
Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2018
I 100% see why people would hate Quinn on this one, it's because most of you probably miss her route and also the fact she is not a main girl, i think that affects u guys sympathy towards her. But i think the big underline of their character is that they're a broken person, and we're here to fix that, if u actually make a connection to Quinn you should definitely saw a hint of her problem on why she's a bully now and u should also see that she's warming up for you. It was already made clear in summer's gone cause we're already seeing Bella crushing on MC and we haven;t really see the significant event in BaDIK yet.

What my point is that i think first thing u guys should do is that you look at Bella and Quinn as a broken person, in that way you could choose to either help them or don't care about them. And after you guys tried to help them then u decide that the person is still shit or not, we all agree that these 2 person are fucking mean rn but its up to us to cure it or not. I hope u guys give Quinn a chance to listen or look to her problem because a mean attitude always have a source.
Nicely worded.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2020
How did you guys react to Maya's father and what are your thoughts on the guy?
We don't know a lot about him yet but from the first impressions he is a douchebag. Like It is really weird to see that he would go so far as to nearly ruin maya's life only so that her daughter won't date another girl. In ep 7 when we meet patrick [maya's dad] I expected him to talk rudely to us or show discontent but he starts the conversation with mc as if he's a gentleman :rolleyes:.
The next episodes will show more about him and then I guess i will share my views again :oops:.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2020
You are pathetic. You should treat people how you would like to get treated. There will be a day you will need help. People these days only think about themselves.
Damn dude, lighten up a little, he's just messing around. Very obviously messing around, at that.

How did you guys react to Maya's father and what are your thoughts on the guy?

Does Quinn look etter with out without the makeup?
I'm willing to bet it's pretty unanimous that everyone hates the guy.

As for Quinn, I fucking love her facial model, she's gorgeous with or without make-up (though admittedly, I've never really cared much about make-up or the lack of it, pretty girls be pretty).

I think it will mostly tie into the behind the scenes stat that influences which is Jill’s jealously. Alone it seems kinda hard to capitalise on but as a factor that plays into the greater idea of her jealously it has legs.

How that plays out could be interesting. I’m always a contrarian with these things and hate the “porn logic” so many games follow of a jealous girl means she’s just more desperate for MC cock.

I’m kinda hoping there’s a balance here. A little jealously is fine, good even, but shower her in constant proof you’re balls deep in half the campus on a regular basis and she starts feeling neglected and resentful.

I liked the scene where Josy comforts Jill in the bathroom after she notices how many people recognised MC’s junk. It drove home for Jill how intimate MC is being with Josy and potentially Sage (I’ll have to replay the scene but she definitely looks over at Sage as she chuckles about it being the MC).

I hope jealous Jill is used as a negative thing, something to avoid if you’re on her path, not some tawdry catalyst to jump start Jill being as sexual as everyone else by her going all jealous horny sex fiend to win her man over via her vagina.
Absolutely agree. That being said, I wouldn't mind if this one time is just a wake-up call, but after this little fiasco I absolutely expect her to get disillusioned with your man-whoring ways.


Nov 14, 2018
Is the tennis shower scene with Jill related to dik or chick points? Sometimes i get the scene, sometimes not.....


Conversation Conqueror
Aug 4, 2019
Jill needs to grow up, she knows that MC and Josy had something going on and it's about time she found out too. Anyway, I didn't leave any fucking pictures on Tybalt's phone.

But should Tybalt's performance be sabotaged or not? Because making him look good is hard to stomach anyway.
as you Said Jill need to grow up, may be it is harsh, but a cold shower is very effective. Facing with both Josy and Sage, while Tybalt, does not have teeth, and ranting about, the poor people, that's in his mind also include Bella, while MC 's giant Dick is on the screen, is the right way :cool: .

as for whether the MC actually responsible for ruining his performance? it is up for a debate.
Surely whatever happened during the Tennis game is our responsibility. But how the photo of MC's Dick end up on the big screen is Tybalt fault.

Why did he not planned his own fucking presentation ? and made sure everything was in order ?!

unless it's his big master plan to use this as some kind of evidence against MC, but that would be a little too much change in Tybalt character. He is like the guy from Van wilder, can't be taken seriously only there for comedic relief.


Feb 26, 2021
How did you guys react to Maya's father and what are your thoughts on the guy?
Haven't given him much thought. Will probably end up beating his ass, he has a face that would settle nicely into the brawler screen. What he's doing to Maya is too far but he's trying to save her soul or whatever. Hard to place him without more background, though it's likely he's responsible for why Maya is so annoying about sex (and why I personally don't like her enough to pursue).

Does Quinn look etter with out without the makeup?
For me, it's without makeup. The full party makeup is hot but without makeup, you can see the lines under her eyes and it makes her seem more vulnerable to the MC. Layers coming off. The best scenes with Quinn, imo, have been with her without makeup so that's probably skewing my opinion. If Quinn gave us a choice on whether we want her to put makeup on or stay natural when we're with her, I'd choose natural.

Also there's that scene in one of the opening or closing of a recent episode, can't remember which, where Quinn is doing her makeup. She puts it on like warpaint, and with part of it being the symbol her dad has on his face it's probably has some significance as to her badass persona.


Aug 29, 2017
How did you guys react to Maya's father and what are your thoughts on the guy?
Is there even much to say about this guy? He's an asshole who treats his daughter like shit because he can't accept that she likes girls, and he judging by his reaction to the color of "our" sheets, he strikes me as a good example of toxic masculinity too.

Does Quinn look etter with out without the makeup?
I think so. I didn't expect her to look as good as she did without make-up. But I'd rather have her continue to wear it in order to make the moments she doesn't stand out. It's like not wearing make-up revealed some kind of vulnerability that we don't see often. There's something oddly intimate about it...and I dig it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2018
Easily without makeup, in my opinion Quinn with makeup looks unique but she looks like a cheap hooker, her without makeup definitely makes me treat her more seriously and combine it with the hangout scene i can't help but smile on her.
I think the make up beside her eyes is pretty cool though. She does it in tribute to her dad who has a face tattoo of the same thing in the same spot.
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Feb 13, 2018
How did you guys react to Maya's father and what are your thoughts on the guy?
I acted politely because I didn't want to make the situation even worse for Maya and that was the fastest way to get rid of the bastard. Of course I hope one day the mc will get the chance to kick his ass right after Maya grew strong/confident enough to stand up to him.
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Sep 3, 2020
I would talk more about consequences not decisions.

in the same way that in the seventh chapter we leave Bella not because of our decision but because of the consequences of our other decisions, and in the latter case at least there was a direct correlation between the decisions taken two chapters earlier and the consequence

also for the trouple I think it will go the same way, what we have done will decide what we can have (both, only Maya, only Josy, none)

2-1 for Josy at the most

and the 2 for Josy are mandatory
Only one encounter with Josy is mandatory being inside the throuple, the first scene of the episode. The HOT party is a sidetask, so it can be avoided.
However, if we go back and count the moments alone, in the prep party we have one, only in episode 7 we have the following ones.
If we follow Josy, we can have 4 scenes, if we follow Maya we can have only 2, it's going to be difficult to balance this.
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Nov 14, 2018
Loved the naughty Jill scene when she ticked mc's cock with that one finger at the lake! Another one is how Bella balds her fist when mc's cock touches her pussy. I mean...how you come up with that stuff, best game ever!!!


Active Member
Jan 29, 2020
How did you guys react to Maya's father and what are your thoughts on the guy?
Politely for Maya sake, but he clearly makes the top 6 Douchebag of the Game :mad: ! For me its goes like this :

1. Stephen Burke: Corrupt asshole who pimps out college girl and who cheats on his hot wife (good thing the MC is ready to step up!)
2. Patrick: homophobic religious Nutbag who blackmail his own daughter
3. Dawe: To quote Tommy " He's such a cunt" who's not that muscular, not that smart and he's 35 and still in college !
4. Tybatl: What more is there to say... He's a bitch with a fake tan, accent and fake teeth apparently :LOL: and he's clearly delusional about Jill !
5. Caleb: A juicebox violent jock. Then again we don't know much about him... At least we both agree that we want to stay away from crabby Areith !
6. Steve: He was a fuckface and he clearly harrased Josy... But I Kinda felt bad about his parents divorcing...
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