Until we can come up with an actual motive, for what we think is trying to take down the DIKs, we're grasping at straws.
I think the suggestion that a DIK is the culprit... is a wild goose chase. In the game, it creats doubt & them pointing fingers at each other. In the writing, it fucks with us in the forum.
There's going to be a major twist, and it's going to come out of left field. So, with that in mind, here's a messed up, left field theory...
It's Jill.
It's Royce vs. Burgmeister
Something happend on that "bad" date Jill had with Rusty years back, and she wants him gone. She figured that instigating a war between the Alphas and the DIKs would accomplish that. So, she (somehow) obtained the incriminating photos (I don't know. She's rich! ...could have hired a PI or is in cahoots with Magnar & Sally.) ...and dropped them off at the jocks place. She watched as Chad opened his envelope, then followed him as he stormed off to find the MC. They fight, and Jill just happened to be right there to witness the whole thing.
She may want Rusty gone, but she also hates bullying... so, she reports the incident. Chad gets punished, but not expelled... because he's dating Mr. Burke's daughter, and she's the HOT president... and Stephen is banging the prostitutes in exchange for free tuition that "Wallace Resources" is paying for.
Haha... yeah, it's pretty fucking thin... but I just think the explanation we're looking for right now is going to be something we aren't expecting... like this.