If they signed any kind of loan, it would have shown up on her credit report. This is what's got me thinking they're not really attached to a loan and dear old dad faked the whole thing. He's paying for their school with loans, but the kids aren't attached to them.
Somewhere in an ideal world, perhaps. But this is unlikely, because Patrick would have to somehow demonstrate the seriousness of his intentions and the grounds that he has for blackmail. For example, if we assume that this is the case and he did not take out any loans, but simply pays for their education out of his pocket, then what could he do if he found out that Maya was with Josy again? His fanaticism and desire to fulfill the vows given to his wife does not correlate with such soft-hearted behavior and fake blackmail. It's one side of the coin.
And the other side... it's too good to be truth. If they find out that all this loan is fake and bullshit it's then the easiest solution to just tell him to fuck off. Do you believe that all this tuition thing and drama, all this Helen part in story which is dragged from the beginning of the game can end just like this? Really? No drama, no dilemmas, no double bottom? I would call it too naive...
He is managing partner. Therefore, it is possible for him not to own the entire company if there is another shareholder.
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He WAS the managing partner. In ~ 13-15 years from the moment in the screenshot, he could have taken a higher position or become the owner/co-owner of the company.
Should she think I'm a weirdo? But I theorized about two years ago that Patrick might mistreat Maya. Most people laughed about it, but in EP10 they cried about it.
Wasn't it obvious? Without even knowing what we learned in EP10? Even without physical violence (OK, this cannot be called full-fledged physical violence, and Maya and Derek say that he did NOT BEAT or HIT them, and grabbing her hands is closer to pressure, psychological, through minor physical). We already learned that her father is blackmailing her and threat to take away her tuition and college. And, what's most important he started to behave this way only after he learned about Josy. His attitude to Maya changed cardinally after that. He was rough while raising them, but treated them well.
Fuck... when your own parent blackmail you and threatens to turn your whole life down because of your sexual orientation, especially when you 18+ it's fucking worse than any physical abuse. Psychological abuse is often much more devastating and worse than a physical one. Your own parents are the ones who you supposed to trust (fully!), who is supposed to support you. Not being able to trust your parents and just having a thought that they may blackmail you, threaten you or something like that is trully horrible shit.
It's not so scary anymore when you're older, you're on your feet, you've studied and found a job. But when your adult life has just begun and you are literally threatened to ruin your entire future, not to mention being forced to give up the present that you have planned for yourself... It's damn bad.