Jill needs to grow up, she knows that MC and Josy had something going on and it's about time she found out too. Anyway, I didn't leave any fucking pictures on Tybalt's phone.
But should Tybalt's performance be sabotaged or not? Because making him look good is hard to stomach anyway.
as you Said Jill need to grow up, may be it is harsh, but a cold shower is very effective. Facing with both Josy and Sage, while Tybalt, does not have teeth, and ranting about, the poor people, that's in his mind also include Bella, while MC 's giant Dick is on the screen, is the right way

as for whether the MC actually responsible for ruining his performance? it is up for a debate.
Surely whatever happened during the Tennis game is our responsibility. But how the photo of MC's Dick end up on the big screen is Tybalt fault.
Why did he not planned his own fucking presentation ? and made sure everything was in order ?!
unless it's his big master plan to use this as some kind of evidence against MC, but that would be a little too much change in Tybalt character. He is like the guy from Van wilder, can't be taken seriously only there for comedic relief.