Since these Tier lists are all the rage, I wanted to make one myself.
That being said, my list is not "wanna fuck" or "fuckable" or any sort of generic listing.
It's a "How interested am I in the future stories of this character?" tier list.
TOP being the characters I am most curious to see about, from Absolute No being no fucking interest at all.
This list in no way reflects my personal preference, I'm still primarily a Jill fan, though... Lily made a play for that spot this episode. Anyway:
I didnt add KRJ into any category just to f..k with Casmyr
TOP needs little explanation. Bella's mystery is still the top curiosity object, though, now I REALLY wanna see how the fallout of coming out of the closet will turn out for Chad. And Riona.... Well.... Let's just say that last text exchange left me starving to see what's gonna happen to her.
S tier is chock full of interesting characters, loving or hating them, that I wanna see further stories of. Lily just darkhorse'd it all the way from mid tier to this one for me, she's essentially moving in to both Sage and Quinn's territory with minimal effort. Wanna see more from her. Quinn's downward spiral continues, need to see more. Jill's story is still top notch, definitely need to see that climactic Season 2 ending for her. Maya's drama is dialing to the max, definitely a must see. Tommy is a new addition here. His Bojack Horseman like behaviour effectively made him a fascinating watch. Wanna see more of his inevitable spiraling downwards.
A tier stories are very interesting, but remain somewhat predictable. Mel is a new addition here for me, I am more interested in her now that I know she was covering for Chad more than anyone else, but why? Camilla's reluctant prostituting coupled with her now-visible crush on MC, I am curious to see how that'll play. Josy is a 2ndary piece of Maya's story still, but definitely saw more solo development this episode, and I wanna see how more fractured her psyche is gonna get. Sage's breakup story is playing along, and the only thing putting this story in A tier is it being a little predictable.
Kinda curious tier is B. And here we have Jacob, whose tidbits of character continues to promise more engaging story, but underdelivering so far. Painting Derek was a nice touch. Heather is like Josy, a 2ndary piece in Tommy's downfall, ultimately wanna see how she ends up, but meh. I kinda wanna see what happened to Mona, but can live without. Same for Burke.
C tier is where we are getting into boring territory. Not because these are bad characters, just that their stories are either coming to their closes ( Rusty's growing up or Jamie's reveal about his hobby and his now completed breakup) or as a whole, stalled and predictable storylines ( Jade, Tybalt, Anthony and Troy are all in this) Troy is Chad's 2ndary, so his personal storyline bears little mark on overall. Sally is in this just due to the fact "super strung up nerd hopped up on adderall" is a very played out theme, and boring to me.
D tier is either storylines that are fully closed ( Cathy, Zoey) or support characters without a story of their own (Elena and JB, Nicole) or in Derek's case, both came to a closing circle with ending of Ashley or just hooking up with others. He is now firmly MC's support 2ndary, his own little story closed out. He may play a part in Maya's story, but in a limited fashion. Not very interesting.
The entire Absolute No requires little explanation. Does anyone wanna see more of the adventures of any of those characters?
Edit Note: Caleb wasnt in the maker images, but I wanna note, I do wanna see a proper round 2.