed right at vinnys dick, which again, negates vinny having a gun.

you all can debate the likelyhood of successfully disarming a person whos already pointing a gun at your head, and i agree that the chances are slim, but the mc has proven that through courage or stupidity, he has the balls to take on anyone. so how the fuck did it get to the point where vinny had him in that position?
I don't really accept that all the girls just instantly melt for the mc:
  • Josy had a crush on him while they worked together. He was the quiet shy guy and she thought he looked cute, plus compared to Steve, the mc was angelic. So Josy's interest in the mc had a head start, and then when they started talking, they hit it off, drank some vodka and because she was lonely (due to her long distance relationship), they started making out. Shit got complicated but they fucked.
  • Maya was nice to him when he stacked it like an ass in front of her, and due to her brother's meddling, she ended up sharing a room with the mc. She felt somewhat comfortable with him, and things escalated. Sharing a room with a girl is a sure fire way to start something, even if she's with someone else. The mc helping her out with the scavenger hunt certainly didn't hurt the situation.
  • Bella tried to avoid the mc and he hounded the shit outta her. Initially, when he was drunk and kissed her that night, it awakened feelings in her she thought were long gone. Those feelings weren't necessarily for him, but just sexual feelings in general. But due to the mc's persistence, she eventually started to like him.
  • Jill befriended him ever so slightly when he was being bullied by the jocks (when she helped him up), and then the Chad attacked accelerated things, with the mc not wanting to get medical treatment, Jill's caring nature lead her to have him stay the night. This formed a bit of a bond with him, and then with Bella's nudging, Jill and the mc started to date.
  • Sage took advantage of the mc's opposition to the jock's (and the fact that he was an unknown entity) to get him to spy on Chad. Also she took advantage of him to help herself feel more desirable after repeatedly being overlooked by her boyfriend (and she felt she was getting back at Chad by starting a sexual relationship with the mc given that she believed Chad also had someone on the side). Sage never intended to start something serious with the mc, he was fuckbuddy, that's all.
So there's all the main LIs, and I gotta hand it to DPC, none of those stories are pathetically contrived, they all hold up well enough.

Moving on to other characters:
  • Quinn saw his dick when she pranked him during the panty raid, so she chose him for the CUMPetition, and then she started amusing herself with him and Maya since Maya was pledging to be a HOT and Quinn really had no intention of her making it. But eventually she starts enjoying fucking (figuratively) with the mc, and when they get high together on the DIKs' roof, she starts enjoying his company more. Quinn having sex with him wasn't a big deal, but her getting feelings for him is what is significant in this relationship.
  • Jade got fed up with her philandering husband, and decided to have her own fun at the college. The mc just happened to be at the right place at the right time. I'm not sure how far Jade intended to take it, but the rush she was getting with all the sneaking around and fucking became addictive. I don't think she really gave too much of a shit about the mc.
  • Cathy was lonely and looking for someone on Swyper, and she had some online fun with the mc. But when the mc told her he knew it was her, she took a risk for the thrill (she may have also been emboldened because she knew she was leaving).
  • Cammy's first experience with the mc was part of the prank with Quinn, but next was when he paid her for a blow job. She took it further because she wanted too. She's also sucking other guys' cocks in the glory hole, but when the mc caught her with Mona spying on him changing, the mc took control and they went with it. Basically Cammy's pretty easy going with sex (even if she didn't want her face associated with the prostitution ring - that's why she went for blowjobs only).
  • Mona pretty much just went along with Cammy in that scene, but it's not like she's all over the mc. She likes sex, that's about it.
  • Riona is just a party girl who likes to make out and fuck from time-to-time, but she does like the mc's cock... because it's fucking big. But she's starting to like him more and more because he is kind to her, and actually listens.
  • Sally has pretty much hated him from the beginning, but after 9 episodes she's starting to thaw.
  • Melanie & Sarah (they always come as a pair) seem to be fucking him to one-up each other. It's the best way to be used. :sneaky:
  • Heather hasn't liked him much but is using him because she's angry at Tommy and he happened to be at the right place at the right time.
  • Nicole enjoyed being fucked up the ass by his massive cock while on the clock, but it was only after she got to know him on Swyper that she started to like him.
  • Lily let him do a few sexual things to her because it's her line of business, but she's really warmed up to the mc because she can see he's accumulating a lot of clout with the DIKs.
  • Nora got talked into it by the mc. It was gonna be a one-time thing but she definitely enjoyed herself.
  • Zoey was his friend for a few years before they started to fuck.
  • Tara fucked him through a glory hole and didn't even know it was him
  • Karen is fuckign terrified of him! (Although she did like it when he was teasing Sally at the bar).
  • Ashley has admitted that the mc isn't her type, and only let him lick her cunt under duress.
  • Rose fucked the mc because Nicole has been raving about him.
  • Sandy fucked the mc because he was there. Her motto: "If it moves, fuck it. If it doesn't move, fuck it anyway". :eek:
  • Becky gave the mc a blowjob at a party, no big deal.
  • Madame Rose didn't do anything did she. Because you didn't pay her to do anything. Exactly.
  • Bianca is drooling over the mc because she is a bitch of a friend. Serves her right that her husband is already cheating on her (or else, she already knows and she figures if a guy has managed to get Jill wet, he must be special).
And I think I've covered everyone that the mc has fucked (or mostly fucked).

One of the really good things about the story is that even though the mc is potentially fucking so many girls, the lead in is different for almost all of them. The build up for each is different. Of course the mc is getting a reputation. So it's getting easier for him to seduce new girls, both his confidence and his dick's reputation are a major assist.

I don't find any of it too hard to believe, except how much jizz he can coat a girl with when she's his third for a night. :sneaky:

So all of that said, I don't have a problem with people comparing things to real life experiences. Sure, some suspension of disbelief is occasionally required, and some scenes are played purely for laughs and are not to be taken seriously, but that doesn't diminish the consideration for the more serious aspects (like the gun scene).

So now that I've got all that off my chest ...

I wouldn't expect the mc to just see Vinny and start punching. The mc has shown himself not to be that kinda guy all along, even if he did take down the Jocks at the gym, it was because Dawe had already gone on the offensive and he saw them as backup arriving. The mc talking to Vinny is exactly what I'd expect this mc to do. Of course if he knew Vinny was packing, that's a different story, but he didn't know.

When the mc punched Vinny, he did it after Vinny only pushed him. The mc figured one good hit and Vinny'd back off. So he waited after he punched him. Once again, it's not like the mc to just pummel someone into the ground simply because he was pushed. If a guy pushes you so you just beat him into unconsciousness, that's a total overreaction (unless you're expecting a lot worse trouble). Even when Troy pushed the mc, the mc retaliated in the same way as he did with Vinny.

But then Vinny flashes the gun. The mc froze, because he's never been in such a situation and never expected it. He saw a gun and it scared the shit outta him. Even if he did try to attack Vinny at that point, Vinny only had to move backwards and the likelihood was the mc could have been shot. I doubt the mc calculated any of that though, he probably just though, "Oh my god a fucking gun!"

You could see the mc was dumbfounded as soon as he saw the gun. He didn't say another word until Vinny was gone, and even when Vinny struck him in the face with the gun, he just kinda stood there. It's not a surprising response from anyone.

Dark Silence

Devoted Member
Jul 17, 2021
I don't really accept that all the girls just instantly melt for the mc:
  • Josy had a crush on him while they worked together. He was the quiet shy guy and she thought he looked cute, plus compared to Steve, the mc was angelic. So Josy's interest in the mc had a head start, and then when they started talking, they hit it off, drank some vodka and because she was lonely (due to her long distance relationship), they started making out. Shit got complicated but they fucked.
  • Maya was nice to him when he stacked it like an ass in front of her, and due to her brother's meddling, she ended up sharing a room with the mc. She felt somewhat comfortable with him, and things escalated. Sharing a room with a girl is a sure fire way to start something, even if she's with someone else. The mc helping her out with the scavenger hunt certainly didn't hurt the situation.
  • Bella tried to avoid the mc and he hounded the shit outta her. Initially, when he was drunk and kissed her that night, it awakened feelings in her she thought were long gone. Those feelings weren't necessarily for him, but just sexual feelings in general. But due to the mc's persistence, she eventually started to like him.
  • Jill befriended him ever so slightly when he was being bullied by the jocks (when she helped him up), and then the Chad attacked accelerated things, with the mc not wanting to get medical treatment, Jill's caring nature lead her to have him stay the night. This formed a bit of a bond with him, and then with Bella's nudging, Jill and the mc started to date.
  • Sage took advantage of the mc's opposition to the jock's (and the fact that he was an unknown entity) to get him to spy on Chad. Also she took advantage of him to help herself feel more desirable after repeatedly being overlooked by her boyfriend (and she felt she was getting back at Chad by starting a sexual relationship with the mc given that she believed Chad also had someone on the side). Sage never intended to start something serious with the mc, he was fuckbuddy, that's all.
So there's all the main LIs, and I gotta hand it to DPC, none of those stories are pathetically contrived, they all hold up well enough.

Moving on to other characters:
  • Quinn saw his dick when she pranked him during the panty raid, so she chose him for the CUMPetition, and then she started amusing herself with him and Maya since Maya was pledging to be a HOT and Quinn really had no intention of her making it. But eventually she starts enjoying fucking (figuratively) with the mc, and when they get high together on the DIKs' roof, she starts enjoying his company more. Quinn having sex with him wasn't a big deal, but her getting feelings for him is what is significant in this relationship.
  • Jade got fed up with her philandering husband, and decided to have her own fun at the college. The mc just happened to be at the right place at the right time. I'm not sure how far Jade intended to take it, but the rush she was getting with all the sneaking around and fucking became addictive. I don't think she really gave too much of a shit about the mc.
  • Cathy was lonely and looking for someone on Swyper, and she had some online fun with the mc. But when the mc told her he knew it was her, she took a risk for the thrill (she may have also been emboldened because she knew she was leaving).
  • Cammy's first experience with the mc was part of the prank with Quinn, but next was when he paid her for a blow job. She took it further because she wanted too. She's also sucking other guys' cocks in the glory hole, but when the mc caught her with Mona spying on him changing, the mc took control and they went with it. Basically Cammy's pretty easy going with sex (even if she didn't want her face associated with the prostitution ring - that's why she went for blowjobs only).
  • Mona pretty much just went along with Cammy in that scene, but it's not like she's all over the mc. She likes sex, that's about it.
  • Riona is just a party girl who likes to make out and fuck from time-to-time, but she does like the mc's cock... because it's fucking big. But she's starting to like him more and more because he is kind to her, and actually listens.
  • Sally has pretty much hated him from the beginning, but after 9 episodes she's starting to thaw.
  • Melanie & Sarah (they always come as a pair) seem to be fucking him to one-up each other. It's the best way to be used. :sneaky:
  • Heather hasn't liked him much but is using him because she's angry at Tommy and he happened to be at the right place at the right time.
  • Nicole enjoyed being fucked up the ass by his massive cock while on the clock, but it was only after she got to know him on Swyper that she started to like him.
  • Lily let him do a few sexual things to her because it's her line of business, but she's really warmed up to the mc because she can see he's accumulating a lot of clout with the DIKs.
  • Nora got talked into it by the mc. It was gonna be a one-time thing but she definitely enjoyed herself.
  • Zoey was his friend for a few years before they started to fuck.
  • Tara fucked him through a glory hole and didn't even know it was him
  • Karen is fuckign terrified of him! (Although she did like it when he was teasing Sally at the bar).
  • Ashley has admitted that the mc isn't her type, and only let him lick her cunt under duress.
  • Rose fucked the mc because Nicole has been raving about him.
  • Sandy fucked the mc because he was there. Her motto: "If it moves, fuck it. If it doesn't move, fuck it anyway". :eek:
  • Becky gave the mc a blowjob at a party, no big deal.
  • Madame Rose didn't do anything did she. Because you didn't pay her to do anything. Exactly.
  • Bianca is drooling over the mc because she is a bitch of a friend. Serves her right that her husband is already cheating on her (or else, she already knows and she figures if a guy has managed to get Jill wet, he must be special).
And I think I've covered everyone that the mc has fucked (or mostly fucked).

One of the really good things about the story is that even though the mc is potentially fucking so many girls, the lead in is different for almost all of them. The build up for each is different. Of course the mc is getting a reputation. So it's getting easier for him to seduce new girls, both his confidence and his dick's reputation are a major assist.

I don't find any of it too hard to believe, except how much jizz he can coat a girl with when she's his third for a night. :sneaky:

So all of that said, I don't have a problem with people comparing things to real life experiences. Sure, some suspension of disbelief is occasionally required, and some scenes are played purely for laughs and are not to be taken seriously, but that doesn't diminish the consideration for the more serious aspects (like the gun scene).

So now that I've got all that off my chest ...

I wouldn't expect the mc to just see Vinny and start punching. The mc has shown himself not to be that kinda guy all along, even if he did take down the Jocks at the gym, it was because Dawe had already gone on the offensive and he saw them as backup arriving. The mc talking to Vinny is exactly what I'd expect this mc to do. Of course if he knew Vinny was packing, that's a different story, but he didn't know.

When the mc punched Vinny, he did it after Vinny only pushed him. The mc figured one good hit and Vinny'd back off. So he waited after he punched him. Once again, it's not like the mc to just pummel someone into the ground simply because he was pushed. If a guy pushes you so you just beat him into unconsciousness, that's a total overreaction (unless you're expecting a lot worse trouble). Even when Troy pushed the mc, the mc retaliated in the same way as he did with Vinny.

But then Vinny flashes the gun. The mc froze, because he's never been in such a situation and never expected it. He saw a gun and it scared the shit outta him. Even if he did try to attack Vinny at that point, Vinny only had to move backwards and the likelihood was the mc could have been shot. I doubt the mc calculated any of that though, he probably just though, "Oh my god a fucking gun!"

You could see the mc was dumbfounded as soon as he saw the gun. He didn't say another word until Vinny was gone, and even when Vinny struck him in the face with the gun, he just kinda stood there. It's not a surprising response from anyone.
After all that, there are points I don't agree with, but my purpose in responding is to point out the fact that while the MC isn't an asshole, he has shown he likes to fight/protect.

1. Shoving Chad to help Sage.
2. Kicking his dormmate's ass.
3. Fighting the jocks.
4. Kicking Chad's ass in self-defense.
5. Fighting Caleb.
6. Kicking Tommy's ass.
7. Punching Vinny.

Yes, these are all choices made by the player, so it depends on the player if he's a fighter or not. If I missed any other fights, well, I'm old and the memory is the first thing to go. :ROFLMAO:
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Apr 9, 2023
I don't really accept that all the girls just instantly melt for the mc:
  • Josy had a crush on him while they worked together. He was the quiet shy guy and she thought he looked cute, plus compared to Steve, the mc was angelic. So Josy's interest in the mc had a head start, and then when they started talking, they hit it off, drank some vodka and because she was lonely (due to her long distance relationship), they started making out. Shit got complicated but they fucked.
  • Maya was nice to him when he stacked it like an ass in front of her, and due to her brother's meddling, she ended up sharing a room with the mc. She felt somewhat comfortable with him, and things escalated. Sharing a room with a girl is a sure fire way to start something, even if she's with someone else. The mc helping her out with the scavenger hunt certainly didn't hurt the situation.
  • Bella tried to avoid the mc and he hounded the shit outta her. Initially, when he was drunk and kissed her that night, it awakened feelings in her she thought were long gone. Those feelings weren't necessarily for him, but just sexual feelings in general. But due to the mc's persistence, she eventually started to like him.
  • Jill befriended him ever so slightly when he was being bullied by the jocks (when she helped him up), and then the Chad attacked accelerated things, with the mc not wanting to get medical treatment, Jill's caring nature lead her to have him stay the night. This formed a bit of a bond with him, and then with Bella's nudging, Jill and the mc started to date.
  • Sage took advantage of the mc's opposition to the jock's (and the fact that he was an unknown entity) to get him to spy on Chad. Also she took advantage of him to help herself feel more desirable after repeatedly being overlooked by her boyfriend (and she felt she was getting back at Chad by starting a sexual relationship with the mc given that she believed Chad also had someone on the side). Sage never intended to start something serious with the mc, he was fuckbuddy, that's all.
So there's all the main LIs, and I gotta hand it to DPC, none of those stories are pathetically contrived, they all hold up well enough.

Moving on to other characters:
  • Quinn saw his dick when she pranked him during the panty raid, so she chose him for the CUMPetition, and then she started amusing herself with him and Maya since Maya was pledging to be a HOT and Quinn really had no intention of her making it. But eventually she starts enjoying fucking (figuratively) with the mc, and when they get high together on the DIKs' roof, she starts enjoying his company more. Quinn having sex with him wasn't a big deal, but her getting feelings for him is what is significant in this relationship.
  • Jade got fed up with her philandering husband, and decided to have her own fun at the college. The mc just happened to be at the right place at the right time. I'm not sure how far Jade intended to take it, but the rush she was getting with all the sneaking around and fucking became addictive. I don't think she really gave too much of a shit about the mc.
  • Cathy was lonely and looking for someone on Swyper, and she had some online fun with the mc. But when the mc told her he knew it was her, she took a risk for the thrill (she may have also been emboldened because she knew she was leaving).
  • Cammy's first experience with the mc was part of the prank with Quinn, but next was when he paid her for a blow job. She took it further because she wanted too. She's also sucking other guys' cocks in the glory hole, but when the mc caught her with Mona spying on him changing, the mc took control and they went with it. Basically Cammy's pretty easy going with sex (even if she didn't want her face associated with the prostitution ring - that's why she went for blowjobs only).
  • Mona pretty much just went along with Cammy in that scene, but it's not like she's all over the mc. She likes sex, that's about it.
  • Riona is just a party girl who likes to make out and fuck from time-to-time, but she does like the mc's cock... because it's fucking big. But she's starting to like him more and more because he is kind to her, and actually listens.
  • Sally has pretty much hated him from the beginning, but after 9 episodes she's starting to thaw.
  • Melanie & Sarah (they always come as a pair) seem to be fucking him to one-up each other. It's the best way to be used. :sneaky:
  • Heather hasn't liked him much but is using him because she's angry at Tommy and he happened to be at the right place at the right time.
  • Nicole enjoyed being fucked up the ass by his massive cock while on the clock, but it was only after she got to know him on Swyper that she started to like him.
  • Lily let him do a few sexual things to her because it's her line of business, but she's really warmed up to the mc because she can see he's accumulating a lot of clout with the DIKs.
  • Nora got talked into it by the mc. It was gonna be a one-time thing but she definitely enjoyed herself.
  • Zoey was his friend for a few years before they started to fuck.
  • Tara fucked him through a glory hole and didn't even know it was him
  • Karen is fuckign terrified of him! (Although she did like it when he was teasing Sally at the bar).
  • Ashley has admitted that the mc isn't her type, and only let him lick her cunt under duress.
  • Rose fucked the mc because Nicole has been raving about him.
  • Sandy fucked the mc because he was there. Her motto: "If it moves, fuck it. If it doesn't move, fuck it anyway". :eek:
  • Becky gave the mc a blowjob at a party, no big deal.
  • Madame Rose didn't do anything did she. Because you didn't pay her to do anything. Exactly.
  • Bianca is drooling over the mc because she is a bitch of a friend. Serves her right that her husband is already cheating on her (or else, she already knows and she figures if a guy has managed to get Jill wet, he must be special).
And I think I've covered everyone that the mc has fucked (or mostly fucked).

One of the really good things about the story is that even though the mc is potentially fucking so many girls, the lead in is different for almost all of them. The build up for each is different. Of course the mc is getting a reputation. So it's getting easier for him to seduce new girls, both his confidence and his dick's reputation are a major assist.

I don't find any of it too hard to believe, except how much jizz he can coat a girl with when she's his third for a night. :sneaky:

So all of that said, I don't have a problem with people comparing things to real life experiences. Sure, some suspension of disbelief is occasionally required, and some scenes are played purely for laughs and are not to be taken seriously, but that doesn't diminish the consideration for the more serious aspects (like the gun scene).

So now that I've got all that off my chest ...

I wouldn't expect the mc to just see Vinny and start punching. The mc has shown himself not to be that kinda guy all along, even if he did take down the Jocks at the gym, it was because Dawe had already gone on the offensive and he saw them as backup arriving. The mc talking to Vinny is exactly what I'd expect this mc to do. Of course if he knew Vinny was packing, that's a different story, but he didn't know.

When the mc punched Vinny, he did it after Vinny only pushed him. The mc figured one good hit and Vinny'd back off. So he waited after he punched him. Once again, it's not like the mc to just pummel someone into the ground simply because he was pushed. If a guy pushes you so you just beat him into unconsciousness, that's a total overreaction (unless you're expecting a lot worse trouble). Even when Troy pushed the mc, the mc retaliated in the same way as he did with Vinny.

But then Vinny flashes the gun. The mc froze, because he's never been in such a situation and never expected it. He saw a gun and it scared the shit outta him. Even if he did try to attack Vinny at that point, Vinny only had to move backwards and the likelihood was the mc could have been shot. I doubt the mc calculated any of that though, he probably just though, "Oh my god a fucking gun!"

You could see the mc was dumbfounded as soon as he saw the gun. He didn't say another word until Vinny was gone, and even when Vinny struck him in the face with the gun, he just kinda stood there. It's not a surprising response from anyone.
tbh, i just dont want to spend a couple hours going into as much detail as you did here, so ill just hit a few key points. i said most, not all. but since you took the time to write that long list, and followed it with "i dont find any of it too hard to believe" ill just point of that this is a kid that had a hard time even approaching a girl before going to B&R, had only been with 1 before, and all of this took place in like a month, much of it in the first week. if youre still trying to say this isnt pure fantasy we are having fun with, then i have a bottle of love potion to sell you, its guaranteed to turn you into tremolo. i swear.

to your next point, mc has to be on a perm dik path to punch vinny,the whole point to the dik/chick system is to change the character. which means he may have had a code before but doesnt feel the need to do much talking when stepping up to fight as the story progresses. caleb is a good example, i dont recall mc trying to talk it out. and maybe you forgot, but he had no issue dropping the prep that called josy a bitch like an hour before the vinny fight.
you may, but i see no issue with dik trem losing his shit and smashing a stranger that is destroying the room he worked his ass off to get.

next point, and again, the dik/chick system comes into play here, the troy fight happens on mc's second day. i cant remember but believe its the first possible major dik choice. and from that point on, if you follow the dik path that would lead to punching vinny, mc gets much more willing to throw down as time goes on.

i see you make some good points but i feel like they mostly appy to a chick mc. but this and my previous post are just my opinions, youre intitled to yours. cheers
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Engaged Member
Sep 28, 2021
  • Tara fucked him through a glory hole and didn't even know it was him

When did this happen?


Forum Fanatic
Nov 10, 2020
I don't really accept that all the girls just instantly melt for the mc:
  • Josy had a crush on him while they worked together. He was the quiet shy guy and she thought he looked cute, plus compared to Steve, the mc was angelic. So Josy's interest in the mc had a head start, and then when they started talking, they hit it off, drank some vodka and because she was lonely (due to her long distance relationship), they started making out. Shit got complicated but they fucked.
  • Maya was nice to him when he stacked it like an ass in front of her, and due to her brother's meddling, she ended up sharing a room with the mc. She felt somewhat comfortable with him, and things escalated. Sharing a room with a girl is a sure fire way to start something, even if she's with someone else. The mc helping her out with the scavenger hunt certainly didn't hurt the situation.
  • Bella tried to avoid the mc and he hounded the shit outta her. Initially, when he was drunk and kissed her that night, it awakened feelings in her she thought were long gone. Those feelings weren't necessarily for him, but just sexual feelings in general. But due to the mc's persistence, she eventually started to like him.
  • Jill befriended him ever so slightly when he was being bullied by the jocks (when she helped him up), and then the Chad attacked accelerated things, with the mc not wanting to get medical treatment, Jill's caring nature lead her to have him stay the night. This formed a bit of a bond with him, and then with Bella's nudging, Jill and the mc started to date.
  • Sage took advantage of the mc's opposition to the jock's (and the fact that he was an unknown entity) to get him to spy on Chad. Also she took advantage of him to help herself feel more desirable after repeatedly being overlooked by her boyfriend (and she felt she was getting back at Chad by starting a sexual relationship with the mc given that she believed Chad also had someone on the side). Sage never intended to start something serious with the mc, he was fuckbuddy, that's all.
So there's all the main LIs, and I gotta hand it to DPC, none of those stories are pathetically contrived, they all hold up well enough.

Moving on to other characters:
  • Quinn saw his dick when she pranked him during the panty raid, so she chose him for the CUMPetition, and then she started amusing herself with him and Maya since Maya was pledging to be a HOT and Quinn really had no intention of her making it. But eventually she starts enjoying fucking (figuratively) with the mc, and when they get high together on the DIKs' roof, she starts enjoying his company more. Quinn having sex with him wasn't a big deal, but her getting feelings for him is what is significant in this relationship.
  • Jade got fed up with her philandering husband, and decided to have her own fun at the college. The mc just happened to be at the right place at the right time. I'm not sure how far Jade intended to take it, but the rush she was getting with all the sneaking around and fucking became addictive. I don't think she really gave too much of a shit about the mc.
  • Cathy was lonely and looking for someone on Swyper, and she had some online fun with the mc. But when the mc told her he knew it was her, she took a risk for the thrill (she may have also been emboldened because she knew she was leaving).
  • Cammy's first experience with the mc was part of the prank with Quinn, but next was when he paid her for a blow job. She took it further because she wanted too. She's also sucking other guys' cocks in the glory hole, but when the mc caught her with Mona spying on him changing, the mc took control and they went with it. Basically Cammy's pretty easy going with sex (even if she didn't want her face associated with the prostitution ring - that's why she went for blowjobs only).
  • Mona pretty much just went along with Cammy in that scene, but it's not like she's all over the mc. She likes sex, that's about it.
  • Riona is just a party girl who likes to make out and fuck from time-to-time, but she does like the mc's cock... because it's fucking big. But she's starting to like him more and more because he is kind to her, and actually listens.
  • Sally has pretty much hated him from the beginning, but after 9 episodes she's starting to thaw.
  • Melanie & Sarah (they always come as a pair) seem to be fucking him to one-up each other. It's the best way to be used. :sneaky:
  • Heather hasn't liked him much but is using him because she's angry at Tommy and he happened to be at the right place at the right time.
  • Nicole enjoyed being fucked up the ass by his massive cock while on the clock, but it was only after she got to know him on Swyper that she started to like him.
  • Lily let him do a few sexual things to her because it's her line of business, but she's really warmed up to the mc because she can see he's accumulating a lot of clout with the DIKs.
  • Nora got talked into it by the mc. It was gonna be a one-time thing but she definitely enjoyed herself.
  • Zoey was his friend for a few years before they started to fuck.
  • Tara fucked him through a glory hole and didn't even know it was him
  • Karen is fuckign terrified of him! (Although she did like it when he was teasing Sally at the bar).
  • Ashley has admitted that the mc isn't her type, and only let him lick her cunt under duress.
  • Rose fucked the mc because Nicole has been raving about him.
  • Sandy fucked the mc because he was there. Her motto: "If it moves, fuck it. If it doesn't move, fuck it anyway". :eek:
  • Becky gave the mc a blowjob at a party, no big deal.
  • Madame Rose didn't do anything did she. Because you didn't pay her to do anything. Exactly.
  • Bianca is drooling over the mc because she is a bitch of a friend. Serves her right that her husband is already cheating on her (or else, she already knows and she figures if a guy has managed to get Jill wet, he must be special).
And I think I've covered everyone that the mc has fucked (or mostly fucked).

One of the really good things about the story is that even though the mc is potentially fucking so many girls, the lead in is different for almost all of them. The build up for each is different. Of course the mc is getting a reputation. So it's getting easier for him to seduce new girls, both his confidence and his dick's reputation are a major assist.

I don't find any of it too hard to believe, except how much jizz he can coat a girl with when she's his third for a night. :sneaky:

So all of that said, I don't have a problem with people comparing things to real life experiences. Sure, some suspension of disbelief is occasionally required, and some scenes are played purely for laughs and are not to be taken seriously, but that doesn't diminish the consideration for the more serious aspects (like the gun scene).

So now that I've got all that off my chest ...

I wouldn't expect the mc to just see Vinny and start punching. The mc has shown himself not to be that kinda guy all along, even if he did take down the Jocks at the gym, it was because Dawe had already gone on the offensive and he saw them as backup arriving. The mc talking to Vinny is exactly what I'd expect this mc to do. Of course if he knew Vinny was packing, that's a different story, but he didn't know.

When the mc punched Vinny, he did it after Vinny only pushed him. The mc figured one good hit and Vinny'd back off. So he waited after he punched him. Once again, it's not like the mc to just pummel someone into the ground simply because he was pushed. If a guy pushes you so you just beat him into unconsciousness, that's a total overreaction (unless you're expecting a lot worse trouble). Even when Troy pushed the mc, the mc retaliated in the same way as he did with Vinny.

But then Vinny flashes the gun. The mc froze, because he's never been in such a situation and never expected it. He saw a gun and it scared the shit outta him. Even if he did try to attack Vinny at that point, Vinny only had to move backwards and the likelihood was the mc could have been shot. I doubt the mc calculated any of that though, he probably just though, "Oh my god a fucking gun!"

You could see the mc was dumbfounded as soon as he saw the gun. He didn't say another word until Vinny was gone, and even when Vinny struck him in the face with the gun, he just kinda stood there. It's not a surprising response from anyone.
That's a lot of work but what I care most about is Josy melting for mc. Melting for her is easy :love: :love:


Engaged Member
Sep 28, 2021
dorm party, you have to pay sara
Don't think I ever had the money to pay Sarah or just chose not to pay her, if I had known, Tara would be another notch on the totem pole.

So if the MC did the Tara GH thing, would that change anything on Hallowe'en night if you decide to end the night alone when you then end up in bed with Tara, Tiffany and Gina?
  • Haha
Reactions: chuck69

Dark Silence

Devoted Member
Jul 17, 2021
when you then end up in bed with Tara, Tiffany and Gina?
Now that's a scene that I missed out on. :ROFLMAO: I was hoping for a Rio scene, but she ended up taking Cammy(?) home. I think it was Cammy. That fuckin episode had pissed me off to no end.
  • Haha
Reactions: chuck69


Apr 9, 2023
Don't think I ever had the money to pay Sarah or just chose not to pay her, if I had known, Tara would be another notch on the totem pole.

So if the MC did the Tara GH thing, would that change anything on Hallowe'en night if you decide to end the night alone when you then end up in bed with Tara, Tiffany and Gina?
haha, i turned it down a bunch of times, i knew sara wanted it, and i was right, you can make her beg for it at the end of ep 9
but to answer your question, tara doesnt know its you in the glory hole, so no change


May 14, 2023
tbh, i just dont want to spend a couple hours going into as much detail as you did here, so ill just hit a few key points. i said most, not all. but since you took the time to write that long list, and followed it with "i dont find any of it too hard to believe" ill just point of that this is a kid that had a hard time even approaching a girl before going to B&R, had only been with 1 before, and all of this took place in like a month, much of it in the first week. if youre still trying to say this isnt pure fantasy we are having fun with, then i have a bottle of love potion to sell you, its guaranteed to turn you into tremolo. i swear.

to your next point, mc has to be on a perm dik path to punch vinny,the whole point to the dik/chick system is to change the character. which means he may have had a code before but doesnt feel the need to do much talking when stepping up to fight. caleb is a good example, i dont recall mc trying to talk it out. and maybe you forgot, but he had no issue dropping the prep that called josy a bitch like an hour before the vinny fight.
you may, but i see no issue with dik trem losing his shit and smashing a stranger that is destroying the room he worked his ass off to get.

next point, and again, the dik/chick system comes into play here, the troy fight happens on mc's second day. i cant remember but believe its the first possible major dik choice. and from that point on, if you follow the dik path that would lead to punching vinny, mc gets much more willing to throw down as time goes on.

i see you make some good points but i feel like they mostly appy to a chick mc. but this and my previous post are just my opinions, youre intitled to yours. cheers
So the transition from crushing on Jill from afar to happily stripping down and joining three girls in a jacuzzi is a stretch for sure, but a lot of things happened between those two events.

I think the catalyst for his transformation was Hell Week and all it entailed. First he is stripped by Quinn and runs naked (potentially with a hardon) off past Mel & Sarah. At that point already 4 girls have seen his cock, so rumours will start spreading pretty quickly. Then there's the CUMPetition, where the mc possibly fucks Quinn in front of a live audience. He also clinches the deal with Josy and starts getting all sorts of attention from other girls.

But as far as the fighting goes, the DIK mc gets into fights, and the Chick mc tries to avoid them. But even the DIK mc has a conscience, and he still retrospectively looks at his actions, and kinda feels bad about taking down Anthony and the others when he didn't have to.

The DIK mc isn't a cunt, he's not a mad dog that runs in with fists blazing. All of his fights have been "fair" in that he's not kicking guys in the balls or trying to gouge their eyes out. It's just fisticuffs, and while people can died from a bunch in the head, the mc isn't fighting for his life in these brawls.

So the points I raised about how the mc fights, that's how the DIK mc (who still tries to honour the code his dad taught him but has been influenced by his new DIK lifestyle) would fight. A Chick mc would try not to fight in all cases. But once again, the DIK mc isn't about to bust a chair over someone's head or stomp on them when they're on the ground. But Vinny may have changed that.


Apr 9, 2023
So the transition from crushing on Jill from afar to happily stripping down and joining three girls in a jacuzzi is a stretch for sure, but a lot of things happened between those two events.

I think the catalyst for his transformation was Hell Week and all it entailed. First he is stripped by Quinn and runs naked (potentially with a hardon) off past Mel & Sarah. At that point already 4 girls have seen his cock, so rumours will start spreading pretty quickly. Then there's the CUMPetition, where the mc possibly fucks Quinn in front of a live audience. He also clinches the deal with Josy and starts getting all sorts of attention from other girls.

But as far as the fighting goes, the DIK mc gets into fights, and the Chick mc tries to avoid them. But even the DIK mc has a conscience, and he still retrospectively looks at his actions, and kinda feels bad about taking down Anthony and the others when he didn't have to.

The DIK mc isn't a cunt, he's not a mad dog that runs in with fists blazing. All of his fights have been "fair" in that he's not kicking guys in the balls or trying to gouge their eyes out. It's just fisticuffs, and while people can died from a bunch in the head, the mc isn't fighting for his life in these brawls.

So the points I raised about how the mc fights, that's how the DIK mc (who still tries to honour the code his dad taught him but has been influenced by his new DIK lifestyle) would fight. A Chick mc would try not to fight in all cases. But once again, the DIK mc isn't about to bust a chair over someone's head or stomp on them when they're on the ground. But Vinny may have changed that.
i could be wrong, but i dont remember mc looking back and feeling bad about fighting the jocks. i do remember him thinking that it was against his code before the fight , but ultimately saying fuck it, and hulk smashing the roid rage brigade. and thats not the same thing my friend.

while im glad we got to do it, talking to josy like that was a Dbag move, but weather or not its "fair" to drop that prep is arguable.

also, why would mc kick a guy in the balls? we have josy for that!
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