
May 9, 2024
It’s easy to smack someone out of the blue like that. She was taken aback cause she didn’t expect it from Maya. She could react but she wisely chose not to. :WeSmart:

And how did you draw this conclusion? Cause Sage has sparred a couple of times with MC and is taller than Quinn? :unsure:
Unlike Quinn, Sage has never found herself in a life threatening situation. She would probably lose her cool, which she has barely any to begin with, and crumble under pressure. We can also assume that Quinn has learned a few dirty moves in the past.
All of this theorizing is pointless anyway.
We also know that Sage gets violent when she looses her cool. She'd feel guilty when she got herself under control, but Quinn would still be toast. Berserkers are dangerous.


Engaged Member
Jan 6, 2021
That is not an answer to why she would have it in the first place. If I asked "why does Quinn have knitting needles?", you're supposed to say "oh she knits as a hobby", not "you can stab people in the eyeballs with them".
Isn't it clear? :unsure:
OK, I'll explain. Quinn's life, like that of her heroic father, is constantly at risk.
Well, you know, not everyone likes her fighting injustice and defending the high ideals of public morality. :cautious:
She, like her father, has many vile detractors who are just waiting to stab her in the back, in a dark alley. :eek::(
Therefore, naturally, she has to take measures to protect herself.
No one asks why Batman needs all his clever tricks. :cautious:
Fighting evil is such a difficult task... :rolleyes:

Better Cock Spock

Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2017
Isn't it clear? :unsure:
OK, I'll explain. Quinn's life, like that of her heroic father, is constantly at risk.
Well, you know, not everyone likes her fighting injustice and defending the high ideals of public morality. :cautious:
She, like her father, has many vile detractors who are just waiting to stab her in the back, in a dark alley. :eek::(
Therefore, naturally, she has to take measures to protect herself.
No one asks why Batman needs all his clever tricks. :cautious:
Fighting evil is such a difficult task... :rolleyes:
So where was her awl when she got mugged?


Active Member
Mar 8, 2024
You equal rage with losing. Winning against someone who is raging takes skill and experience. On what basis do you think Quinn has either?
I summed up why Quinn has a better chance already.
On what basis do you assume Quinn’s fighting instincts wouldn’t activate upon seeing this berserker you make out of Sage? Also, it doesn’t necessarily take skill to defeat an angry opponent. Where did you learn what you know about fights, in movies? :rolleyes:
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Engaged Member
Jul 26, 2023
I summed up why Quinn has a better chance already.
On what basis do you assume Quinn’s fighting instincts wouldn’t activate upon seeing this berserker you make out of Sage? Also, it doesn’t necessarily take skill to defeat an angry opponent. Where did you learn what you know about fights, in movies? :rolleyes:
Quinn doesn't have a track record of her fighting instincts kicking in. Maya, the Mugger. If it had been Sage punching her instead of Maya slapping, she would have been on the ground and Sage would never have let her get back on her feet.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2023
On what basis do you think Quinn has either?
Overconfidence... She thinks that if she puts on this "whore mask" and acts like a whore, everyone will respect her like her father... But under the mask is just a shy little girl full of anxiety , and he wants to meet his father's expectations at all costs... He didn't have a "normal" childhood, he only knows this life, and he is not yet willing to admit that there is a "normal" life... Now he does all the stupid things without rational and considered decisions.. And if he doesn't realize his mistakes soon, he will be lost in some dark alley... So overconfidence is a "double-edged sword" that can hurt you too... Never underestimate anyone just because you have a gun... ;)


Engaged Member
Jul 26, 2023
Bro, Maya smacked her unexpectedly when they were talking and the mugger ambushed her. It’s easy to attack anybody like that.
And why would Quinn hit Maya back? That would be a dumb move. :rolleyes:
I get that you guys like Sage, but bring compelling arguments. :sneaky:
All I can base my opinion on is the evidence I have so far seen (and honestly it's not anti-Quinn, pro-Sage).

Sage hits hard and fast (granted, we have only seen her sparring and hitting Chad who refused to hit back). Verbally and physically Sage hits back, she is reactive without thinking of consequences.

Quinn is calculating and likes to plan a few moves ahead. (The 2 times she has been physically threatened, she did not respond, granted your reasons are valid, but we have no other evidence to consider, except a backhander to a small subordinate). Even verbally, when Quinn gets caught off guard, she doesn't respond, she walks away or she gives an insult, then walks away to plan her next move.

Add in that Sage is taller with (likely) longer arms, I can't see Quinn winning any fair fight against Sage.


May 9, 2024
It's just that the scoundrel attacked unexpectedly.
Quinn was tired, and for a moment she let her guard down.
Fighting evil is exhausting.:cautious:
So Quinn has to be armed and on guard? Would you like Sage's arms tied behind her back while you're at it? Have her blindfolded? Drugged?

If Quinn gets exhausted after evil gives her that many handicaps, she isn't much now is she. In fact "evil" is probably unfair for something that gives that many handicaps.

I summed up why Quinn has a better chance already.
On what basis do you assume Quinn’s fighting instincts wouldn’t activate upon seeing this berserker you make out of Sage? Also, it doesn’t necessarily take skill to defeat an angry opponent. Where did you learn what you know about fights, in movies? :rolleyes:
It's the movies that market the false idea that the one who keeps their cool automatically wins. It's easier to read someone who has lost their temper, yes, but you have to know some basics to have that advantage.

And based on what we actually know Quinn's dad fought all her battles for her and without him she is a lost little kitten. There is no actual proof she knows anything about fighting beyond a knee to the groin and a bitch slap. She couldn't even keep MC in a sleeper hold.

Sage hasn't had much training, but we have no indication of Quinn having any at all. So on the basis of evidence Sage would win.

You have to offer something better than flimsy excuses for Quinn's poor performance. It's much more plausible that daddy's girl just never learned to actually fight.
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May 9, 2024
Overconfidence... She thinks that if she puts on this "whore mask" and acts like a whore, everyone will respect her like her father... But under the mask is just a shy little girl full of anxiety , and he wants to meet his father's expectations at all costs... He didn't have a "normal" childhood, he only knows this life, and he is not yet willing to admit that there is a "normal" life... Now he does all the stupid things without rational and considered decisions.. And if he doesn't realize his mistakes soon, he will be lost in some dark alley... So overconfidence is a "double-edged sword" that can hurt you too... Never underestimate anyone just because you have a gun... ;)
??? You kinda lost me here. Quinn is a he? I seriously don't know what point you are making or how it is a reply to anything I said.
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