
Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2021
but wouldn't it be an extreme and imaginative addition completely unnecessary? the relationship with Bella already without any addition is the most complicated and least likely, is there really a need to add a pinch of the "sixth sense" to his narrative?

it would really seem to me a useless surprise

That dialogue is a really poorly written moment, one of the worst written in the game.

there are two people who are making clear the obstacles to their relationship, they compeltely forget the main one (the fact that Bella is married), and the other one they are considering they know where to look to see if it's actually a problem or not but they haven't looked at it yet, they will in the future, maybe but without hurry

Bella asked Mc to end her relationship with Jill without knowing if their relationship could ever have a future, she will check that out later....
I always found that interesting. She implies that she never thought that far ahead in regard to a relationship with MC, yet...
Note: on a Bella path (baseline) with no other LIs or sides.....
1. The early library scene where she yells at the student while thinking about MC. Something about that lunch time story MC told her got her on that track. Combined with the previous drunk MC kiss; combined with MC went to the trouble to put away books to say "thank you" for her help. Part of her mind already jumped ahead several steps bypassing any logic. Possibly because she was lonely and couldn't control it.
2. In the path where MC stays at Bella's. After MC leaves, she calls MC from the gym asking MC if he wants help cleaning up his room in the mansion. I think she enjoyed the idea of MC staying with her (and not just the intimate moments) and wanted to make sure she didn't lose him.
3. After the Tybalt tennis match at Bella's. When MC tells her about his mothers diary, Bella moves close to MC, looks into his eyes, kisses him and says MCs name. That is not someone wanting to date to see if someone is suitable. She is already in to MC and thinks--difficult as it might be--that a relationship is possible. She says she wants a date but part of me thinks also that this is just pencil-whipping a report to make it look official (to justify how she already feels about MC).
4. Ep8, dinner at Bella's place by the pool, she again states she never thought that far ahead re: a relationship when they are talking about elephants. I am not totally convinced. That is a throw away statement to convince herself that she is doing due diligence in regard to evaluating MC. One possibility is that she is in love with MC and hopes this thing can work. Also, she has had to deal with a husband who wasn't the greatest and Sage's dad hitting on her. MC is top quality man material in every way even if you don't count the magic dick.

All this may be theory, but it is one possibility. Bella is into MC. On this particular path, at the end of Ep8 where you do not pick Bella and call her on the phone to cancel the date. She may be saying those words to MC that she is OK with the decision, but I suspect she is hurt bad. Dropping her at this point (again, Bella path no other LIs or sides), is ugly and cruel.

Anyway, picking Bella (which is the only right choice on this path)....all Bella has to do in Ep9 is spank that brat Jill and tell her MC is the property of Bella. Woe be it to anyone that thinks otherwise. :::: a dutiful Bella smirk is appropriate here::::


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
I always found that interesting. She implies that she never thought that far ahead in regard to a relationship with MC, yet...
Note: on a Bella path (baseline) with no other LIs or sides.....
1. The early library scene where she yells at the student while thinking about MC. Something about that lunch time story MC told her got her on that track. Combined with the previous drunk MC kiss; combined with MC went to the trouble to put away books to say "thank you" for her help. Part of her mind already jumped ahead several steps bypassing any logic. Possibly because she was lonely and couldn't control it.
2. In the path where MC stays at Bella's. After MC leaves, she calls MC from the gym asking MC if he wants help cleaning up his room in the mansion. I think she enjoyed the idea of MC staying with her (and not just the intimate moments) and wanted to make sure she didn't lose him.
3. After the Tybalt tennis match at Bella's. When MC tells her about his mothers diary, Bella moves close to MC, looks into his eyes, kisses him and says MCs name. That is not someone wanting to date to see if someone is suitable. She is already in to MC and thinks--difficult as it might be--that a relationship is possible. She says she wants a date but part of me thinks also that this is just pencil-whipping a report to make it look official (to justify how she already feels about MC).
4. Ep8, dinner at Bella's place by the pool, she again states she never thought that far ahead re: a relationship when they are talking about elephants. I am not totally convinced. That is a throw away statement to convince herself that she is doing due diligence in regard to evaluating MC. One possibility is that she is in love with MC and hopes this thing can work. Also, she has had to deal with a husband who wasn't the greatest and Sage's dad hitting on her. MC is top quality man material in every way even if you don't count the magic dick.

All this may be theory, but it is one possibility. Bella is into MC. On this particular path, at the end of Ep8 where you do not pick Bella and call her on the phone to cancel the date. She may be saying those words to MC that she is OK with the decision, but I suspect she is hurt bad. Dropping her at this point (again, Bella path no other LIs or sides), is ugly and cruel.

Anyway, picking Bella (which is the only right choice on this path)....all Bella has to do in Ep9 is spank that brat Jill and tell her MC is the property of Bella. Woe be it to anyone that thinks otherwise. :::: a dutiful Bella smirk is appropriate here::::
On the development of their relationship I agree with you, at the beginning Bella is very resistant to even consider it possible, at first she minimizes it to just physical attraction, until she decides to get carried away.

But their dialofo during the dinner scene at Bella's house remains nonsensical.
At that point those resistances have already been overcome, it is no longer MC who forces his hand, it is Bella who asks him on a first date and who reassures him after this has apparently failed.

at that point there are 2 big WTFs. the first, huge, is the fact that just talking about the elephants in the room neither of them thinks it's appropriate to talk about Bella's marriage, when MC knows practically nothing about it. before it might have been too personal a topic to force Bella to deal with it but now?

the second is that they haven't even looked into what they think is their main obstacle, Bella works in the library, she didn't find 5 minutes to check the BR rules? it's been days since the first date. if the rules prohibit it what do they do? in that case can Mc go back to Jill?

really superficially written


Engaged Member
Oct 20, 2020
Traumatised <> hallucinations. There's evidence in game of the former, there's none of the later. This is a baseless assumption.

Yes it would be weird to send Bella home just for talking to her husband, but that's not what happened. Their chat opens with James suggesting they bang there, talking about previous public sex, Bella's fantasies of having sex at work & closes with James suggesting a makeout session at work. So no, I didn't think it was odd that Hilda told Bella to leave.

I didn't think it was strange Hilda didn't acknowledge James in their brief on screen interaction either. Bella is her employee, not James. She's being disciplined for inappropriate behaviour at work.

I'm sure background guy was there for a reason, but I'd say the reason was to emphasize that Bella & James were making enough of a racket to attract attention. Nothing in the scene says crazy lady talking to herself to me.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Your theory hinges on Bella having hallucinations, there's no evidence for that. The other theory doesn't make any extraordinary claims, it's straight up what happened on screen.
Trauma can lead to a psychotic break and psychotic breaks commonly involve hallucinations.

I think it is most unusual to tell an employee to leave with no explanation and it's even more unusual to not say a word to the man who instigated all of the supposedly offensive behaviour. At the very least, DPC should have given us another minute to see how the conversation played out instead of cutting away. But I think that was on purpose. To hide the true nature of the interaction.

Hilda isn't really disciplining. She just says you should go home (and she didn't even catch them in the act...they were just having a naughty talk). That doesn't sound like any workplace discipline I ever saw or received myself...unless it was way back when I spent the night at my school mate's home and his sister caught me going through her bras. She had some tig ol' bitties :PogChamp: They sent me home straight away because it was their only option when you have a pervert kid running loose.
Fun fact related to BaDIK: A couple of years later I earned the nickname pervert just like MC because at summer camp I got caught spying on the girls' shower. :sneaky:

The background guy can go either way. It works whether James is physically there or not.

I wouldn't say there is no evidence for Bella hallucinating. Bella is clearly shown to be in the throes of mental episodes quite often. It isn't an extraordinary leap to suggest that she is hallucinating James because, as previously noted, psychotic breaks often involve these visions. We see a couple of incidents that demonstrate Bella's mental fragility: Future MC describing Bella's broken state in the library is a major clue. You also have Bella's panic attack or whatever that was in the DIK mansion. Then there are lesser but still apparent oddities such as never smiling other than wedding, unwillingness to discuss past, being constantly agitated and aggressive, etc. Bella sure does have a lot of the standard symptoms. I think most everyone would agree Bella is mentally ill. The only debate is how deep is it and does it involve any hallucinations. It's certainly not the only possible or probable explanation for the flashback, but it is something DPC would absolutely love to do to his players. He has a thing for dropping bombshell :eek: moments.

When I first played the flashback I didn't immediately think Bella was breaking, but I did immediately have a feeling that something just wasn't right with the scene. Sort of like a Hitchcock film. You don't know what exactly is wrong, but you just have an overall sense of uneasiness and you keep noticing bizarre things and actions on screen. That is what the flashback feels like to me. On second run, I thought...wait a minute, is this fucker actually there? This entire scene would work just as well if he is not. If this were any dev other than DPC, I wouldn't think twice about it, but I've played enough hours of his game writing to see how much he loves a plot twist.


New Member
Mar 23, 2018
mc: "At the time I couldn't understand Bella."mc: "The attraction was there, but for her it felt so wrong."mc: "I remember feeling bad about kissing a married woman."mc: "I figured she felt the same since she was being unfaithful to her husband..."mc: "...which, of course, is a very big deal."mc: "But if I had known the real reasons to her tears..."mc: "...and to her persona..."mc: "I wouldn't have kissed her that night."mc: "I would have called out for help."
this is why I'm always respectful to Bella in all my playthrough,I never make a move on her unless I'm really going for her.
sheesh that whole monologue is giving me Leah vibe,god i hope i'm wrong.
ugh,chills.. you'd think after all these years you can forget a fictional fiery bitch that sets some fictional girls on fire but noo she'll still there,lurking around the back of your mind. ready to pounce and do it all over again,even showing up in the front of that MILF bar just to screw you around.
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Active Member
Sep 3, 2016
but wouldn't it be an extreme and imaginative addition completely unnecessary? the relationship with Bella already without any addition is the most complicated and least likely, is there really a need to add a pinch of the "sixth sense" to his narrative?

it would really seem to me a useless surprise

That dialogue is a really poorly written moment, one of the worst written in the game.

there are two people who are making clear the obstacles to their relationship, they compeltely forget the main one (the fact that Bella is married), and the other one they are considering they know where to look to see if it's actually a problem or not but they haven't looked at it yet, they will in the future, maybe but without hurry

Bella asked Mc to end her relationship with Jill without knowing if their relationship could ever have a future, she will check that out later....
Yeah, DPC really goofed up the elephant talk, and to be honest I don't really understand his definition of relationships, if them getting all lovey-dovey from EP6 onwards and Bella asking MC to stop dating Jill because they're getting more serious is "just dating", then wtf is a relationship to them?
I won't even mention the marriage elephant, that was the first thing I thought they were going to talk about but instead they talked about her bailing on the date :WaitWhat:

I really love Bella's character and she's my favourite by far but like I've said multiple times already, DPC's insistence on keep her past a secret for so long is detrimental to her story, and to an extent to DPC himself because people are theorizing and for lack of better word, hyping up her plot reveals so much that I think it's inevitable that a lot of players will be disappointed by whatever story he comes up with.

I hope I'm wrong though...

at that point there are 2 big WTFs. the first, huge, is the fact that just talking about the elephants in the room neither of them thinks it's appropriate to talk about Bella's marriage, when MC knows practically nothing about it. before it might have been too personal a topic to force Bella to deal with it but now?

the second is that they haven't even looked into what they think is their main obstacle, Bella works in the library, she didn't find 5 minutes to check the BR rules? it's been days since the first date. if the rules prohibit it what do they do? in that case can Mc go back to Jill?
I bet DPC's doing that on purpose.
He wrote her story in a way that basically makes her avoid all her problems and try to live in dream land with MC, so that when she inevitably has to deal with said problems, she'll have to deal with all of them at once and it will come crashing down on her and MC.
I don't like this approach so far but I'll wait for her route to really start going before I judge it too much.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Yeah, DPC really goofed up the elephant talk, and to be honest I don't really understand his definition of relationships, if them getting all lovey-dovey from EP6 onwards and Bella asking MC to stop dating Jill because they're getting more serious is "just dating", then wtf is a relationship to them?
I won't even mention the marriage elephant, that was the first thing I thought they were going to talk about but instead they talked about her bailing on the date :WaitWhat:

I really love Bella's character and she's my favourite by far but like I've said multiple times already, DPC's insistence on keep her past a secret for so long is detrimental to her story, and to an extent to DPC himself because people are theorizing and for lack of better word, hyping up her plot reveals so much that I think it's inevitable that a lot of players will be disappointed by whatever story he comes up with.

I hope I'm wrong though...

I bet DPC's doing that on purpose.
He wrote her story in a way that basically makes her avoid all her problems and try to live in dream land with MC, so that when she inevitably has to deal with said problems, she'll have to deal with all of them at once and it will come crashing down on her and MC.
I don't like this approach so far but I'll wait for her route to really start going before I judge it too much.
surely that's the reason.

for DPC it wasn't the time to talk about Bella's wedding, because it's a twist he wants to make happen later.

and that's understandable, but then you can't set up a dialogue about the problems of their relationship where they blatantly decide not to talk about the main one...

for example if they had only talked about Jill it would have been acceptable, their relationship is still at the beginning, but Bella doesn't want her friend to pay for it, ok
the problem of Bella being a teacher is only a problem if their relationship becomes public, while betraying Jill's trust is a problem even if the relationship remains clandestine, ok

then we can put the responsibility on Mc if it makes us feel better, but it's us players who are treated like simpletons who should complacently forget the problem and then be surprised when it arises
Aug 26, 2019
Hey guys so, regarding the mole/traitor. DPC is working hard to make us think that it is Nick. But who do you think it is?
It's probably Vinny because he was maggot brother with Nick so that's why nicks room didn't get trashed and Tommy stopped buying weed from to start buying from Quinn could also a reason
Regarding Cathy photo
It's really hard to explain but that might be one of the hots we've seen Melanie with Chad and another jock in ep 7 hots party.so we can assume it's her for now.
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Sep 25, 2021
I did not find weird that the Husband point was not talked in the date, the omission is obviously intentional from both the MC an Bella, the MC even allude a it some scenes later, and we can agree that that problem is not a Elephant is a fucking Blue Whale and both of them are just steering away from that issue because once that can of worms is opened there is not coming back so both are procrastinating, and trying to just have a nice time. In hindsight is a bad move and certainly it will blow in their faces at the worst time posible, but you can't blame them for trying to have a nice time together. After all ignoring the problems hopping for them to go away by themselves is a very human quality and is something that we all do at some point.
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