yeah more than once the game with its decisions feels like riding a horse... but the horse is leading the way...Speaking for myself, I'm more concerned about the insistence we pay the price for things we haven't done.
Didn't sleep with Josy? You still have to resent her "lying" to the MC.
Hate Quinn and want to be honest with Sage? You still can't mention that "Quinn is evil" when Sage wants to plan the party.
Deliberately downplayed any romance with Jill to avoid leading her on while pursuing Bella? Jill still gets an eyeful of that hot, steamy drama.
Always played nice with Tybalt and never gave Jade the time of day? Fuck. Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck. Fuck.
It rather muddles the message about paying for the consequences of your actions, IMHO.
No matter what choices the MC make, you dont really have any influence on the story or the drama other characters are going through... its one of some flawes the game has.
The choices only matter in the direct relationship between the characters and the MC... ok otherwise this game would be even bigger than it is right now, but yeah its just sometimes frustrating.