
May 24, 2018
Bah, I need to find my happy place, not rehash AL's sins. Anyone have some good light-hearted speculation for Season 3?
Lets rehash instead and speculate who is gonna die in ep9? I see 3 strong candidates:
  • Quinn
  • Riona
  • Tommy
  • Whichever girl pregged by Burke
My money is on Riona, actually. She's suppose to cum first tho, so it'll be a srong indicator, I call it "chewbacca's detonator" nowadays.
Am I the only one who thinks this is Pink's cameo?
Self-insert, I'm with you. Now we know his real name and could doxx the fuck out of him and also a solid image for a dart board.


Jan 5, 2021
with that last choice at the end i guess the game ends there
It doesn't lol, still got a way to go

Although I can admit that this update sorta felt like dpc can't wait to finish this game and move onto the next one since a decent amount of stuff felt kinda "rushed" in a way.
Like I didn't expect to already be forced to choose a girl to go with and have to dump everyone else, that was something I was expecting further down the road.
Maybe that's just me but yea, the pacing felt a bit weird when compared to previous chapters


Active Member
Apr 19, 2021
Wow... Thank you so much for the very detailed info and help! :D You're amazing! Thank you and Pennel for giving me the time out of your guys' day! This community rocks!! :)
and don't forget to tell your bro jacob he can go bang that blonde now that you got rid of the alphas!

don't worry about it dude, I'm just killing time at work anyway :D


Aug 21, 2019
It doesn't lol, still got a way to go

Although I can admit that this update sorta felt like dpc can't wait to finish this game and move onto the next one since a decent amount of stuff felt kinda "rushed" in a way.
Like I didn't expect to already be forced to choose a girl to go with and have to dump everyone else, that was something I was expecting further down the road.
Maybe that's just me but yea, the pacing felt a bit weird when compared to previous chapters
yeah i dont want a harem game but it was to early to make a decision like that just when the game is staring


Active Member
Jun 26, 2017
we found out Maya and Derek's last name in the last chapter, and we still don't know MC's last name.

if it will be important we will find out Lynette's and her possible living relatives' one, and I don't see an evident reason why Mc should not know it yet

aside from being rich, what would the fact that MC is more or less distantly related to Rusty add to the game?
You actually got me there. I really can't answer that. If MC is close related or distantly related to Rusty wouldn't change basically anything in the game. Yet. Maybe there will be some facts that will change this view in the next season.

That's why it makes more sense for Lynette to be a Royce for me (since we saw Jill's father? already. I really don't know if that guy at the party was her father or not, it kinda flew from my mind, maybe i'm just being fucking dumb). But of course there's the no incest rule, so she can't be close related to Jill. But there's the fact that Lynette past 'seemed' more important in Jill's route than the other.

It's difficult to find a good argument for this right now. We have just one photo and some flashbacks for Lynette and the fact that her family was filthy rich, nothing more. I didn't pay close attention to her clothes or some other details about her friends, so i would need to replay her flashbacks and the MC's birthday party (was planning on replaying the game again in the next few days... the ammount of free roam is the thing that scares me). Those few details could literally change everything, like it was literally Sage shutting down Tybald on a cluck from Jill that settled my mind that she was a Burke.


Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2019
While I don't think it's Lynette's pregnancy test, it's good to make it clear that DPC likes to trick us sometimes.
I think outside of Mr. Manbun he hasn't really put anything significant out there that seemed very tricky.
particulary in Rl where you are only likely to get it on weeding anniversaries and only if you spend at least 10% of your annual income!

Lets not even talk about getting anal after 1 year of relationship she will shut you down faster then you can cum thinking of Jill 1st sex scene!
I realize you're usually spewing garbage, but if that's your experience then you are simply involved with the wrong women, friend.
Would be GREAT if someone could provide a torrent link to the full release. Everything over 5 GB of download is going to be a hell of a mess ^^
He's taking care of us. Not posting a direct link because it seems to disappear from some posts.
  • Wow
Reactions: Warscared


Aug 21, 2019
with that last choice of episode 8 the game looks that is already finished yeah we would have to choose but not that early


Active Member
Jun 26, 2017
Lets rehash instead and speculate who is gonna die in ep9? I see 3 strong candidates:
  • Quinn
  • Riona
  • Tommy
  • Whichever girl pregged by Burke
My money is on Riona, actually. She's suppose to cum first tho, so it'll be a srong indicator, I call it "chewbacca's detonator" nowadays.
I don't think anyone will die... yet. Riona is probably going to jail in ep 9, that's a given for me. And this is actually pretty fucked up too.

For me? It would be Tommy. His choice of actions actually scares me more than Quinn's, addiction is never pretty.
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Exalted Text

Writer, kültist, esoteric bodybuilder, pervert.
Game Developer
Jul 21, 2020
Summary for TL;DR: I came into this game thinking that my choices were going to be far more influential than they actually ended up being, which caused me to act how I would act as if I was actually there in MC's shoes as opposed to controlling a character with their own personality. This was a mistake. Why? Because I started ending up in situations I would have never ended up in if it were me, and I wouldn't have to be forced to make certain choices in those said situations that caused uncharctersitic mess ups on my part. It is because of this why I felt upset, because I played this game as if it was me and not controlling someone else that I can influence the personality of, that will in turn directly impact the decisions that they make, as opposed to the decisions I would make.
Unfortunately, a clueless/incompetent/dramatic MC is how many visual novel writers try to maintain the illusion of choice, or otherwise progress the storyline in a "meaningful" (often linear) direction. Self-inserting in a game can be great - it's not bad to become emotionally attached to a piece of work. However, you'll get different mileage depending on the game, the MC's personality, how much 'choice' the creator actually provides you, etc. It's never going to be perfect so I'd recommend just keeping your expectations in line. But by all means, enjoy the ride. Many of us are right there with ya.

I had this many at the end of episode 7, but it's too messy now. I'm going to slowly over time go back to the beginning and make fresh files.

I'm thinking of these:
- Jill
- Bella
- Maya & Josy (I can split off 2 saves from this when I need to for solo routes)
- Sage

- Sage
- Quinn (+restaurant)
- Sage & Quinn (+restaurant)
- All possible side girls (Cathy, Jade, Hots, restaurant, Pink Rose, Swyper, party girls like Becky, hopefully soon Heather, Sally and KRJ)

I also may need to add some variations to see some funny/horrible outcomes. Like on a Sage file, I need to get with Jade and do as much humiliation to Tybalt as possible. Or having a combined Jill and Bella file to see that fallout.
Hey, if you take ~2 weeks per playthrough, you may finish them around the time Episode 9 comes out. ;)

Find it kinda weird that pretty much everyone seemingly has a main girl that they 100% like/main and here i am not being able to choose which one i like most even after what almost 3 years since they all have both physical and personality traits i like/love:LOL:...tho Bella is stil the G.O.A.T
"Lol how the heck can you guys choose a favorite girl after 3 years??"
"By the way, Bella is literally the GREATEST OF ALL TIME."

Bro, what are you smoking? Lemme get a hit.

Despite the ever increasing number of stupid things that Maya has done, I would say that Quinn is still the worst written character in the game. She continues to be treated like the untouchable writer's pet, as seen by the incredibly lame scene where Quinn asks if you want to have a threesome with her. My character intentionally lost the cumpetition solely to avoid having sex with this rancid skank, but the harshest rejection I'm allowed to give her here is "No. I don't want that." That's it. No making fun of her, or telling her off for all the shit she's put Maya through or all the things she's done to you in the past. No asking her if she's going to charge you and Sage her standard rates. Nothing. It's pathetic.

average quinn enjoyner.jpeg


Feb 26, 2021
As far as Bella having hallucinations, that feels like an Aunt-Jill level stretch to me. She's never been anything less than lucid when the MC's been around her, so if Bella ever did have serious mental disorders they seem to have been solved long before the MC met her. So what would they add to the story unless the MC winds up causing a relapse by pursuing her... which would be a pretty shitty story.

No, I'm going to need a hell of a lot more evidence than a single flashback instance of Bella's coworker talking to Bella instead of a man she'd never met in order to believe that Bella is full on delusional.
I agree we need more evidence because hallucinations are a massive deal and it would really turn Bella's story on its head if that were the case. But that being said there is something weird about that library flashback scene, now that I've replayed it. It could be another red herring by DPC but the way the guy outside the library in the flashback looks at Bella and James is peculiar, I should have taken a screenie but I'm sure it's around somewhere. The look that guy gives Bella is the same look I'd give someone who was talking to themselves on the street, well prior to wireless buds and stuff :KEK: Concrete evidence of delusions? Definitely not, but there is some other circumstantial evidence we've gone into recently that I won't bother rehashing. Then there's even more circumstantial evidence to count against it, like Jill's knowledge of events that bring up more questions.

I would like to underline and keep underlining one thing though that I've said before in other contexts. The scene with the MC and Bella in the library, where the future MC says he'd call for help if he knew what was up with Bella, is absolutely unique in the game. At no other time do we get an introspective from the MC, from the future, where he states that he wishes he could have done something differently. We don't get it when his guitar is stolen, we don't get it with the stuff with Quinn and the prostitution and drugs, we don't get it with anyone else in any other situation. So it's always been my belief that Bella's story is going to be the most difficult for the MC, whether in the context of romance or not. Before episode 8, I'd assumed the challenges would come from confronting James and the possible child death which would tear the usually stoic Bella apart emotionally. Now I'm wondering if the damage has already been done and the MC's naive pursuit of Bella is actually a horrible tumble into a deep dark hole of reality that makes the low points of AL look like young adult fiction :KEK: I guess we'll see.

Bah, I need to find my happy place, not rehash AL's sins. Anyone have some good light-hearted speculation for Season 3?
I got some positive speculation for you bro :Kappa:(y)

After replaying the game from start to finish, and rewatching the flashbacks in particular, I'm super hyped for Zoey as a character and how she'll impact the story. I absolutely love her appearance in the final scenes of episode 8, and I love Neil's reaction to her. I'm still skeptical about Zoey's interlude and how much I'll like or care about it, mostly because it's just going to delay the next episode's arrival, but I think she's going to be great. I know some of your personal criticism about the game involves the MC not committing, and rather than Zoey having an even greater compounding of that problem by having to choose her vs. your chosen LI, I think she's going to take a more mature sisterly approach to the MC and encourage him to stop having doubts and to commit. Her re-introduction with Neil points to that sort of role she'll be adopting, less as an LI and more as a sister-stroke-family member, especially considering she's coming back directly after the MC chooses which path he'll be taking. That feels like an intentional move by DPC, not to bring back Zoey as potentially more doubt and drama to make the MC question his choices, but as an element of stability and family. Like the MC's monologue at the start of the game mentions, family are the ones who stick by you, that's the role I feel Zoey is going to fill: a surrogate sister, a family member, rather than direct competition to the LI's.

Now all that being said, that doesn't mean we won't bang Zoey again, but I don't think we'll have to. And there will definitely be some drama among the LI's, and probably even Quinn, once they find out that Zoey was the MC's first. I suspect Zoey is going to act really familiar and affectionate with the MC, which will make some of them jealous, whether she necessarily wants to rekindle the flame at all.

All in all, after my initial poor reaction to Zoey, I'm excited for her character and role going forward in the story. She's gonna be a fan favorite, I can tell.

I haven't seen the most important question about the episode being asked in here.

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What's in the bottle?
Bro I know exactly what it is, it's breastmilk, the pregnancy test was for Derek!


Forum Fanatic
Mar 13, 2021
I wonder why so many people here haven't understood yet that this game's philosophy is: "you have to pay the price for what you did, buddy".

Are you a DIcK? you have to pay the price, sooner or later.

Did you make out with a lot of chicks? you have to pay the price with the main girls.

Did you make out with more than 1 main girl? you have to pay the price with the other girls.

Did you make out with Jade? you have to pay the price with Sage.

Did you make out with Cathy? you have to pay the price with Bella.

Did you make out with Bella? you have to pay the price with Jill.

Did you favour Josy over Maya? you have to pay the price with Maya.

Did you favour Maya over Josy? you have to pay the price with Josy.

Did you make out with Quinn & the HOTs? you have to pay the price with everybody else!

Can't you understand it? it's your loss, folks.


New Member
Oct 21, 2020
I have a problem with the game, as soon as I finish seeing the results of the housework and talking to Rusty, when I finish talking with him the game closes, does anyone know why?
And how can it be corrected?
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