Coincidence, likely to give the MC and Jill a mirrored storyline of the MC's parents and nothing more than that.
Could be that Bella was friends with Jill's sister and thus has taken it upon herself to look after Jill in memory of Jill's sister.
The death of a close relative is always traumatic, so it could very easily be that Jill simply has trouble talking about it because it still affects her deeply. This is not an unusual trait in a person and it is likely due to the nature and circumstances surrounding her death of which Jill will be very much aware.
Lynette died during childbirth. This was said in the game's intro.
Jill tells the MC on their date in Ep 4 about her memories of her sister, but Jill is only 2 years older than the MC and she couldn't possibly have such strong memories of her sister from that young an age. Plus, Lynette ran away from her family to be with Neil when she was 18, so even if Jill could remember things from when she was 2, she would have had to have been born before Lynette ran away but that doesn't work because there's only 2 years between Jill and the MC and the MC was born after Lynette ran off to be with Neil.
So, both mathematically and narratively, Lynette is NOT Jill's sister.
i still believe Lynette and the older Royce girl where friends and their deaths are related! perhaps a car crash where Janette Royce dies immediately and Lynette goes into coma and she dies during a cesarean procedure!
The death of a loved one should bring families together the grandparents should have fought for the baby, even if in the male brain the grandfather blames the baby for his loss eventually he should have calmed down,
the fact that he does not means that that baby also provoked pain to someone else important to him, perhaps his best friend Jill Royce father? and since it was the friend who helped him out during his darkest hour to bring the child that is the result of all the tragedy into view could jeopardize one of the most important persons in his life!
i have no doubt the grandmother wanted her grandchild!
which opens the plot to one of dalli_x theories where i added the grandmother of the MC and Jill mother having united to make matchmakers to their descendents! trust me very few things that women love more then this kind of thing...
Dalli_x the one shadowing during the Josy MC date was tommy!
those are probably stock images, i used to have a theory about Maya father and his face scar, until holly pointed out to me stock assets! still believe maya is a feisty one when she lashes out aggressively!
The Jill blackmail is probably for the idiots/cucks/white knights, sorry i mean romantic player base with all the difficulties to reach true love and thus give it a more profound meaning when you finally go balls deep into that ass!
AL is an amazing experience craft, a very hard hitting and depressing crafted experience but well worth it if you have the menthal fortitude, the end was kind of rushed and too much exposition but i still found it a very cathartic experience that gave me quite a few insights into a few things i had never considered!
If you could choose what the subjects the MC took next which subjects would you take? I remember somewhere he was thinking of studying an engineering degree? I think it would be cool if MC took a class where we could design/build something interesting.
Even though BaDIK isn't a continuation of AL, would you guys like it if the games DPC made going forward were in the BaDIK universe, or also standalone, and why?
Economics or geo politics, or even philosophy random questions, political science, geography questions and i do not mean names but reading maps!
always better to be a continuous universe and lore, easier for the writer and reader although it can be limiting but the well established world makes it more accessible to the people!
there is a reason why almost all fantasies have orcs and elf's, easy to understand and attracts an established crowd, creating new worlds means starting from scratch and it will take longer for your work to reach a wider audience including your own fans!
As an example i am a great fan of Bernard Cromwell and Simon Scarrow, and yet i am yet to read all of their works since i go from series to series and i enjoy to try and find new authors, when you find the right one its something special like finding a new love! So even tough BC and SS are my favorites i´m taking a very long time before i start the sharpe chronicles or some of Scarrows stand alone, so continuous is better because you get more out of it by already understanding the 3rd or 4th most important character which is the world/lore/history! even if the 1st 2nd and 3rd caracthers are diferent (1st hero 2nd love interest 3rd arch nemesis)!
And, guys what does KRJ means? i feel like a noob first time playing cs
Karen Rebecca Johnson the soulless Goddess of the Gingerist church! or something along those lines!
and finally something must be terribly wrong in a thread if i´m the sensible one!