Not a lot more.
I know folks are saying:
"Hey DPC said 20thousand more episodes, and I know he will do it"
No, he won't. He actually can't.
He is already at Max Q on his efforts by doing what he has so far, if he is in fact doing it all solo. I know he has readers and testers and stuff. Unless he hires someone for each branch to do the coding, there is no way to do much more on this game.
By making us select a love interest, we are basically hard coded from 2 basic branches to now 5ish. (No Quinn solo, but there could be something else) *Maya and Josy split could happen* side chick stuff *consequences chapters
So basically, he is going to be going nuts to try and pull together the next mega episode/whatever. Sure, he could stretch out 1 branch per release, but that is tedious in the extreme. He wants to move on to something else anyway, and the longer this drags out, the more he will become drudged into banality. So we are looking at one or two more releases tops. It is simple math guys. He can not do it alone.
So Tybalt will only be an issue for a short time, and only collaterally.