
Engaged Member
Sep 6, 2019
I see your point but also don't see it. Maya/Josy were a committed female relationship (supposed to be anyway). Bella/Jill (if it even happened and to what degree) would be a one time thing. A one time thing even alcohol induced which is what the most popular theory is would not have the same degree of investment by either participant.

As far as the time limit goes. Bella says that "No that can't be right" to the 3 year thing so not sure how long its been.
That's the same argument I made a while ago. Another lesbian relationship would be too repetitive. (To anyone potentially quoting me don't nitpick on the word relationship too much, I don't mean it as a relationship-relationship). That's why I think it's probably not that, and DPC is trying to makes us believe something else out of that scene. I can't review it right now so I don't know it that would fit what we know or not, but there could be other things Jill is upset about. Jill is dating the MC in every route, could she be mad because she knows Bella kissed him? Maybe because Bella is technically cheating on her husband and she knows it? Saying that it's because there's something sexual between them seems the easy way out.
Sorry I use the wrong word, so you must have misunderstood. What I actually mean is lastest news of the game. I didn't mean the update (episode 6)
I thought he updates every Friday. That was I mean.

Sorry for using the wrong word.
I think you're quoting the wrong guy, buddy :ROFLMAO: .


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
It may or may not have been three years (I think she's just surprised to realize it's been that long), but it's clearly been a long time. My guess is it makes her less a saint and more someone who has serious hangups thinking about herself sexually. That certainly fits with the rest of her actions in the game.

As for repeating Maya and Josy, I agree the circumstances would almost certainly be different, but it would be another surprise lesbian connection between two LIs. Given this is DPC, it would also assuredly be traumatic and emotional, too. So the impact on us players will be extremely similar, even if characters will phrase things a little differently.

And it just seems like a mistake.
Ok that I get. It sure seems to point at something happening between them but I will also admit it doesn't match who I think they are. Bella is extremely loyal to her husband. She also is a pseudo sister/parent to Jill. Jill is more innocent and while she isn't naive to the world she is definitely not worldly as far as sex goes.
That's the same argument I made a while ago. Another lesbian relationship would be too repetitive. (To anyone potentially quoting me don't nitpick on the word relationship too much, I don't mean it as a relationship-relationship). That's why I think it's probably not that, and DPC is trying to makes us believe something else out of that scene. I can't review it right now so I don't know it that would fit what we know or not, but there could be other things Jill is upset about. Jill is dating the MC in every route, could she be mad because she knows Bella kissed him? Maybe because Bella is technically cheating on her husband and she knows it? Saying that it's because there's something sexual between them seems the easy way out.

I think you're quoting the wrong guy, buddy :ROFLMAO: .
I could definitely see Jill having issues with Bella/MC. You really can see it if you stayed at Bella's during Ep4 and play your guitar for them in Ep5. Jill says that is Bella's favorite song and if you answer Yeah I know Jill looks right at you with this look on her face that makes you think UHOH.


Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
downloaded this game this morning ... seen it alot and tho i''d wait long enough for some good story line and what not ... but dam 8 gig ... shit ... all i gotta say is i'm not disappointed .. hate mini games .. but thanks for letting me be able to skip that ... awesome game (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)


Apr 2, 2018
Ok that I get. It sure seems to point at something happening between them but I will also admit it doesn't match who I think they are. Bella is extremely loyal to her husband. She also is a pseudo sister/parent to Jill. Jill is more innocent and while she isn't naive to the world she is definitely not worldly as far as sex goes.
I wouldn't say she is extremely... loyal... definitely she as a standard, a goal image that she wishes to live up to... but there is something there that is outside of her control, I'm starting to believe that she is trying to escape her past... as in an adventurous person or at least with urges, and she saw in James the older correcter guy to follow it??
There is definitely a big conflict there, she wishes to be something that she is accomplishing superficially but is making her unbalanced at the core.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
That's the same argument I made a while ago. Another lesbian relationship would be too repetitive. (To anyone potentially quoting me don't nitpick on the word relationship too much, I don't mean it as a relationship-relationship). That's why I think it's probably not that, and DPC is trying to makes us believe something else out of that scene.
Again, it's really hard to believe it's anything other than that right now, not just because of how that scene went, but also when you remember that Bella referenced "being intimate with a friend" in ep 3 and Jill is the only friend we know Bella to have. Plus she said that she had "stopped it" suggesting that she is still friends with this person.

It might seem "repetitive" to have another 2 LIs involved in some lesbian intimacy, but I wonder if having 2 such "relationships" like this in the game isn't just DPC having a little bit of fun with the fans. A lot of people were upset about what happened in AL, not just because it killed off an LI, but it also ended a possible throuple relationship if you chose both Megan and Melissa. Perhaps DPC is now giving people not 1, but 2 options for a throuple in this game as a genuine way of compensating for what happened, or they're just appearing to compensate for what happened and one or both will be ultimately doomed to fail and DPC will just sit back and chuckle at all the people who will complain again that the throuples didn't work out.

I can't review it right now so I don't know it that would fit what we know or not, but there could be other things Jill is upset about. Jill is dating the MC in every route, could she be mad because she knows Bella kissed him? Maybe because Bella is technically cheating on her husband and she knows it? Saying that it's because there's something sexual between them seems the easy way out.
Except that Jill wasn't mad about anything. She was the one trying to assure an uncomfortable Bella that everything was OK and that whatever happened before wouldn't happen again.

Here's what we do know:
  • Bella has admitted to "being intimate with a friend" before
  • Jill is Bella's only known friend
  • Bella reacts strangely when in bed with Jill
  • Both Bella and Jill acknowledged that something happened between them that they agreed not let happen again
What exactly happened is up for interpretation, but there does seem to be a bit of tension in the air between them because they're in bed together, and if it's not the result of some kind of past intimacy then this will be the biggest red herring ever because there honestly doesn't seem to be any other reasonable explanation for it.


Engaged Member
Jan 16, 2020
Ignoring the cringy and unfunny shitposts/theories regarding Bella's secrets I'll be relatively fine with whatever happens so long as her husband stays out of the story. Having him suddenly return or something similar to that would completely ruin my interest and curiousity in her route.

We're already dealing with the partners of the girls who are already in relationships which are many btw, DPC doesn't strike me as a writer who lacks originality so I have faith that his plans for MC/Bella doesn't involve her husband physically present in the games story.
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New Member
Mar 25, 2020
Okay, so, after replaying the game AGAIN, I've found a couple pieces of info that I think are relevant to this whole Jill and Bella talk. Please note that I may not be remembering things 100% accurately, but I intend to play it again tonight and grab screenshots.

The first thing I want to note is that the picture we see of Bella's husband looks awfully similar to a seemingly random person in episode 5. He's part of the conversation about the company retreat. The guy on the right, I believe, during the prep party. IF that's him, we see him in person before we see the actual picture in Bella's room, so it would make sense for the MC to not recognize him. After all, the MC doesn't even interact with him beyond a bit of eavesdropping. If this is really the case, that guy doesn't seem to have a care in the world, and probably couldn't care less about Bella at this point.

As for Bella and Jill's nightly escapade, Jill herself mentions that her and Bella did SOMETHING that involved at least kissing, but only in her head. I'm pretty sure that it was after the scene where you either kiss her after the shower, or one of the other scenes where you kiss her. I also have reason to suspect that it was Jill who initiated it, too, but I honestly can't remember what lead me to that conclusion. It probably started with one of her goodnight kisses.

I would also like to point out the conversation with Jade and her husband, about his cheating, and his clear obsession with Bella. Those two at least attempted to initiate a fling with Isabella, and we don't have a real frame of reference for when that happened other than Jade pointing out that Bella was wearing a wedding ring.

Anyway, I'm gonna go ahead and start up another run, and grab as much evidence as I can muster.


Engaged Member
Sep 6, 2019
There's A LOT to unpack there. You also let A LOT of your personal interpretation slip as facts.
Again, it's really hard to believe it's anything other than that right now, not just because of how that scene went, but also when you remember that Bella referenced "being intimate with a friend" in ep 3 and Jill is the only friend we know Bella to have.
There's also the MC, and if memory serves they already kissed in her home after the drunk party out and she "stopped it" at that point.
Plus she said that she had "stopped it" suggesting that she is still friends with this person.
It doesn't suggest such a thing. Stopped means stopped. She might have cut contact with that person altogether, be only friends or just promise herself she would stop. That line doesn't give any info, specially not what you suggest it does.
It might seem "repetitive" to have another 2 LIs involved in some lesbian intimacy, but I wonder if having 2 such "relationships" like this in the game isn't just DPC having a little bit of fun with the fans. A lot of people were upset about what happened in AL, not just because it killed off an LI, but it also ended a possible throuple relationship if you chose both Megan and Melissa. Perhaps DPC is now giving people not 1, but 2 options for a throuple in this game as a genuine way of compensating for what happened, or they're just appearing to compensate for what happened and one or both will be ultimately doomed to fail and DPC will just sit back and chuckle at all the people who will complain again that the throuples didn't work out.
Or maybe it's a red herring. We don't know, we can only speculate about what DPC wants to do.
Except that Jill wasn't mad about anything. She was the one trying to assure an uncomfortable Bella that everything was OK and that whatever happened before wouldn't happen again.
I mean, she left the room to sleep on the couch because she didn't want to have that conversation. That's being mad.
  • Bella has admitted to "being intimate with a friend" before
  • Jill is Bella's only known friend //Known being a key word. Maybe it's the MC, maybe it's Jill, maybe it's someone else. We will know in due time. If it's a red herring it can be anything
  • Bella reacts strangely when in bed with Jill //You give too much value to "in bed". They were alone, that's why they started talking about the elephant in the room, whatever that is.
  • Both Bella and Jill acknowledged that something happened between them that they agreed not let happen again // Argue maybe?
What exactly happened is up for interpretation, but there does seem to be a bit of tension in the air between them because they're in bed together, and if it's not the result of some kind of past intimacy then this will be the biggest red herring ever because there honestly doesn't seem to be any other reasonable explanation for it.
-Jill starts dating the MC
-Jill discovers Bella kissed him
-Jill feels betrayed and they argue

That's a much much simpler explanation than they kissing with very few assuptions (only the last line, really, the rest is already known information). It only takes one conversation than the both of them are bound to have sooner or later. It might have happened already and this is the aftermath of it.

...God, I feel like I just finished a case of Phoenix Wright... :ROFLMAO:

Ignoring the cringy and unfunny shitposts/theories regarding Bella's secrets I'll be relatively fine with whatever happens so long as her husband stays out of the story. Having him suddenly return or something similar to that would completely ruin my interest and curiousity in her route.

We're already dealing with the partners of the girls who are already in relationships which are many btw, DPC doesn't strike me as a writer who lacks originality so I have faith that his plans for MC/Bella doesn't involve her husband physically present in the games story.
That's what happens to me with the Jill/Bella route, too forced. That would make me lose interest in both too. (And I can expect a huge uproar by Jill's fans in Discord :ROFLMAO: ).


Sep 17, 2019
OMG what in the pineapple happened here lol. One tiny question about scenes and it turned into a discussion about the universe. I just left you guys here a few hours ago lol.


Edit - Not being a girl I have no clue how often girls masturbate on average but google says at least once a week so for Bella to be at 3 years makes her a Saint
And some do it as often as men I assume, especially if it's supposedly been "around" 3 years? But then again, doing anything for 28 days can be habit-forming. Maybe she hasn't been touched at all, by man or woman, though if dpa was properly writing, he may have purposely written that "by a man" instead of using a generic "by anyone".

I also don't think there is anything happening between Jill and Bella, from what I gathered, Jill looks up to Bella, and Bella treats Jill like a daughter. Not sure what DPA is thinking, sorry, DPC. Lots of "what if's" and "possibilities" floating around.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
OMG what in the pineapple happened here lol. One tiny question about scenes and it turned into a discussion about the universe. I just left you guys here a few hours ago lol.

And some do it as often as men I assume, especially if it's supposedly been "around" 3 years? But then again, doing anything for 28 days can be habit-forming. Maybe she hasn't been touched at all, by man or woman, though if dpa was properly writing, he may have purposely written that "by a man" instead of using a generic "by anyone".

I also don't think there is anything happening between Jill and Bella, from what I gathered, Jill looks up to Bella, and Bella treats Jill like a daughter. Not sure what DPA is thinking, sorry, DPC. Lots of "what if's" and "possibilities" floating around.
Yeah that's the running theory is that something happened between Bella and Jill. Based of what we saw in the game unlike most of the "theories" that get thrown around in here.

Edit - I'm looking at all you Bella is a axe murderer people


Sep 17, 2019
Yeah that's the running theory is that something happened between Bella and Jill. Based of what we saw in the game unlike most of the "theories" that get thrown around in here.
Maybe a kiss or some sort of affection but it seems she seeks Bella's approval each time, I just don't see them two developing much as Jill is excited about the MC and Bella is ok with it, despite wanting a piece of the action herself.

Those "crazy eyes" everyone's been posting about Bella, those are eyes of a desire, not ones of crazy. She's purring like a kitten and probably wants to jump his bones each moment she can get.

I sense a motherly/daughter bond happening early on with Jisabella, and then I'm sure the twerp mc will find a way to join them both with him. Cause ya know, he's the hottest dude with martial arts skills of a ninja and equipped with the biggest cock on campus apparently lol--so it'll all work out for him.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
Maybe a kiss or some sort of affection but it seems she seeks Bella's approval each time, I just don't see them two developing much as Jill is excited about the MC and Bella is ok with it, despite wanting a piece of the action herself.

Those "crazy eyes" everyone's been posting about Bella, those are eyes of a desire, not ones of crazy. She's purring like a kitten and probably wants to jump his bones each moment she can get.

I sense a motherly/daughter bond happening early on with Jisabella, and then I'm sure the twerp mc will find a way to join them both with him. Cause ya know, he's the hottest dude with martial arts skills of a ninja and equipped with the biggest cock on campus apparently lol--so it'll all work out for him.
And thats why its a porn game and not a AAA game :ROFLMAO:
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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
Yeah, that sums up everything, lol. I'm sure we'll hear some opposition here shortly. I thought I was obsessed with finding mystery--sheesh.
I :love: a good mystery. Trying to guess where the game is going is entertaining. However once it gets to crazy I normally check out.

Futa Jill :cry:
Axe Murderer Bella :cry:

Nope Nope Nope


Sep 17, 2019
I :love: a good mystery. Trying to guess where the game is going is entertaining. However once it gets to crazy I normally check out.

Futa Jill :cry:
Axe Murderer Bella :cry:

Nope Nope Nope
How about he's alive theory? "Her husband is still alive and that wasn't a hallucination the MC had seen?" Unless it was absinthe that he drank.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
How about he's alive theory? "Her husband is still alive and that wasn't a hallucination the MC had seen?" Unless it was absinthe that he drank.
I think he's alive. I seriously doubt he was in the hall. I just think the MC was really trashed and thought the mannequin was someone. When you look at the render it doesn't really look like the pic of the husband anyway that the MC picks up. Much darker skin complexion.


Sep 17, 2019
I think he's alive. I seriously doubt he was in the hall. I just think the MC was really trashed and thought the mannequin was someone. When you look at the render it doesn't really look like the pic of the husband anyway that the MC picks up. Much darker skin complexion.
I definitely missed that
Edit: But it still doesn't explain how he hallucinated from drinking?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
I definitely missed that
Yeah the husband in the wedding pic is ghost white almost. The soldier/mannequin looks like he has either a AWESOME fricking tan or is something other than lily white.

Edit - Granted it could have just been the lighting in the room but the soldier/mannequin is darker.
Edit x2 - Strange house, black out drunk, sees something that he wasn't expecting. Hmm not my story..... Just trying to create possibilities other than some ghost in the house
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