Ok i've got this problem, my game keep crashing after i click this dialogue from MC : (He must be feling guilty as hell.) in episode 8 just before the 31 st free roam.
Here's a save file just before the crash.
Are you using Scrappy's mod? I never play full Dik (always do some Major Chick choices like talking to Steve) and have no problems getting permanent Dik Affinity. Maybe the mod fucks with the code.
Permanent Affinity is a big mistake btw, the game will be more linear and we'll be forced to accept options we don't really like.
Ok maybe not the best quote. But the meaning was if you change your name you still have the same smell! Just swap out rose for a steaming pile.
How about this one instead“ Here’s another clue for you all, the walrus is Paul”
Are you using Scrappy's mod? I never play full Dik (always do some Major Chick choices like talking to Steve) and have no problems getting permanent Dik Affinity. Maybe the mod fucks with the code.
Permanent Affinity is a big mistake btw, the game will be more linear and we'll be forced to accept options we don't really like.
Are you using Scrappy's mod? I never play full Dik (always do some Major Chick choices like talking to Steve) and have no problems getting permanent Dik Affinity. Maybe the mod fucks with the code.
Permanent Affinity is a big mistake btw, the game will be more linear and we'll be forced to accept options we don't really like.
Some complain about having to choose an affinity, others a unique love interest, but I for one am pleased. We had enough time and opportunities to set the personality of the main character, now we will enjoy a more-linear narrative but a custom one. This is, in my opinion, the only way to develop a coherent conclusion.
Not to forget all the variables with a long-lasting impact on the hero's life: from his relationship with Derek to Chad's coming out. If the creator feels the need to simplify the equation in order to focus on the plotlines, I gladly support it!
This is the end of Episode 7. As you can see I made 8 Dik choice. and 5 Chick choice.
so I have a well earned Dik Affinity
Now in Episode 8. The season finale, has 2 more Major choice. Can you tell me why I end up as having Neutral permanent affinity, even if I pick both Dik options in episode 8.?
I assume DPC did this to sort it out before the end of season 2, but it's a pita. Now I have to retcon my chick runs, as they will come out neutral atm.
I dislike the permanent affinity, as it reduces player choice. Even goody two-shoes break the rules sometimes and vice versa.
Certainly easier to plan/code the game with locked in affinities though.
I assume DPC did this to sort it out before the end of season 2, but it's a pita. Now I have to retcon my chick runs, as they will come out neutral atm.
I dislike the permanent affinity, as it reduces player choice. Even goody two-shoes break the rules sometimes and vice versa.
Certainly easier to plan/code the game with locked in affinities though.
it being easier to plan/code could give us at least more impactful choices.
Up until now it’s been “smoke weed on the roof and 8 days later get to fuck a stripper” kinda cause and effect. The affinity system wasn’t really “player choice” because (and this is a common criticism of morality systems in games) you don’t pick what you would do you pick whatever maintains your affinity.
he may as well have had “DIK or chick” button at the start and have a linear narrative from there. Neutrality doesn’t change much and individual affinity choices (largely) mean fuck all. All the big changes in the story occur outside of it.
Affinity in this game (like so many) was rapidly boiling down to an illusion of choice. You picked early what route you wanted and just followed the colour coded choices.
The walkthrough seems to indicate it will rely now on previous choices being a direct cause and effect with future content. That’s much better (theoretically) and should give us better choices without being railroaded to follow a pre-ordained route. I wanna choose what I would do in a given situation and see how it plays out… not be arbitrarily labelled chick/DIK and get a colour coded ending.
Sex work, of whatever sort, is not for everyone. Lily has the confidence and mental strength to handle being a stripper. Maya REALLY does not. Some people can handle it: Quinn, yes; Sage (if she wanted and needed to, which she doesn't), yes; Camila, Sarah, and Meline, yes; Riona, I'm not sure (she puts up a good face, but she is showing some stress around the matter). Josy might be able to handle it, but never Maya. Just as some are suited to be Doctors, other's Lawyers, and still others taxi drivers, some are suited to sex work. You wouldn't blame a lawyer for not being a doctor - why would you blame Maya for not being able to be a sex worker...And there isn't another "low skill" job out there which will pay for a college education in the USA.