
Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2017
Jill, more than anyone else, needs to be protected from the "bang all girls" play style that the majority of players have in these games lol. I think it's good that Pink is laying the groundwork and getting the players to understand that you can't play around with this sweetheart and hope to end with a positive outcome. She will be very hurt when she finds out that you've been banging half the school and her best friend/mentor while leading her on.

I'm not on Maya/Josy route so I can't comment on it, but relationship dynamics with Sage and Bella are not at the stage where exclusivity is expected. Sage is still a fuck buddy that shows potential to evolve. Bella is a confused relationship that is driven more by lust. Eventually, we would have to get on their exclusive route (if we don't want to cheat and potentially end up alone lol).
I was joking, I'm not going for a harem ending (Although playing like a horn dog as always!!)
It's just that all his main girls are so good!!! I love all of them!!

Up now I was still on all the routes, but like you say time for choices is coming.

Truthfully, I'm angling for Jill, with Bella still a big maybe. I first fell in love with Maya, but we are in an open relationship (along with Josie) at the moment, so they would not really be crushed if and when we break up. Bella... is kind of the dark horse. Brooding, beautiful, mature lady and good friends with Jill. So leaning towards Jill, but Bella can still steal it away.

Gonna do a full Dick playthrough where I'm gonna go full out Sage+ HOT girls. Sage is still super cute and the way you help her as a friend and maybe more, when she is sick, is sooo aewsome


May 26, 2017
Anyone got all words for english class?
English test:

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New Member
Feb 5, 2020
I liked the episode for the same reason I didn’t like the DnG bit or episode 5. DnG was exactly as people predicted, It was all fantasy so did little to progress any characters. A waste of time despite being a fun little adventure game.

That aside, there was actual development for people other than M&J. The date with Jill cemented their relationship as more than just casual dating, with it being the first proper time the MC admits feelings for a girl. The date was romantic too, I’ve always said I don’t mind the blue balling on Jill as long as he shows a real relationship forming and DPC has shown that (albeit truncated).

Side note. I’m calling yet again this whole thing going down like Romeo and Juliette. Said it for ages. Tybalt is literally a character in that who’s in love with Juliette. You get the option to blame Derek for the fire incident and I’m calling that is so it’s setup to play out like the play. For those unaware Mercutio in the play is Romeos fun loving, witty friend. Tybalt sends death threats to Romeo (lawsuit threat anyone?) but Romeo does nothing about it for Juliette’s sake having entered into a secret relationship with her (sound familiar?). Mercutio is annoyed at his passivity and instead confronts Tybalt and in do so ends up dying after Tybalt stabs him with a cheap shot. I’m calling it now that Derek won’t stand for Tybalts shit and will end up in trouble in the MC’s stead.

Anyways, back to it. This episode was the opposite of my least favourite one which was 5. It didn’t homogenise everyone. It didn’t level the playing field between LI, tread water and ultimate go nowhere whilst undoing any decisions we previously made. There’s starting to be consequences.

Sage is single and setup to actually see how much the MC cares about her outside of sex. He’s more than a fuckbuddy.

Jill knows how much the MC cares about her and he finally admits it to himself too. If you’re after everyone he also sees what he’s doing if he chooses to fuck every living female on campus. Consequences are on the horizon.

Bella is coming to terms with it being more than just lust and it’s spiralling her guilt further. She’s going the way I wanted her to (as horrible as it will be) which is exploring the emotions associated with an affair. (I’m not into NTR at all, this is the only way it would be palatable for me and that’s an absent husband and a moral wife).

Quinn got development too, opening up to the MC and setting herself up as a viable LI (or secondary LI).

M&J are... M&J, all purpose plot filler but at least it isn’t all unicorns and rainbows like I was worried. Their conjoined plot line I think is gonna be hampered by needing to mirror itself regardless of your relationship with them as shown in this episode. I’m predicting it will split soon and solo routes will be where the unique development will happen.

Overall, DnG aside, it was a good episode for setting up branches. It was a weird episode but I’m more hopeful for the future than I was at the end of Ep5. This episode needed to happen and is marred by the one before, it had to undo a lot of damage done in that one. But overall, yeah... I liked it. Good indication for things to come.

Haven't played Ep6 yet, but I always assumed Bella's husband was dead? (Not actual basis for this, just assumed it)
May 15, 2020

Is anybody having a problem with the game app responding with "the game application can't be opened" when you try to do so?
I'm on a Mac and can't remember if there's a little fix you can make to this problem or not, would appreciate any tips. I downloaded the full 6.0 version, not the update.


Active Member
Jun 25, 2019
It's too obvious, I think. At the start of the chapter the drug den characters were discussing the rat from Scorsese's 'The Departed'. If it's anything like the movie, the traitor won't be so easily revealed.
This is so obvious that it is even suspicious.
Is it possible that the rat is not him, but someone want to set him up? Nick is very soft, he will not be able to defend himself properly if he is pinned to the wall.
If its not Nick then its misleading from DPC not to let us visit his room in the 1st free roam. Nothing wrong with a plot twist/misdirection but when the game's mechanics/meta point at him, it should be him


Engaged Member
Oct 20, 2020
Some thoughts on ep. 6 (mild spoilers)

-Top notch music choices. DPC really knocked it out of the park, especially during the lewd scenes.
-I can't believe I'm going to get cucked by Josy with Jill. If she doesn't do it, I'm sure Maya will. Karma, I guess, since I've cucked just about everyone possible.
-For fuck's sake DPC, get rid of MC's skin tight, rolled up jorts. That's just embarrassing.
-Surprisingly, I enjoyed the new mansion mini game.
-The D&G quest was my least favorite part of ep. 6. The previous one was good, short, and fun. This one kind of dragged on for me. And I couldn't spank Sally's ass? Boooo. After a while, I just wanted to get back to the main storyline.
-I was so furious when I found out what happened to Jacob's paintings. The individual who did that is going to pay.
-This game really wants me to impregnate Sarah.
-No, Quinn isn't on my good side yet, nice try though, nice try.
-My DIK playthrough is getting ridiculous, bordering on absurd with the amount of women I've bedded. Never thought I'd reach a point where I'm glad DPC seems to be narrowing down our options, but I have. Because I have no self control.
-And finally, Tommy isn't my #1 top nemesis anymore. Let's put him at #4 for now. My DIK MC gets along with him.

.....but I'm still going to fuck Heather. :devilish:

Overall, 5/5.
4.80 star(s) 1,538 Votes