If you really hoped to amuse yourself by starting an argument,
you really need to not be so danged agreeable.
Anyway, here is my offering to kindred souls if there be any:
The Author
Complete with women who are not lucious babes, but have personalities that I, at least, really could love.
The MC is a writer who can no longer write, has made millions on his books, is sittling in a bar, not
drinking, staring at a wall (you know, shades of Marilyn Monroe). Enter the MG. She tells him he
is broken, but that is ok, because she is too. As we all are, in one way or the other, maybe.
All praise to the not-university, not magic dick, not inflatable women porn game.
Well, maybe. In which case, I think Bella is acting entirely too normal. Fussing about Cathy's panties, taking the mc to a yoga class, puting him in the back of the room, and then (if you are on her path) complaining that he is staring at their butts whether he is or not. No, Bella, you really aren't in tune with the threesome mood here.
Yeh, Bella is so soft inside that she needs to act tough on the outside, like Quinn. I mean, if you are soft on the inside and soft on the outside, you might end up like Marilyn Monroe, or something. Regardless, I think far too little has been made here about what Quinn says to MC at the picnic. Are you about to get lost again, Quinn? And what have you done already? One must weep.