I'm not sure how you recall it that way, it went like this:
Quinn: "So... Have you turned gay or what?"
mc: "What?"
Quinn: "You're usually a pervert around me and now you're not even looking at my tits."
mc: "I want to, but..."
mc: "I'm kind of seeing someone else, so..."
Quinn: "Hold up... You got a relationship?"
mc: "Yeah. Sage and I are dating; I guess you could say."
Quinn: "Whatever."
The mc said
exactly what you suggested he should have said. It was Quinn's response that was, "Hold up... You got a relationship?". It would have sounded more natural if she said, "Hold up... You're in a relationship?" But I didn't think it was jarring or anything.
As much as I'm getting tired of the unnecessary shit that DPC keeps jamming into his game, and the excruciating time between updates, the one thing I like more than anything else
is the writing. And by that I mean the dialogue (which is almost 100% of the writing in BaDIK, there is hardly any narrative). I find his dialogue flows well and it's a pleasure to read. I feel the characters come across individual and consistent (mostly). It never feels like I'm reading one man pretending to be many characters (like so many games here where the writers personality is obvious in all of the characters).
I'm able to play the game again and even though I know what's coming, reading the dialogue is still entertaining. The only thing that I found a little off putting at one point was the number of characters who finish their sentences with ", no?" Like a lot of them do it: mc, Heather, Jamie, Leon, Neil, Christian, Derek, Riona, Josy, Sage, Maya, Buddie, Madame Rose. I really started to notice it and it became annoying.
But a least none of them say "welp"!
Was just playing Artemis and too many characters say "welp" (mc, Kindra, June, Reina, Katey, Paige). The same goes for Pale Carnations, we have the mc, Killian, Hana, Mina, and Veronica all saying it! I fucking hate that term, and for so many characters to be saying it...
When multiple characters start saying stupid shit like that, you know it's the writers persona bleeding into them... The only character in BaDIK that could say it would be Tybalt, because it would just make him more detestable.