Saving much time feels like a pipe-dream at this point. The truth is for better or worse this is an overly ambitious VN for one man and always was. The game is a project of hundreds of thousands of words, thousands of animations, tens of thousands of images, you'd think a shit ton of code with hours of been creative and actually coming up with shit. I think any decisions needed to save significant time needed to be made early. Not 11 episodes and years in development in. I don't think there's a magical cure all any more.
Even if his patrons suddenly turned and he cut what is seen on here as the fat; the overly long non lewd animations, Madame, minigames, went back to 30fps animations and DIDN'T put that time into another aspect (which is a big if) I think the fastest you'd get the game would be 2028 at the absolute earliest because that would still leave a veritable fucking mountain of branching content to create. One guy just isn't doing that quickly, there's a reason games with choice tend to be very contained or limited.
I feel the ship has sailed on this game coming out before 2030. We either wait or drop our interest because dev time isn't going to get shorter. Which is kinda depressing