
Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
It was an outlook that took a while to develop, but I'm thankful that it eventually came. Thank you very much for the sympathies, bro. I appreciate it.

You're pretty much spot on and when I wrote the original response, I didn't even really take into consideration of Jill's lack of sexual experience. I based my entire theory on the scene after Cathy is consoled my MC at Bella's house when Jill and Bella are sharing a bed. They were arguing over something cryptic and I assumed that something sexual had happened in the past that made Bella uncomfortable sharing a bed with Jill.
As far as Bella goes, I could definitely see Wild Bella calming down after marriage to the point where she completely supresses her sexual urges to the dismay of her husband, however, I'm not really sure if that would warrant a break up though? It seems that during the flashback, there is some sexual chemistry between the two of them but perhaps the environment is what made Bella uncomfortable. There's also a theory that the entire scene was made up in Bella's imagination but I see that as sort of far-fetched and hard to believe. Sure, Bella could very well have some sort of psychosis but I don't see any evidence that supports full blown schizophrenia with hallucinations in her character.
That's just my take on it though. I'll have to finish my full Bella and Jill playthroughs to get a deeper analysis.
Again, it's hard to say with any certainty, but we all know how much DPC likes to trick us. (*cough* Sage's family *cough*). Jill and Bella having an awkward moment in bed and alluding to some prior incident sounds so obviously sexual that I'm instantly suspicious it really is.

As far as Bella having hallucinations, that feels like an Aunt-Jill level stretch to me. She's never been anything less than lucid when the MC's been around her, so if Bella ever did have serious mental disorders they seem to have been solved long before the MC met her. So what would they add to the story unless the MC winds up causing a relapse by pursuing her... which would be a pretty shitty story.

No, I'm going to need a hell of a lot more evidence than a single flashback instance of Bella's coworker talking to Bella instead of a man she'd never met in order to believe that Bella is full on delusional.

Quick question for anyone that's done Quinn's path over from scratch when 8.0 was released. Am I mistaken, or did DPC remove the part when Quinn slapped Riona?
As with goldenrule91, Quinn still slaps Riona in my old saves (it's a bit before the Pink Rose trip in Episode 3). I tried a few paths just in case there were some variables added, but no differences AFAICT.

So I just finished Acting Lessons, which was a good game sadly ruined by the fire. Before I start this game, can anyone tell me if it also has unavoidable deaths?
None to date (not counting various character backstories, obviously). But if DPC's estimates are to be believed, we're not as far into BaDIK as were into AL when DPC went arsonist on us. We're probably in for a safer ride this time, but there's no way to be certain until it's over.

I really can't comprehend how some people think she's the ugliest character in game...dude...look at her.

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You've gotta be either blind, have no sense of what's aesthetically pleasing or just in denial if you think she's anything but gorgeous.
Well, her preferred make-up and hairstyle do her no favors, IMHO. But I agree that physically Quinn is quite attractive. It's what's inside that really mars her for me. :(

I am a bit surprised of all the dislike generated because MC has to chose which relationship he wants to pursue seriously. It is not called lewd game for nothing. No matter what choise MC makes at the end of Season 2, there will be plenty of girls to bone in season 3, not just the chosen one.
If the "crossroad" choice is to have any meaning whatsoever, then there will not be plenty of girls to bone in season 3 for those on the 4 LI paths. There could be some (Elena and John Boy clearly involve others on occasion), but those would be rare exceptions. The whole point was that the MC committed to stop dating others and get serious with the chosen girl(s). By definition, that means he's not going to sleep around anymore.

Now there will likely be lots of content spread out over the different paths, but I don't think that's what you're talking about here.

Despite the ever increasing number of stupid things that Maya has done, I would say that Quinn is still the worst written character in the game. She continues to be treated like the untouchable writer's pet, as seen by the incredibly lame scene where Quinn asks if you want to have a threesome with her. My character intentionally lost the cumpetition solely to avoid having sex with this rancid skank, but the harshest rejection I'm allowed to give her here is "No. I don't want that." That's it. No making fun of her, or telling her off for all the shit she's put Maya through or all the things she's done to you in the past. No asking her if she's going to charge you and Sage her standard rates. Nothing. It's pathetic.

Why set Quinn up as an antagonist if we aren't allowed to treat her as an antagonist? Why is Tybalt fair game but not Quinn? And how many times do we have to reject this loser before she finally gets a clue? More importantly, when are we going to be allowed to tell Sage the truth about Quinn?

We all know how hurt Sage was when she learned that Chad had betrayed her by cheating on her, so we all know that she will also be hurt to learn that Quinn has been abusing her trust and playing her for a fool for more than a year now. Sage is proud of the HOTs and takes her role seriously, while Quinn is taking advantage of all of the vulnerable girls that Sage is trying to help. It is completely wrong for us to have covered up for Quinn at all, let alone for as long as we have already. Especially when we have no reason to cover for her, and every reason not to.

Maya turning to Sage for help would make far more sense if we had first exposed all of Quinn's lies to Sage. But it hardly makes any sense as it stands now, because Sage still doesn't believe Maya and is still making excuses for Quinn. This is what makes Quinn a terrible character. She needs every other character to be dumbed down to unbelievable levels in order to prop her up, and the number one victim is the main character. He turns into a complete doormat whenever Quinn's shitty plot needs him to just stand around silently while she takes advantage of his friends.

It would've been so much fun to just tell Sage everything piece by piece as Quinn just sat there in a panic as her whole world crumbled around her. But it doesn't seem like we will ever get that now. I don't think Sage will ever learn the truth, because there's no way that anyone on her romance path could possibly give a reasonable excuse for keeping this from her for so long. It like when you are watching a television show where there is a bomb that's about to go off, but all of the main cast is in the room with the bomb, so you know there's no chance it would actually explode because that would be the end of the show. Which means that Quinn's character is now even more boring than before.
Yes, it is frustrating that MCs with no love for Quinn are still covering for her at this late date. I do think Quinn is a good character overall, but the story would have been better if she weren't quite so awful at her 'secret' job.

MC may be naive (it has never happened to me to have to deduce the degree of relationship of the people I know, they were revealed to me naturally, I never checked the documents of the girls I dated but I always knew their last name), but the fact remains that he is surrounded by idiots

if a friend of mine is dating the daughter of a teacher he is taking a course with, I would warn him at the first opportunity...

if a friend of mine hangs out with both the daughter and the mother I would feel it my duty to warn him.

the more we go on in the game the more I re-evaluate Arieth, who at least has the excuse of being distracted from her main activity :ROFLMAO:
Yeah, I rarely pursue Jade and almost never tell the DIKs if I do, but it's a good point. Even if the DIKs are supposed to forget about it, you'd think mentioning that the hot teacher we fucked is also Sage's mom would be a top priority here...

i don't think it's true, because we know that MC was not happy with being fuckbuddy and already in the first season he makes or can make Sage understand that he would like something more

but if that's the case, what does it matter?
Do you only know the last names of people you're in love with?
It's not that personal information...

the DIKs even when they see the movie with Jade they don't have the doubt to warn him... and they would be justified because MC doesn't care? they don't even care about finishing college evidently.
if they are idiots it could be
The MC's aversion to last names is frustrating, but it may be justified in Sage's case. We know she's uncomfortable with her heritage, and she joined the HOTs in part to get away from it. It would make sense that she'd actively hide her last name (or use another one entirely) to hide her connection to the highly visible Burkes. The MC doesn't share any classes with her, so he wouldn't see her full name on official documents or the like; it wouldn't take much effort for Sage to use a pseudonym with him.

Still doesn't excuse Jacob not giving the MC a heads up, or Sage herself if she's bringing the MC to meet a family she knows he has bad blood with. :rolleyes:

It's interesting what DPC made with the Major Choices and the now Permanent Affinity system, I'm glad there still have a Neutral one. Is there was others ones like these or it's just these right now?
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That's it for now. Episode 8 has 2 Major Choices in it, just like all the episodes except 4 (which only had 1). It's a little weird that DPC only added the neutral option now rather than in Episode 7 when permanent affinity first became a thing, but the Affinity system always breaks down if you think about it too hard.

i dont know about that... one thing about that makes it not plausible to me. The MC got the inheritance from his mom send by his grandfather, do you really think there is not a single hint about her lastname in such a mail? i mean if i got a mail from anybody, there is always a lastname from the sender ;) And Neil must have known her family too, bringing up the son to the college, even mentioned the cool name of the college and doesnt say a word to his son that Lynette was a Burgmeister? Why should he hide it? No reason... MC does already know that Lynette was a filthy rich girl.

If its turned out that Lynette is indeed a Brugmeister, i would say... really really poor writing by DPC in that case. Cause its just very very unrealistic that Neil doesnt know who the Burgmeisters are, working for them in their own hotel and going out with Lynette.

I just dont think so... and i hope its not the way, cause as i said, this would be very poor writing with no excuse.

But in any case, of course Lynette has a very important connection to the Royces...

It bugs me that there are no mentions about lastnames in the game... come on, the MC gets the inheritance per mail from his grandfather and dont mention his name or even know it and Neil too working for him the entire time and stealing away his daughter without knowing her lastname? That is really bullshit and unbelievable.

And its bullshit too that the MC is starting a relationship with sage without even knowing her lastname... yeah that is really something i cant understand. I literaly never met a person in my life knowing for more than 2 days where i didnt know the lastname... grmpf. And come on, in college every student is called by the lastname in class and the staff most of the times, i just cant believe youre going to college for more than a couple of month, even fucking that girl for months, and dont know her lastname.... nuh-nuh thats really nothing i can buy. Makes me a little angry too, cause DPC is not that bad as a author overall, but this lastname thing is just awful in any case. Lastnames are not confidential at all in life. Except if youre a criminal maybe or undercover cop :D
As I said, Sage may have been actively concealing her last name.

For the MC, I will assume he knows his mother's maiden name until we definitively learn otherwise. The simple fact of the matter is that Lynette's surname would only matter to us if it were a name we'd recognize. As of Episode 8, the only names that mean anything are Burgmeister, Royce, Burke or Bailey. So as long as it isn't one of those four (or maybe Ampersand! :p), it doesn't really matter if we know the name or not.

Unpopular opinion but the ending of AL is great and what make the game far better and unique than your typical cliche harem ending. Yes, life sometimes goes wrong but we must keep moving forward.
If only the game had moved forward, rather force us to watch the shattered MC stew in the out-of-nowhere misery it inflicted on him. :mad:

Bah, I need to find my happy place, not rehash AL's sins. Anyone have some good light-hearted speculation for Season 3?
Dec 19, 2019
Who else up for taking Tommy's girl? he don't treat her right at all lol

I just realized she's the 1 who was in the wheelchair during the flashback
Honestly, I think she's attracted to guys with asshole ways. She doesn't respect a CHICK MC, but if you're DIK, flirt with her and say that Tommy cheated on her you get some respect from her in episode 8. When she goes to talk to you on the phone she says something like "You're like Tommy" as if it were a compliment. Also she makes sure MC is flirting with her and MC kind of confirms.
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Feb 13, 2019
dude keep your eyes on the prize! its getting the BJ that matters and anything that gets between you and getting a BJ is wrong even if its the right thing to do! particulary in Rl where you are only likely to get it on weeding anniversaries and only if you spend at least 10% of your annual income!

Lets not even talk about getting anal after 1 year of relationship she will shut you down faster then you can cum thinking of Jill 1st sex scene!

some people
This is just sad


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
For the MC, I will assume he knows his mother's maiden name until we definitively learn otherwise. The simple fact of the matter is that Lynette's surname would only matter to us if it were a name we'd recognize. As of Episode 8, the only names that mean anything are Burgmeister, Royce, Burke or Bailey. So as long as it isn't one of those four (or maybe Ampersand! :p), it doesn't really matter if we know the name or not.

Bah, I need to find my happy place, not rehash AL's sins. Anyone have some good light-hearted speculation for Season 3?
herm dude no incest rule! Sandy is clearly an Ampersand why the hell do you think her stripper name is Sandy?
she is rebelling against her own family!
Also the reason why she and Rusty go along so well they have known each other since they where kids!
Rusty lost his virginity to Sandy!
She also used to visit the Royce household and she was Lana friend!
you know the one she mentions that died of an heroin overdose when you are talking to her at maclaren´s!

as light hearted speculations i got plenty of them! well... depends on what you consider light hearted!
The reason why Jill was so good at her 1st time was because her hymen had already been broken!
Happens a lot to amazons that riding horses can break their hymen... and not in the bestiality sense...
well also in the bestiality sense but not what i mean!

Lynette´s family was going broke when they decided to build their own family estate into an hotel!
not to dark i assume?
Also Tommy is Neil and Monica kid but Neil is an asshole and run away when he discovered monica was preggers!
He only returned after the MC was born wanting to apologise but Monica sent him packing!

light hearted enough for you?
This is just sad
no thats hurt, its only sad if you do not accept it for what it is... in the long run a single woman will wear you down little by little until you no longer recognize who you became!
I haven't seen the most important question about the episode being asked in here.

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What's in the bottle?
Derek´s swimmers! its probably the shot botle that bar tenders use when taking shots with their clients where they pretend to drink and spit it out into a beer botle or something!

in Derek´s case since he is a bit out there its also where he stores his masturbation results i mean his room is pretty small ... small enough for a sock to stink up the place!

thats also why he wants to move over to the library ... if you accept he will help you break down a wall to make a door into the 1st floor bathroom so your room will have a bed room a study room a living room and a semi private bathroom!
Last edited:


Jun 4, 2017
herm dude no incest rule! Sandy is clearly an Ampersand why the hell do you think her stripper name is Sandy?
she is rebelling against her own family!
Also the reason why she and Rusty go along so well they have known each other since they where kids!
Rusty lost his virginity to Sandy!
She also used to visit the Royce household and she was Lana friend!
you know the one she mentions that died of an heroin overdose when you are talking to her at maclaren´s!

as light hearted speculations i got plenty of them! well... depends on what you consider light hearted!
The reason why Jill was so good at her 1st time was because her hymen had already been broken!
Happens a lot to amazons that riding horses can break their hymen... and not in the bestiality sense...
well also in the bestiality sense but not what i mean!

Lynette´s family was going broke when they decided to build their own family estate into an hotel!
not to dark i assume?
Also Tommy is Neil and Monica kid but Neil is an asshole and run away when he discovered monica was preggers!
He only returned after the MC was born wanting to apologise but Monica sent him packing!

light hearted enough for you?
no thats hurt, its only sad if you do not accept it for what it is... in the long run a single woman will wear you down little by little until you no longer recognize who you became!
S&Y? I'm convinced
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May 30, 2017
I'm so into chick path and it hurt me to make a choice between Bella and Jill, but I choose Bella for now. Is there any hope that we can have both Bella and Jill in the future?


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Yeah, I rarely pursue Jade and almost never tell the DIKs if I do, but it's a good point. Even if the DIKs are supposed to forget about it, you'd think mentioning that the hot teacher we fucked is also Sage's mom would be a top priority here...

The MC's aversion to last names is frustrating, but it may be justified in Sage's case. We know she's uncomfortable with her heritage, and she joined the HOTs in part to get away from it. It would make sense that she'd actively hide her last name (or use another one entirely) to hide her connection to the highly visible Burkes. The MC doesn't share any classes with her, so he wouldn't see her full name on official documents or the like; it wouldn't take much effort for Sage to use a pseudonym with him.

Still doesn't excuse Jacob not giving the MC a heads up, or Sage herself if she's bringing the MC to meet a family she knows he has bad blood with. :rolleyes:
actually the relationship between Sage and his family has been rectified, or at least enriched with some nuance.

at the beginning, when Sage is sick and in crisis with Chad, it seems that the problem is her parents' anffectivity, which has disaccustomed her to open up emotionally. but then the problem is reversed, it's her who doesn't want to talk about her problems to her adoptive parents, because she doesn't want them to consider her as someone who always needs them, but as someone who can make it on her own.

I, as a comic book fan, consider this a pretty clear retcon.

Only when you start doing your forum job! We all have our job's, mine is to criticize everything DPC does and be a general asshole, Shazba is suppose to simp for DPC, and you are supposed to make KRJ jokes. If we don't do our jobs the forum just doesn't work.
here you are very wrong, my only role on this forum (and since I have no family I would say in life) is clearly another:
to be the first fan and prophet of Yuno Gasai , the rest is secondary

by the way I must admit that in the free roaming at the dorm party was the first time that KRJ seemed passable to me

there has been some technical progress, of course not yet sufficient to allow Jill to laugh in favor of the camera



Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019
Bah, I need to find my happy place, not rehash AL's sins. Anyone have some good light-hearted speculation for Season 3?
The only thing I think is that the episodes will be released faster due to the fact that programming will be simplified. And if we talk about the plot. Ending hints that we are waiting for a rather busy third season. The Burkes will become the main villains, Tommy will finally become an asshole. I do not believe that DPC will continue to ignore the plot issues, which have accumulated a lot. Everything is coming to a climax.


Jun 8, 2017
OS: Windows 10
Graphics: nVidia 2800s
nVidia Drivers: Fully patched to 496.76

I've patched to 8.1 and I'm receiving a crash at the following point: MC thinks to himself about Rusty "He must be feeling guilty as hell." The game crashes and exits. Please see the attached log.
View attachment log.txt
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Active Member
Jun 26, 2017
So I just finished Acting Lessons, which was a good game sadly ruined by the fire. Before I start this game, can anyone tell me if it also has unavoidable deaths?
Not... yet. There are some characters that are asking to die because of the way they act (mostly Tommy and Quinn). But it still too early.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
None of them are important enough to the plot so their family names become THAT important all of a sudden without any exposition beforehand. And the Burkes are overloaded already.

For me, it's either Royce or Burgmeister. That would add something to the game.
we found out Maya and Derek's last name in the last chapter, and we still don't know MC's last name.

if it will be important we will find out Lynette's and her possible living relatives' one, and I don't see an evident reason why Mc should not know it yet

aside from being rich, what would the fact that MC is more or less distantly related to Rusty add to the game?
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