
Formerly Known as GeekBone
Jan 13, 2018
So Quinn knowing that Vinnie is a dangerous guy, and knowing that he will react badly to her supplying the Pink Rose, bears no responsibility? You seriously think that?
She may have contributed to pissing off Vinnie, but at the end of the day, the decision to kidnap Rio was all his. No one forced him to do so. Did Quinn piss him off? Probably. Did Lily add to the situation? Maybe. But Vinnie made the decision all by himself.

Do you blame the abuse victim for getting hit by her husband just because she may or may not have pissed him off? No. The husband made the call the hit her all on his own. No one else to blame. Same with Vinnie.
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Mar 24, 2022
Riona being kidnapped is on Quinn. It is heavily hinted that she and Vinny used to be a thing, and if anyone knows him, its Quinn. She knew her ex boyfriend is a dangerous individual, and she still stole his customers. If there is one thing dope boys hate is their opposition taking their customers and money.

She did break a deal they put together. And her best friend getting kidnapped is consequences of her (stupid, very stupid) actions


Formerly Known as GeekBone
Jan 13, 2018
Riona being kidnapped is on Quinn. It is heavily hinted that she and Vinny used to be a thing, and if anyone knows him, its Quinn. She knew her ex boyfriend is a dangerous individual, and she still stole his customers. If there is one thing dope boys hate is their opposition taking their customers and money.

She did break a deal they put together. And her best friend getting kidnapped is consequences of her (stupid, very stupid) actions
Nope. Rio getting kidnapped is on Vinnie. He made the decision. No one forced him to do it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2020
She may have contributed to pissing off Vinnie, but at the end of the day, the decision to kidnap Rio was all his. No one forced him to do so. Did Quinn piss him off? Probably. Did Lily add to the situation? Maybe. But Vinnie made the decision all by himself.

Do you blame the abuse victim for getting hit by her husband just because she may or may not have pissed him off? No. The husband made the call the hit her all on his own. No one else to blame. Same with Vinnie.
Without proof that Quinn warned Rio to be careful because she's gone behind Vinnie's back then Quinn has to take blame for it.

Rio would be the abuse victim in your scenario not Quinn. To use your scenario, it's like a woman who knows that there is a potentially violent guy who knows where her friend will be but decides to annoy the violent guy and then not warn her friend to be careful, does she bear any responsibility for her friend then becoming a victim of the violent guy?


Mar 24, 2022
Nope. Rio getting kidnapped is on Vinnie. He made the decision. No one forced him to do it.
I guess you are simp, I am not trying to start waifu wars since I have more important things to do.

First of all - Quinn knew what kind of guy Vinny is. Crazy, daring and dangerous. This guy pulled out a gun on a teenager for no reason AT ALL. That shows us we are dealing with a man who doesn't care much. That is a very dangerous combination.

Knowing all this, Quinn still choose to fuck him over. She knew what she was getting into. When you know you are dealing with a crazy person you cut contact and avoid that person. Even his best friend(Nick) doesn't talk to him much.

And yet she stole his customers, why ? Because she is greedy, very greedy. And that's why her best friend got kidnapped by crazy unhinged guy.


Formerly Known as GeekBone
Jan 13, 2018
I guess you are simp, I am not trying to start waifu wars since I have more important things to do.

First of all - Quinn knew what kind of guy Vinny is. Crazy, daring and dangerous. This guy pulled out a gun on a teenager for no reason AT ALL. That shows us we are dealing with a man who doesn't care much. That is a very dangerous combination.

Knowing all this, Quinn still choose to fuck him over. She knew what she was getting into. When you know you are dealing with a crazy person you cut contact and avoid that person. Even his best friend(Nick) doesn't talk to him much.

And yet she stole his customers, why ? Because she is greedy, very greedy. And that's why her best friend got kidnapped by crazy unhinged guy.
Hey... thanks for the name calling. I will add that to the list of colorful metaphors used to describe me. SIMP is a new one.

So sure... others may have contributed to Vinnie getting angry and feeling like he needed to act, but he still, at the end of the day, made the decision to kidnap Rio. No one else. It's like someone who commits a mass murder/shooting. Do we blame anyone other than the shooter? No. No one forced them to do what they did, just like no one forced Vinnie to kidnap Rio. 100% on Vinnie.
Sep 26, 2023
And yet she stole his customers, why ? Because she is greedy, very greedy. And that's why her best friend got kidnapped by crazy unhinged guy.
The customers came to her. Why ? Because Vinnie overcharged his prices. Quinn wasn't even aware he was selling to them. Lily just made a deal behind Vinnie's back. Vinnie came back because Lily and the girls lied to him with a bullshit excuse. Lily is also aware that Vinnie was a dangerous guy but didn't really care. She just wanted cheaper prices. But I guess that's also Quinn's fault if Vinnie screwed his customers over and forced them to seek for someone else. :WeSmart:

Vinnie own greed started everything and Lily's shenanigans bring him back.


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2020
Quinn wasn't even aware he was selling to them.
This statement makes your whole argument invalid. Quinn knew that Vinnie's territory included the Pink Rose, it was part of the deal when he left college, she sells to college students and he stays away from college, Vinnie sells to the surrounding area and Quinn doesn't sell to anyone outside college, or sell to anyone looking to take the products outside of college.
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Apr 10, 2024
Hey... thanks for the name calling. I will add that to the list of colorful metaphors used to describe me. SIMP is a new one.

So sure... others may have contributed to Vinnie getting angry and feeling like he needed to act, but he still, at the end of the day, made the decision to kidnap Rio. No one else. It's like someone who commits a mass murder/shooting. Do we blame anyone other than the shooter? No. No one forced them to do what they did, just like no one forced Vinnie to kidnap Rio. 100% on Vinnie.
If there are two rival gangs with established and agreed territories, the leader of Gang A decides to start encroaching on Gang B territory while withholding info from the rest of their gang, and Gang B retaliates by kidnapping one of the members of Gang A, neither gang leader has clean hands. Sure, the one ordering/doing the kidnapping is probably the dirtiest, but it seems silly to me to try to claim the leader of Gang A is totally without blame for creating the circumstances where Gang B felt the need to retaliate in the first place.
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Sep 26, 2023
If there are two rival gangs with established and agreed territories, the leader of Gang A decides to start encroaching on Gang B territory while withholding info from the rest of their gang, and Gang B retaliates by kidnapping one of the members of Gang A, neither gang leader has clean hands. Sure, the one ordering/doing the kidnapping is probably the dirtiest, but it seems silly to me to try to claim the leader of Gang A is totally without blame for creating the circumstances where Gang B felt the need to retaliate in the first place.
But there's no gang feud in this case. They have the same boss.


Formerly Known as GeekBone
Jan 13, 2018
If there are two rival gangs with established and agreed territories, the leader of Gang A decides to start encroaching on Gang B territory while withholding info from the rest of their gang, and Gang B retaliates by kidnapping one of the members of Gang A, neither gang leader has clean hands. Sure, the one ordering/doing the kidnapping is probably the dirtiest, but it seems silly to me to try to claim the leader of Gang A is totally without blame for creating the circumstances where Gang B felt the need to retaliate in the first place.
Again, I am not saying Quinn or whoever didn't contribute to pissing Vinnie off, but choosing to kidnap Rio is all on Vinnie. It was his choice. He may have felt driven to it, but he still could have chosen to not do it. I may want to bitch slap my neighbor because he keeps parking his car on my property, but I choose not to do it. If I kidnapped his dog, would I be justified? Would my neighbor have any culpability in my actions? Was any of it his fault? No. I chose to kidnap his dog and it was all on me. Period.


Jun 28, 2024
Larger gangs have internal factions with separate sub-leaders all the time, and it's not uncommon for conflict and power struggles to occur between them.
I have to agree with the ones saying it's in part also Quinn's fault.
The one actually doing the abducting is Vinnie, so is not like it isn't mainly his fault, he could have picked a different solution.
But the relationships at play are more "complex" than simply, he abducts so he's the only one at fault.
  1. Quinn has stolen clients from Vinnie, knowing they were his clients
  2. Rio is part of Quinn's "gang", but has been kept in the dark from Quinn about what's happening
  3. Even when approached by Rio afraid of being followed, she easily dismiss it and doesn't open up, at that stage neither had any idea who the actual stalker was, but Quinn had already started messing around with Vinnie's "turf"
  4. Vinnie shows up with a gun at the halloween party and yet, except for sharing it with Tommy, she doesn't think infoprming her "gang" would be smart.
I have absolutely nothing against Quinn (actually like the character), but she is a manipulative lying b... if you know you are about to potentially start a "gang war", you should at the very least inform the members of your gang.


Apr 10, 2024
Again, I am not saying Quinn or whoever didn't contribute to pissing Vinnie off, but choosing to kidnap Rio is all on Vinnie. It was his choice. He may have felt driven to it, but he still could have chosen to not do it. I may want to bitch slap my neighbor because he keeps parking his car on my property, but I choose not to do it. If I kidnapped his dog, would I be justified? Would my neighbor have any culpability in my actions? Was any of it his fault? No. I chose to kidnap his dog and it was all on me. Period.
Don't get me wrong, the vast majority of the blame lies on Vinnie. But I think you're example is a bit of a false equivalence.

Quinn knows Vinnie is dangerous. She likely has reason to suspect that her actions could provoke a disproportional response. But she chooses to take those actions anyways despite the risks it creates (perhaps partially for the benefit of the others that work for her, but certainly significantly for her own benefit). And she doesn't share this with Rio or the others.

So while Vinnie may hold most or all the blame for the actual kidnapping, Quinn has some blame for putting her people at risk.

It's like if I decided to drive my friends through sketchy alleys at night to buy some drugs without letting my friends know why and we get mugged. Obviously the muggers are the main ones to blame, but people are still going to be wondering why the hell I didn't stick to the safer streets.
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