It will be around October or November at best.when is the next update.
You described the characters really well especially Maya's that she's happy that MC is around whereas josy want's morethats true but Jill also seems to be only one that wants relationship
Sage - wants f-buddy
Bella - seems on the fance about it . she may not be against it but there is Jills feelings to consider.
Maya - right now i'd say she's happy with the way things are maybe in the future
(happy as in she's to busy getting her things fixed first - she's happy MC is around)
Josy - has to consider Maya . If she wants Maya as well - she's happy with things the way they are
Quinn - if being her bitch is considered relationship . then yes
A simple healthy discussion here...The easy answer is, they don't care.
Maya fans won't like Quinn, because Quinn's behavior to Maya is inexcusable. Unlike Sage who misunderstands the situation as Maya not knowing Quinn's humor/style, we as the semi-omniscient audience know that Quinn is fucking with Maya without any concern for the damage she does.
Quinn fans simply don't care about Maya, and consider she is responsible for her own choices and behavior, and if she was naive enough to think all she had to do was pass the initiation and she'd get free tuition (which was her understanding), then she deserves all the shit that comes her way. I even have a bridge she might be interested in buying.
Then there are those (like myself) who enjoy all the characters for their merits and don't really concern myself with their short comings unless I find them too annoying. Quinn isn't annoying me, plus she's a very interesting character to pursue. In real life? Fuck no! But this is a no-consequences endeavor (it's just a game), and I want to ride Quinn out to see where it goes.
Does anyone know what the other polls looked liked? And what the winners were?
Jill witnessed the MC's fight with Chad, and the administration totally accepted the mc was the victim there. As much as we loathe Burke, he was fairly professional in that context.
I don't know how whiny the Burkes consider Tybalt to be, but considering the MC and Tybalt were involved in an altercation, I think they'd rule to sweep it under the carpet.
Okay that's cool. I admit I haven't read much into the thread after the preview so maybe my conclusion was somewhat rash. It just seemed that you've discarded all of DavDR examples or labeled them as 'contrivances' instead. Calling some of them contrivances might be fair but the thing is, DPC using them way, way too often and some of them are downright awful like when DIKs were waiting for their fratehouse to be properly thrashed. So I might as well call them flaws, as the general game's flaws since it's a VN and the narrative is a huge part of it, obviously. Which is perfectly fine by the way considering the low brow nature of the game.Regarding the flaws, no one is denying that flaws exist, it's just some people are labeling anything they don't agree with as a flaw.
I'm not debating the existence of flaws, just whether the examples that some people are giving are actually flaws or not.
are you implying a black pants can't showcase Maya's ass properly , I beg to differI get that everyone likes the yellow top but... White pants, gotta be. Nothing highlights contours better than white, and that tight ass needs to be highlighted!Then I'd say the red top. #2 it is.
only game missing on your list is love of magic and you would be almost perfect!acting lessons , AOA academy , deluca family , leap of faith and alexandra . are games id suggest .
normally to prevent the parents from stealing the kids money! how many child actors got fucked over and ripped over by their parents? so a smart grandfather/grandmother will set up a trust fund that can only be accessed with certain conditions!I think the timing is purely coincidental although... I don't really understand why there is a 19 year gap for the inheritance but maybe I missed that - does anyone know why there was such a long gap?
from your signature pale carnations is not for me but you should also warn about depraved awakening! its one hell of a game but ffs that game needs a warning regarding the violence! my MC goes to extreme pain luckily for him its others pain and not his own!BaDIK is in a class by itself, but AOA Academy, Leap of Faith and Intertwined have some similarities. I'd also recommend any of the games in my signature, though Pale Carnations may not be for everyone.
the reason why its 19 and not 18 its because DPC can not have minors fucking! since there was clearly fucking before his birthday he turned 19 when in fact we all know he turned 18 and was fucking at 17! but to avoid legal issues yey the MC is a dumbshit idiot who lost 1 year of schooling and entered college 1 year afterwards!Thanks for the suggestions
It seems strange when on his birthday his dad even states that there isn't anything special about turning 19 (in comparison to 18 and 21) :3 Oh well... I'm not going to lose any sleep thinking about why it happens then in comparison to what is going to happen in the next update hehe
batlestar gallatica now there is a man of taste! ever checked out babylon 5? loved that show!Shit, Dani does look flying, I will check it out, thanks for the recommendation.
I just can't stand the Star trek guise, always more a Battlestar Gallactica kinda guy.
as a former bully i can honestly say that some idiots deserve it! i mean have you seen the MC haircut? tough love is still love and without it some people will get no love!but arent you guys victim blaming . Jill is being blackmailed here not Tybalt .
herm you have weird kinks ... you feel sexually aroused when being stung by bees? i mean i heard its a sort of treatment but still!
my problem with HWH is that your anal slut and Luis love interest is wealthy as fuck! i mean seriously thats so cliché that its sickening! why can she not be a Q with a real problem!Lots of good suggestions so far. I personally have been enjoying "Halfway House" just as a suggestion.
no more secrets does what it does masterfully indeed!Summers gone is good if you don't expect anything sexual, but I agree Intertwined is great. I'd also add No More Secrets and Chasing Sunsets to the list.
So far, the best ones won , all was the 4. so let's hope we keep this tradition.
Summers gone is good if you don't expect anything sexual, but I agree Intertwined is great. I'd also add No More Secrets and Chasing Sunsets to the list.only game missing on your list is love of magic and you would be almost perfect!
add in there summers gone and interwined and you will be a true man of culture!
Horrible 3D reimagination of the original, and the new German theme song sung by Helene Fischer is atrocious.
Post your actual error log here, someone should point you in the right direction. Are you playing the full game on a PC, or a compressed version or Android version?Renpy starts displaying errors when the game introduces the first english test. Haven't managed to ignore it nor skip it in any way, game remains unplayable thanks to that
That is certainly a way to illustrate it!A simple healthy discussion here...
Quinn Fans fuck Maya fans
And vice versa
The only fight on record is with Chad. The Dawe et al, Troy and Caleb fights were not reported so the MC's record is still that of a victim of bullying. Tybalt would complicate things with his bullshit testimony, but he struck first, and all the DIKs witnessed it.Burke was fairly professional in that context - but it wasnt MC who came crying to him was it ? it was Jill Royce .
You guys don't think authorities would react like Jill ? its just a coincidence MC ends up in 5 fights
in 2 weeks ?
This is why Tybalt blackmailing Jill . because he can .because he knows authorities will take his side .
im to bored to fight about this . i get it , you know for a fact it was self defence with Chad .
you think bruke cant go back on whole thing once there are cops and lawyers involved ?
all im saying in just world MC may have a chance to win in court , and/or stay at B&R .
I would not dare to imply such things. Josy's ass is most admirable in those black slacks, but imagine if they were white?are you implying a black pants can't showcase Maya's ass properly , I beg to differ
you know what's coming next. surely, with black it's depend on the lighting
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But here a real life person for example, Emily BUTT Rickard
The Yellow Black combination, feels more different than the others, feels sporty. The others are very regular, very basic
Jill's character is just incredibly naive. She doesn't know how to deal with sticky situations, and doesn't seem to really understand the dark side of the world. The only thing she actually understands is bullying, and from that case it seems she's adopted a mentality saying that "I should do whatever I would've wanted people to do for me for others", which just shows her naivete, since she'd be sticking her head into places it doesn't belong more often than not. She doesn't want to report the blackmail, because she's afraid the MC will get into trouble either way, and believes that her way is the only way to protect the MC. She's stuck in her own perception of justice due to fear, and doesn't heed the words of others, I can't imagine how she'd live after graduating college ngl.Jill acts out of fear and fear never brings you to the side of justice.
This is so obvious that I have difficulty explaining it.
If Jill thinks MC is guilty she's doing the wrong thing because she's covering for a guilty man, and she's doing it without even hearing his side of the story.
if Jill thinks MC is innocent she's still doing the wrong thing, because if he's innocent she has to defend his innocence, not cover up the accusations, doesn't MC have the means to defend herself? she does.
blackmail must be reported and dealt with, there's really nothing to discuss. there and then we can justify Jill's reaction, but it's been at least a week and we're still there.
#2 just fits her so well holy shit I love it!Image from Reddit ! 3 is pretty much Maya's style, but I think that white pants would also look good on her ! I prefer 2. 4 Black and yellow that's another great call back to Maya the bee
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Main reason is because to be in the M&J trouple, you have to be a CHICK, while Quinn is only available to those on the DIK path. Hence, M&J = no Quinn and vice versa. In the DIK path, at maximum you can only continue with either M or's m&j blocks Quinn's path?
I wanna make a replay for Sage pass, with M, J and Q (and ofc Riona one love)) and full ignore Jill.
And btw, what Jill texts fter Tyb's presentation if there's no dickpick in it?
She's stubborn in her ways, quoting her words, "You know I wasn't raised to treat people this way." She's gullible and doesn't bother asking the preps herself, instead trusting every word Tybalt says. I really fucking hated that when I saw it, because even when she says she likes the MC, she just takes Tybalt's word that one of the other preps would press charges when she hasn't confirmed it for herself. Again, extremely naive and immature. As for the uninvited party problem, that'd be a different case altogether due to the status difference between MC and the preps: they're children of influential and powerful people, meanwhile MC is from an unknown family. Though I do think Jade would take MC's side if MC fucked her hard and gave her the release she needed. She'd probably shut Tyballs down.without going too far into legal issues that nobody is interested in.
the fact that mc went uninvited to a party at the college is absolutely minor.
what are Tybalt's witnesses supposed to testify? they saw him do what? there are also HOTs at the party that would testify in his favour
then just because of Chad's precedent: one student beats up another and gets off with a reprimand and the office of president, another enters a party uninvited and what should they do to him?
Then what does it mean that when she talks to Bella it is too late? Why didn't she talk to her before? And can't she stop obeying Tybalt because she has already started?
I posted the white oneI would not dare to imply such things. Josy's ass is most admirable in those black slacks, but imagine if they were white?![]()
College theme :I caught up with the current content for this game yesterday and I'm hooked... though not sure what I'm going to do inbetween now and the next update...
Does anyone have any games similar to Being a Dik that they can suggest as good time fillers until the next update?
I don't know if you notice now but DPC is dressing the girls less like slutsSo far, the best ones won , all was the 4. so let's hope we keep this tradition..
although, the Josy one was the hard one, aside from the white, all where great. Ironically that had the second most vote..
people are so not understanding Josy's style, the only white that suit her, is her tiny white thong, or her white tight leggings
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but Black Suit her better in this too
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That's an absolutely illogical assumption. It's basically saying Buddy can't meet anyone on his own and everyone he meets must be through Quinn's introduction.Vinnie (not Vince who the fuck is Vince?) and Q share the same suplyer buddy!
Since Quinn knows Buddy since forever its assumed that Q introduced Buddy to Vinie and somehow he went behind her back!
we might yet discover that Vinnie expulsion from B&R was Quinn doing!