No matter what affinity you choose, there are girls for you and girls that won't work out. Maya and Josy are a package deal and Maya works best with Chick affinity, where you can have a healthy sex life with both her and Josy before you discover they are together. Then, they choose you and your relationship from that point is low pressure and pretty beautiful. Sage and Quinn have better stories with DIK affinity. Isabella, surprisingly, likes you more at DIK affinity but making DIK decisions can cost you your relationship with her. If you aren't a Chick don't bother with Jill. She will be like a stick of dynamite thrown into your other relationships and if you are a DIK at a pivotal moment she will reject you no matter how well you have treated her. Even with the main girls taken out of the equation, there are plenty of great relationships to explore, many of which are sexual. In general, though, a DIK gets laid more and a Chick has better relationships.