Yes, but there is something that most lesbians do. Most homosexual males probably do it as well, however, I cannot speak to their experience as I am not male. What that is commonly referred to is "bicurious" experimentation, although that's not necessarily correct. It may have nothing whatsoever to do with being bisexual. It may simply be confusion about whether or not they are, in fact, lesbian. It may be confusion about whether or not their sexual orientation aligns with their feelings. Society has made feeling guilty over being homosexual a thing. Religion has most certainly made it a thing. Conversion therapy is a thing.
So, it could simply be a case of trying it before you're buying it, as in, for the purposes of the story, Maya and Josy talk to each other and agree to try sex with a male to see if one or both enjoy it. But is sure as hell isn't a case of either one of them already knowing they enjoy sex with a male. At least one of them is supposedly a virgin. We have nothing to indicate whether the other one is or not but she certainly hasn't told the other one, "Try it, you'll like it. I did."
Even assuming one of them decides she is bisexual (both of them deciding they are would be fucking ridiculous), it doesn't mean the other has to be onboard with the idea. It could just as easily be a case of, "Let her try it and get it out of her system." There's one hell of a lot more to lesbians expeimenting with heterosexual sex than, "They tired it one time so, obviously, they're not lesbians." Bullshit. A lot of straight guys have tried things with other guys once. That doesn't mean they're gay.