
Jul 27, 2018
I honestly lost all my interest in Jade after the way she reacted to MC's dumping her. It was the most imature and pathetic reaction i've seen so far in the game.
I already didn't like her because of the dismissive way she treats MC if he's not on her route. She don't even bother to act professional, it just shows how pathetic she is deep down. Having Cathy act normally and even friendly with MC even if he didn't want to have sex with just shows Jade in an even worse light.

I honestly just fuck her because she's hot and to have the shit hit the fan on her life when Stephen discover she fucked a student, i'm happy he confronted her on it in this ep. It bothers me that doing so will probably hurt Sage big deal, but that's as far as my concerns for the Burkes go.

As for Josy, having her path tied to Maya just don't help her. Would she be more interesting without it? Sure. Would it change the way i see her? Probably not.
Most of her negatives are not connected to Maya, they are mostly because of her passive-agressive and jealous behaviour towards MC.
But i can see potential, plus, in my mind, DPC can easily go for another season with the content we currently have... so we possibly have way more time to develop Josy than we initially thought.
I agree on a few parts. Yeah her being pissed off at MC for rejecting her is childish and petty, but I guess a cougar being rejected after a decently long escapade by a freshman is very humiliating. Plus she's definitely got deep-seated anger issues from being ignored by Stephen, and I guess it bled through.

I find her and her path irksome and difficult, especially since it seems like DPC's out to put as many hoops as possible for us to jump through. Sage being her daughter, the video possibly leaked to Stephen, not to mention Tybalt complaining about MC, and now the impending divorce possibly pushing her to the edge making the player guess how to tiptoe around her.

Frankly the only upside now is that there's probably a threesome in the future with her and Cathy. I'd like to think the main screen photo with her and Cathy is at McAllen's, prior to the fuckfest. The Others path seemed so much better than MGs thanks to Ep 9. Now it only gets more attractive.

As for Josy, I find her in Ep 10 kind of overly obsessed with MC. Maybe it's because of my currently changing view on the whole game, but her putting on lingerie and admitting her crush feel either endearing or pathetic at times.


Engaged Member
Oct 24, 2018
I agree on a few parts. Yeah her being pissed off at MC for rejecting her is childish and petty, but I guess a cougar being rejected after a decently long escapade by a freshman is very humiliating. Plus she's definitely got deep-seated anger issues from being ignored by Stephen, and I guess it bled through.

I find her and her path irksome and difficult, especially since it seems like DPC's out to put as many hoops as possible for us to jump through. Sage being her daughter, the video possibly leaked to Stephen, not to mention Tybalt complaining about MC, and now the impending divorce possibly pushing her to the edge, making the player guess how to tiptoe around it for her.

Frankly the only upside now is that there's probably a threesome in the future with her and Cathy. I'd like to think the main screen photo with her and Cathy is at McAllen's, prior to the fuckfest. The Others path seemed so much better than MGs thanks to Ep 9. Now it only gets more attractive.

As for Josy, I find her in Ep 10 kind of overly obsessed with MC. Maybe it's because of my currently changing view on the whole game, but her putting on lingerie and admitting her crush feel either endearing or pathetic at times.
Like it or not, Josy is the only girl that in her default state is in love with the MC.
Gonna let ChipLecsap argue if while following their respective routes any other girl is also in love with the MC, or more in love than her. :KEK::Kappa:
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Forum Fanatic
Mar 13, 2021
i found that to,thx but i m not sure in fans walkthroughs choices have impact on later updates if it makes sens so i kinda wanted an officiall one
Suit yourself.

The official walkthrough never explains "future impact": it doesn't tell you the fact that the game introduces a cheating variable in episode 9 and which choices trigger it either.

I really didn't expect that decison to come back to haunt us, I wonder which others will do the same...
The choices you made that you read in the episode recap.
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Mar 17, 2021
Do you guys think we will ever get to read Quinn's thoughts? If yes after what milestone event into the main story, or her 'romantic' route do you think it could happen? :unsure:

EDIT: I was thinking just now that the closest thing we got to an introspection on how Quinn thinks was in ep 9 after the dad chess flashback, where my initial impression was that she decides against following his advice and shows some progress by apologizing to Tommy, or was she? Now I'm not so sure she was being genuine, the dad said keep them at arms length :cautious:
Quinn reminding herself that she can't trust those around her (Tommy, Sage, HOTs...)

Rox "You can't trust anyone in life..."
Rox "...except for your dad, you hear?"

Quinn realizing she has no choice but to trust Lily to deal with Vinny and Buddy with the drug scheme.

Rox "And even if you're forced to trust someone else..."
Rox "Keep them at arm's length without letting them know about it."

Riona discovering that Quinn, in addition to keeping secrets from her, is blaming her for “smoking for free” which could lead to Riona abandoning Quinn in the future;

Rox "Because trust can be taken away instantly."
Rox "Just like your king trusted the pawns around him to keep him safe, but instead they trapped him and became the end of him."

I believe that Quinn has genuinely apologized to Tommy, as she said she knew she was wrong but didn't want to admit it for showing weakness. Vinny threatening the MC with a gun in the middle of a college party was the trigger for her to start questioning their choices and apologize to Tommy.


New Member
Jun 30, 2019
Would it be reasonable to assume that this episode means Sarah + Melanie will never be getting any sort of route or path like Riona, Lily, Nora, Jade, and whatever other side characters have?

When you start the episode with Elena (they don't even get scene) Pinkcake forces the MC to say that he "doesn't want any sort of relationship with either of them anyway" without any player input, despite the MC saying the exact opposite at the dorm party in episode 8 if you've chosen one of them repeatedly. I think the exact quote in episode 8 is "I like you Sarah, never say never" or something similar, whenever she acts surprised that the MC would consider a girl like her. Yet suddenly in this episode, even after spending the night with them, that same MC does a complete 180 on the two?

I just find it odd that Pinkcake would trashcan two of the characters who have been there since the very beginning like that, so bluntly, unless he meant to definitively remove them from any considerations going forward and couldn't really find a good way to do it.

It's unfortunate. They have more scenes than almost every other side character, more relevance to the story than characters like Nora, Nicole, the Madame, even Lily... and yet those characters get specific routes and attention while Sarah + Melanie get canned? I think the only character that has been treated worse at this point is Camila. Poor Camila enjoyers... if you exist I salute you and sincerely hope you don't get the same treatment in episode 11.


Active Member
Aug 21, 2019
Easy, tiger...

I asked dalli_x to tell me which girl tried to seduce the MC after finding out he was in a relationship and that's it. You mentioned Maya and I agree it was indeed flirting, but not nearly as similar or vulgar as Josy's. There's no reason for us to cause a big fight over this.
Nah I don't get heated over video games I am way to old for that shit. But do have to disagree with you in saying that the Josy one is worse than the Maya one. Josy restrain herself Maya does not.
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Nov 21, 2022
So I played the most recent two episodes with my established path (Bella), then decided to check out the other paths (no pun intended), especially the others path because it seemed like episode 9 may as well not even exist without it and Quinn is one of the more interesting characters otherwise. That out of the way...

On the Quinn path: I wonder if DPC has any experience in this realm, and I feel like he probably doesn't, but the MC is WAY too soft to be involved in this arena. His first interaction with Vinny tells you everything you need to know. If you want to play devil's avocado and say "He was caught off guard. He was drunk. etc", fine, fair, but his second interaction reiterated him being far too soft and in extreme danger. He may have grown up poor, but he seems to have been shielded from this aspect of poverty (Respect to Neil, dad of the year). I get it, this is fiction, but allow me to postulate the future scenario. Join me, won't you?

I assume the premise has always been to reform Quinn. Maybe the weed stays, but you try to get her to divorce herself from the realm of hard drugs. That's cool and all, but there's already an established vendetta now. Given our previous interactions, there are only two likely outcomes that I can think of. First, MC dies. Well, obviously that doesn't happen. Second, Quinn has to save the MC by putting Vinny down; since we've established the MC is prone to hesitation and too soft. The latter seems more likely, but who wants to play a game where you're perceived as weak? Especially a game of this nature, that feeds into power a fantasy. So aside from Vinny getting hit by a bus or ODing (which to be fair neither is even unlikely, but it will feel like a cop-out), I don't know how we resolve the scenario without diving into extreme fiction or making the player feel like a wuss. Curious to see how the dust settles, maybe there's some out of left field Tommy martyr situation.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk. Don't do drugs, kids.


Conversation Conqueror
Aug 4, 2019
The problem I raised was Josy (being taken) trying to seduce an MC who recently started a relationship with someone else and Josy knows about it.

You said that the problem I raised applies to other girls... Mention me a girl who, upon learning that the MC is in a relationship, tries to seduce him by wearing lingerie or in any other way. Give me just one. Only one.
Only Jill has the privilege, to wear to different outfit for the same scenes :whistle::cautious::LOL:, a Banana costume, or a sexy bee costume.

it was easier for dpc, to have Josy wear a Blue lingerie in all 3 different scenario, and just change the dialogue. You can try to raise this question to him why he did it this way ? , porbably becaseu Madam and some of the usless 1 minute animation took to much time:ROFLMAO:

and Maya also wore the same outfit for the same scenes. :LOL:
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Conversation Conqueror
Aug 4, 2019
Like it or not, Josy is the only girl that in her default state is in love with the MC.
Gonna let ChipLecsap argue if while following their respective routes any other girl is also in love with the MC, or more in love than her. :KEK::Kappa:
Josy and Zoey by default without the player influence are the two canon girl who has feeling for MC. And By default MC has feeling for them, regardless of your choice. ,in Josy case at least until episode 5, where it is up to the player, whether his character is still have lingering feeling toward her or not.

This is how the Narrative of the Story is written by default. It is Canon, the same way as no matter what you do , you will help Maya, No matter what, you join the Dik, Derek is you friend, and etc.


Active Member
Mar 17, 2021
Nah I don't get heated over video games I am way to old for that shit. But do have to disagree with you in saying that the Josy one is worse than the Maya one. Josy restrain herself Maya does not.
Yes, I noticed how Josy restrain herself.

• She told the MC to his face that he has a crush on him.
• Admits that she shouldn't feel that way when she's with Maya, but it doesn't matter.
• She insists that she believes she and MC would have worked together even if he says they were doomed to fail from the start.
• She knows that the MC is in another relationship.
• She admits that even though she's with Maya, she can't get the MC out of her mind.
• She wore lingerie to seduce the MC and when she realized how pathetic the attempt was, she wonders what is happening to her.

But like you said, luckily she restrain herself, right? Unlike that monster called Maya who put on a short skirt and socks because the MC likes it and even had the audacity to be happy that the MC was with someone else. She was even cruel enough to teach the MC how to whisper correctly so he could please his new girlfriend.

You're delusional, dude.


Jan 13, 2020
Wait there are people who are surprised by Jade reaction if you dump her ? You mean that dumping a women, who was cheated on repeatedly during years, after having sex with her a few times end up bad ? No way, soon you're going to tell me that if i punch McGregor in the face he won't be all smile and joke with me.

Now for Stephen and Jade it's kidda hard to judge now. I thought that at this point of the game people would get that DPC tend to try point you in certain direction before telling you "you were wrong' but ok. After all why would a petty man, who's know for not always telling the true, lie ? Right ?

Here another scenario of what COULD have happen :

Stephen meet Jade, he's attracted to her because of her dominante personnality (we know that by the fact that Stephen is pursuing Bella). They more or less fall in love, marry each other. They want child, she want a baby girl, he want a baby boy.
But Jade can't have child. They are hurt, she's left alone will he dive into his work. Now the scenario change from what he told us. He cheat on her. She think it's her fault cause she can't have child. So she adopt two child a girl for her and a boy for him. But the cheating continue, they now have children so she can't easily ask for a divorce and become bitter about it. She stop talking to him cause each time she fear that she will explose on him (but it still happen). And voila we are back to the story Stephen was telling.
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Active Member
Aug 21, 2019
Yes, I noticed how Josy restrain herself.

• He told the MC to his face that he has a crush on him.
• Admits that she shouldn't feel that way when she's with Maya, but it doesn't matter.
• She insists that she believes she and MC would have worked together even if he says they were doomed to fail from the start.
• She knows that the MC is in another relationship.
• She admits that even though she's with Maya, she can't get the MC out of her mind.
• She wore lingerie to seduce the MC and when she realized how pathetic the attempt was, she wonders what is happening to her.

But like you said, luckily she restrain herself, right? Unlike that monster called Maya who put on a short skirt and socks because the MC likes it and even had the audacity to be happy that the MC was with someone else. She was even cruel enough to teach the MC how to whisper correctly so he could please his new girlfriend.

You're delusional, dude.
And there you are telling me to take it easy.
Take a pill dude you gonna get a heart attack

It is clear to me that you have not been in many relationships. Telling someone you like them does not mean shit even if they are in a relationship. No harm done. Letting someone touch you while you are does. And Maya did the exact same thing. Not so directly but it is the same. She also dresses in those socks for the same reasons Josy dresses in lingerie. We can argue this point till the cows come home. It is clear that you like to make your points by nitpicking just what you want and then ignoring the facts. But it will not change that it is what it is. I'll leave it at that. You believe what you will. I'll keep to the facts,
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