
Conversation Conqueror
Jan 2, 2021
He's not saying he can't write a story plot. He even said his chosen method of writing plays to his strengths, i.e. character dialogue with visuals. The writing that he admits he's not good at is the descriptive style story telling (which he avoids altogether).
This has nothing to do with creating an actual storyline which he does really well purely dialogue.
In all fairness whoever read it back then and did not understand these words are not worth the time since this was pretty much self explanatory... :rolleyes: Are you smarter than a fifth grader - should we ask now :KEK:


Jun 17, 2020
I dont even now how you managed, but the entire Sage storyline of Ep08 is about her JUST finding out, how the fuck does that translate to a "considerable amount of time" ?

Maya says to the MC that she has not had any experience with financial matters her entire life and the MC says he doesnt know either. They're 18 year old kids.

And I have no idea how the "school financial office" is gonna help her ? What is there to understand, Maya told the MC that her problem is at the bank level, not the school level, so what are they gonna do ? I don't even see any world where they would care, they're getting paid, they wont give a frigg about Maya's family problems.

And Maya didnt come up with the plan to go to Sage's parents, she even refused to tell Sage about her problems to begin with. It's Sage, after beeing persistent, to finally learn about Maya's problem and then SAGE decides that thats what she wants to pursue.

Look, you can keep criticizing DPC's writing, but you should have at least a rough idea what he actually wrote before you do so and then come up with sound solutions not stuff that would actually make the writing worse.
Here is an analogy to show you what's going on more plainly: You friend is seriously troubled by her broken iphone, and tried to get a replacement phone through some ridiculous means and failed. You want to help her and have known this issue for a month. How long do you need until when you come up with the genius idea that maybe she should take the phone to the shop and see whether it can be fixed? Not only you have known this problem, but there's another person (Josy) who knew just as long or longer (let's still say it's a month) and genuinely wants to help. How long would she come up with that suggestion? There's another person (Sage) that recently knew about this but really wanted to help, talked to her for a few hours, and now wants to get her parents involved even though she doesn't want to ask them for more stuff. You don't think Sage's first question would be "have you taken the phone to the shop to know what the specific issue is"?

And how the school financial office is gonna help her? Seriously? I thought it's very clear to everyone involved that Maya doesn't really have a full picture of what is going on. You need to understand the problem before solving it. And the school financial office/treasury/bursar (each school calls it differently) is responsible to charge the tuition. Going there will be the natural first step to get some important answers, in particular, who has been paying Maya's tuition (is it her dad? or the student loan bank actually has been paying?). And they can do much more than providing answers - they deal with student loan issues all the time, maybe they can quickly isolate the problem by making a few phone calls.

By the way, you seem to have the wrong idea about university admin. They absolutely care about keeping the admitted students with the school. Often times there's human decency of wanting to help, but absent that, they still want to charge the student for the sweet tuition money for the next semester. And you can't do that if the student drops out. In plainer terms - if Maya's dad misappropriates Maya's student loan funds, then the dad will keep the money that the school deserves. And I'm sure the school does not want that.

"Maya told the MC that her problem is at the bank level" - sure, because Maya totally knows what's going on? Even if you believe that, why didn't anyone suggest her to talk to the bank? Again, "talk to X" would be the first step that anyone wants to help will suggest, just so that they can understand what the problem really is. The fact that no one suggested that, is just the author putting on idiot ball and railroading the plot.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019
I don't see any problems with Maya at all. The game presents her as a naive fool, under the strict control of her father. He suppresses her will and her dreams, she is afraid of him and it is not surprising that she signed the contract without reading it and so on. Since Maya is naive fool from the country of affectionate puppies and cute fairies, she thinks that someone will solve her problems for her.
Her father solved problems for her. It is very difficult for her to become independent. She really believes that someone in HOTs will provide her with free tutuion, she believes that Burke and Sage will help her, believes that she will date Josie and die with her on the same day.
Does that make her a naive fool? Yes.
Makes her a bad character? No.
Everything related to Maya is a matter of taste. Some people like stupid blondes, and some don't.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Here is an analogy to show you what's going on more plainly: You friend is seriously troubled by her broken iphone, and tried to get a replacement phone through some ridiculous means and failed. You want to help her and have known this issue for a month. How long do you need until when you come up with the genius idea that maybe she should take the phone to the shop and see whether it can be fixed? Not only you have known this problem, but there's another person (Josy) who knew just as long or longer (let's still say it's a month) and genuinely wants to help. How long would she come up with that suggestion? There's another person (Sage) that recently knew about this but really wanted to help, talked to her for a few hours, and now wants to get her parents involved even though she doesn't want to ask them for more stuff. You don't think Sage's first question would be "have you taken the phone to the shop to know what the specific issue is"?

And how the school financial office is gonna help her? Seriously? I thought it's very clear to everyone involved that Maya doesn't really have a full picture of what is going on. You need to understand the problem before solving it. And the school financial office/treasury/bursar (each school calls it differently) is responsible to charge the tuition. Going there will be the natural first step to get some important answers, in particular, who has been paying Maya's tuition (is it her dad? or the student loan bank actually has been paying?). And they can do much more than providing answers - they deal with student loan issues all the time, maybe they can quickly isolate the problem by making a few phone calls.

By the way, you seem to have the wrong idea about university admin. They absolutely care about keeping the admitted students with the school. Often times there's human decency of wanting to help, but absent that, they still want to charge the student for the sweet tuition money for the next semester. And you can't do that if the student drops out. In plainer terms - if Maya's dad misappropriates Maya's student loan funds, then the dad will keep the money that the school deserves. And I'm sure the school does not want that.

"Maya told the MC that her problem is at the bank level" - sure, because Maya totally knows what's going on? Even if you believe that, why didn't anyone suggest her to talk to the bank? Again, "talk to X" would be the first step that anyone wants to help will suggest, just so that they can understand what the problem really is. The fact that no one suggested that, is just the author putting on idiot ball and railroading the plot.
You're assuming Maya knows which financial institution she's got a loan through. Her dad would have had her sign a bunch of papers, she trusted him at the time, and now she doesn't know what the fuck is going on.

Her dad has told her that if she doesn't do what he's telling her to do, he won't give her the funds to continue paying for college.

He's also told her that she won't be able to get another loan as she's already in debt.

He's also told her that if she doesn't pay off this existing debt, her credit rating will be shit and she's gonna struggle to get a loan for anything in the future.

To a young woman who isn't into finance, all of this sounds possible and so she's scared. She doesn't have the loan details on hand (why would her dad give her a copy of the loan if he intends to blackmail/bluff her?), so she's got no reference to work from.

You iPhone analogy is unfair. You forgot to mention that Sage's parents work for Apple and her dad is a high up in Apple's administration.

To me, this part of the plot will only become a contrivance if Maya explains the situation to Burke (and possibly Jade) and they don't see it for the illegal bullshit it is. The problem is, the preview showing Sage losing her cool makes me concerned that the meeting will be hijacked.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2020
I don't see any problems with Maya at all. The game presents her as a naive fool, under the strict control of her father. He suppresses her will and her dreams, she is afraid of him and it is not surprising that she signed the contract without reading it and so on. Since Maya is naive fool from the country of affectionate puppies and cute fairies, she thinks that someone will solve her problems for her.
Her father solved problems for her. It is very difficult for her to become independent. She really believes that someone in HOTs will provide her with free tutuion, she believes that Burke and Sage will help her, believes that she will date Josie and die with her on the same day.
Does that make her a naive fool? Yes.
Makes her a bad character? No.
Everything related to Maya is a matter of taste. Some people like stupid blondes, and some don't.

The only real problem I have with Maya:

Maya's only problem.png


Jun 17, 2020
I don't see any problems with Maya at all. The game presents her as a naive fool, under the strict control of her father. He suppresses her will and her dreams, she is afraid of him and it is not surprising that she signed the contract without reading it and so on. Since Maya is naive fool from the country of affectionate puppies and cute fairies, she thinks that someone will solve her problems for her.
Her father solved problems for her. It is very difficult for her to become independent. She really believes that someone in HOTs will provide her with free tutuion, she believes that Burke and Sage will help her, believes that she will date Josie and die with her on the same day.
Does that make her a naive fool? Yes.
Makes her a bad character? No.
Everything related to Maya is a matter of taste. Some people like stupid blondes, and some don't.
To be clear, I'm 100% okay with Maya being a fool/naive/dumb about finances. There are so many people like that, some way older than her fictional age.

What I'm not okay with, is that non-naive people spend considerable amount of time to help her, and yet no one suggest a very simple and obvious thing to do. That's the author pulling out the idiot ball and railroading the plot.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
To be clear, I'm 100% okay with Maya being a fool/naive/dumb about finances. There are so many people like that, some way older than her fictional age.

What I'm not okay with, is that non-naive people spend considerable amount of time to help her, and yet no one suggest a very simple and obvious thing to do. That's the author pulling out the idiot ball and railroading the plot.
But what's obvious?

Do we need to have a conversation like this in the game:

Josy: Why don't you just go to the bank and try to sort it out?​
Maya: I don't know what bank it is through. My dad just gave me some papers and I signed them. I'm such a fool!​
Josy: Then get a lawyer.​
Maya: I can't afford one! That's why I'm fucked in the first place!​
Josy: How about speaking with the school administration? Surely they can help you, or at least tell you how your loan is currently being paid.​
Maya: I've already tried that. They said my current fees are up-to-date, but my dad said he will stop paying if I don't stop munching on your carpet.​
Josy: Oh you like the trim? I did it for Fuckface, he liked it too.​
Maya: Yeah, it's nice, it suits you.​
Derek: Are we talking about Jo Jo's landing strip?​
Maya: Fuck off Derek!​
Josy: So what the fuck are you gonna do? Your life's ruined! How about you get a job and try to pay the loan back?​
Maya: Fuck that, I'm not working!​

There's plenty of reasons why Maya has hit a brick wall.


Jun 17, 2020
You're assuming Maya knows which financial institution she's got a loan through. Her dad would have had her sign a bunch of papers, she trusted him at the time, and now she doesn't know what the fuck is going on.

Her dad has told her that if she doesn't do what he's telling her to do, he won't give her the funds to continue paying for college.

He's also told her that she won't be able to get another loan as she's already in debt.

He's also told her that if she doesn't pay off this existing debt, her credit rating will be shit and she's gonna struggle to get a loan for anything in the future.

To a young woman who isn't into finance, all of this sounds possible and so she's scared. She doesn't have the loan details on hand (why would her dad give her a copy of the loan if he intends to blackmail/bluff her?), so she's got no reference to work from.

You iPhone analogy is unfair. You forgot to mention that Sage's parents work for Apple and her dad is a high up in Apple's administration.

To me, this part of the plot will only become a contrivance if Maya explains the situation to Burke (and possibly Jade) and they don't see it for the illegal bullshit it is. The problem is, the preview showing Sage losing her cool makes me concerned that the meeting will be hijacked.
Well, do you see why I said anyone trying to help her will ask her to talk to the school financial office? Because that's the one place that can answer a lot of questions and give her a lot of help. They can tell her whether she can get another loan. They can tell her how credit rating works (maybe, not all schools go this far). Maybe her student loan lender bank is in her records. If Maya is lucky, she will discover that everything is a bluff from his dad and the school is in fact getting money from the bank. And lastly, if her dad somehow actually obtained the money (it really doesn't work like that - the bank agent will get chewed/fired for doing that), then it's likely that other parents can commit/have committed the same kind of fraud and the school will have experience dealing with that. And it's in the school best interest to help, so the school gets the money it deserves.


Nov 4, 2018
I want to know why Maya, in the late 2010s, hasn't sat down with a search engine to try to find answers. I've been using search engines since the Ask Jeeves days to find answers to things. I know the answer lies in the writing because the only student rooms I remember seeing have a computer are Magnar's and the Food Zone at the dorm party. All of the DIKs share one laptop so the internet doesn't exist to any significant extent outside of Rooster in this game world but it is very unrealistic to the setting.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019
To be clear, I'm 100% okay with Maya being a fool/naive/dumb about finances. There are so many people like that, some way older than her fictional age.

What I'm not okay with, is that non-naive people spend considerable amount of time to help her, and yet no one suggest a very simple and obvious thing to do. That's the author pulling out the idiot ball and railroading the plot.
Maya's problem is that Maya doesn't want to solve her problems, but wants someone to do it for her. As I said, this is her character trait. She's so used to it that her father decides everything for her and doesn't even risk finding a job on her own, lol. And those who can help her do not understand anything about it. МС repaired the mansion and fucked chicks throughout season 2 (I would do the same in his place), and Josie seems to also care about her problems and parties in HOTs.

Ironically, only Sage is really interested in solving her problems, whereas her closest people, such as Derek, MC and Josie literally don't care about her.
I do not know if it was done on purpose or by accident, but it suggests certain thoughts.


Jun 17, 2020
The crux of the matter is no one has spent any time trying to do anything related to Maya's predicament other than get Maya into the HOTs.

That was Maya's plan. She didn't ask for anyone to help her in regards to her loan issue until the HOTs free tuition evaporated.

That was right at the end of episode 6. That was a year ago for us. Not that long ago for the Scooby Gang.

As soon as she mentioned it to Sage, Sage figured her parents could help out. I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that they will just outright pay for Maya's tuition, because no one in the game has suggested that. But Burke is high up in the college administration, so maybe he can help, some how.

Given how Sage is loath to ask her parents for any help, she could have tried other avenues to assist Maya, but she figured her parents were the best option.

That's definitely not a stretch of the imagination that a young adult might speak with their parents before they start running around making appointments with legal aide.

My month time frame was for the mc alone, and you may have noticed, he's been serious fucking preoccupied, as I already outlined. Sage just found out about it, Derek is an idiot, and we don't know about Josy.

Personally I think it's comprehension that's the issue here, not the writing...
My point is that "go talk to the school financial office/the bank" take no time to come up, yet no one says it. Sage at least spent 30-60 min with Maya on this topic. Do you think it really takes that long for anyone to suggest talking and collecting relevant information? It's not a situation where you need to spend years to design a rocket, it's a question of suggesting "if you want to build a rocket that can leave earth, you need to have a place that you can build it".

And by the way, if you don't want to ask your parents for help, and there's a school office that's dedicated to the issue you care about and free to use, wouldn't you go to that office first? Why would you go to your parents first? Wouldn't that be against the entire premise?

"I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that they will just outright pay for Maya's tuition, because no one in the game has suggested that." Ok I was exaggerating, but they are making this meeting way too big of a deal for what it really is so I got carried away.
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Active Member
Dec 12, 2017
Here is an analogy to show you what's going on more plainly: You friend is seriously troubled by her broken iphone, and tried to get a replacement phone through some ridiculous means and failed. You want to help her and have known this issue for a month. How long do you need until when you come up with the genius idea that maybe she should take the phone to the shop and see whether it can be fixed? Not only you have known this problem, but there's another person (Josy) who knew just as long or longer (let's still say it's a month) and genuinely wants to help. How long would she come up with that suggestion? There's another person (Sage) that recently knew about this but really wanted to help, talked to her for a few hours, and now wants to get her parents involved even though she doesn't want to ask them for more stuff. You don't think Sage's first question would be "have you taken the phone to the shop to know what the specific issue is"?

And how the school financial office is gonna help her? Seriously? I thought it's very clear to everyone involved that Maya doesn't really have a full picture of what is going on. You need to understand the problem before solving it. And the school financial office/treasury/bursar (each school calls it differently) is responsible to charge the tuition. Going there will be the natural first step to get some important answers, in particular, who has been paying Maya's tuition (is it her dad? or the student loan bank actually has been paying?). And they can do much more than providing answers - they deal with student loan issues all the time, maybe they can quickly isolate the problem by making a few phone calls.

By the way, you seem to have the wrong idea about university admin. They absolutely care about keeping the admitted students with the school. Often times there's human decency of wanting to help, but absent that, they still want to charge the student for the sweet tuition money for the next semester. And you can't do that if the student drops out. In plainer terms - if Maya's dad misappropriates Maya's student loan funds, then the dad will keep the money that the school deserves. And I'm sure the school does not want that.

"Maya told the MC that her problem is at the bank level" - sure, because Maya totally knows what's going on? Even if you believe that, why didn't anyone suggest her to talk to the bank? Again, "talk to X" would be the first step that anyone wants to help will suggest, just so that they can understand what the problem really is. The fact that no one suggested that, is just the author putting on idiot ball and railroading the plot.
Okay, now I can at least tell what your missunderstanding is and I assume you are not from the US ?

Let me try to explain. In the US you have to first seperate subsidized student loans and none subsidized student loans. None subsidized loans, like the one Maya has, usually come from a lender which is tied with the goverment or 3rd party private loan service agencys. In ALL those cases the student does not interact with the money or has access to the money in any way, its an automated process, the money goes from the lender/3rd party to the College.

In BaDIK, at least as DPC told the story so far, Maya and her father went a different route, they went directly to their bank and when people do that, they usually have a long relationship with that bank and are in good standing. Now when a bank owes you money, its yours, they dont care if you buy burgers with it or sportscars, they just want their money back. When the bank approved the loan and contacted Maya to sign the contract, she took her dad with her, because she is inexpirienced in all financial matters.

Now to keep interessts low, her dad cosigned her loan, meaning if for whatever reason Maya cant pay her loan back, her dad has to. But when it was time to sign the contract ( which is very very different to cosigning the loan ) for a lack of better words, he tricked her, and Maya signed controlling power of her loan over to her dad. Its that control, that her dad is using now to keep Maya in check and to control her. In day to day language, people might refer to it as a student loan, but it really isnt, its a bank loan.

Now as you probably can see by now, no college financial aid office can help her. Maya signed a bank loan for probably in the range of 100k-120k to cover all 4 years, nobody can fix that. The money is for all intents and purposes hers, the fact that she signed control over it to her dad, makes her naiv and inexpirienced but that doesnt help her nor would any financial aid office care. She HAS the money, the college is getting paid, there is literally zero reason why Maya would drop out.

And Maya did do some research on it, she said to the MC, the only solution would be if she applies for a student loan, a real one this time, with a lender or 3rd party agency, however understandably, she doesnt want to be a quarter of a million in debt. And again Im gonna assume you are not from the US, that would easily snowball into half a million or more with interests, obviously depending on how fast she can pay back the loans. The US doesnt have interest free student loans, like so many other countries, like everything else, its a buisness.

So even if Maya, Josy and the MC would be financial wizzards, there is no solution other than a miracle, and thats where Sage comes in. Now if you think thats unrealistic, thats fair, I'd even agree with you on that one. I personally disliked the whole college loan disaster from day 1 and I said so many times on this forum, but what happens after as DPC told the story so far, is legit, there are no backdoor, short cuts or hail marys. Maya either caves to her dad or she needs a miracle.

I hope I managed to clear that up, I tried my best :) .
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Jun 17, 2020
Okay, now I can at least tell what your missunderstanding is and I assume you are not from the US ?

Let me try to explain. In the US you have to first seperate subsidized student loans and none subsidized student loans. None subsidized loans, like the one Maya has, usually come from a lender which is tied with the goverment or 3rd party private loan service agencys. In ALL those cases the student does not interact with the money or has access to the money in any way, its an automated process, the money goes from the lender/3rd party to the College.

In BaDIK, at least as DPC told the story so far, Maya and her father went a different route, they went directly to their bank and when people do that, they usually have a long relationship with that bank and are in good standing. Now when a bank owes you money, its yours, they dont care if you buy burgers with it or sportscars, they just want their money back. When the bank approved the loan and contacted Maya to sign the contract, she took her dad with her, because she is inexpirienced in all financial matters.

Now to keep interessts low, her dad cosigned her loan, meaning if for whatever reason Maya cant pay her loan back, her dad has to. But when it was time to sign the contract ( which is very very different to cosigning the loan ) for a lack of better words, he tricked her, and Maya signed controlling power of her loan over to her dad. Its that control, that her dad is using now to keep Maya in check and to control her. In day to day language, people might refer to it as a student loan, but it really isnt, its a bank loan.

Now as you probably can see by now, no college financial aid office can help her. Maya signed a bank loan for probably in the range of 100k-120k to cover all 4 years, nobody can fix that. The money is for all intents and purposes hers, the fact that she signed control over it to her dad, makes her naiv and inexpirienced but that doesnt help her nor would any financial aid office care. She HAS the money, the college is getting paid, there is literally zero reason why Maya would drop out.

And Maya did do some research on it, she said to the MC, the only solution would be if she applies for a student loan, a real one this time, with a lender or 3rd party agency, however understandably, she doesnt want to be a quarter of a million in debt. And again Im gonna assume you are not from the US, that would easily snowball into half a million or more with interests, obviously depending on how fast she can pay back the loans. The US doesnt have interest free student loans, like so many other countries, like everything else, its a buisness.

So even if Maya, Josy and the MC would be financial wizzards, there is no solution other than a miracle, and thats where Sage comes in. Now if you think thats unrealistic, thats fair, I'd even agree with you on that one. I personally disliked the whole college loan disaster from day 1 and I said so many times on this forum, but what happens after as DPC told the story so far, is legit, there are no backdoor, short cuts or hail marys. Maya either caves to her dad or she needs a miracle.

I hope I managed to clear that up, I tried my best :) .
Thanks for putting in the time to write all this up. I am from the US, but now I see where my issue is - the "student loan" concept is so ingrained in my head, that I did not consider for one second that the loan Maya is currently under is not a student loan. (I really don't think any sane person would get a non-student loan for college, but Maya's dad is not really sane, so that does make sense.)

What you said makes sense for a non-student loan, but there are some nuances. First, the loan would not be made to Maya. I mean, seriously, no bank agent will just give an 18 year old 100-120k - they still want the money back, after all. Personal loan in that amount would only be made to some with good credit rating, with collateral to boot. (Student loan is made to the student because bankruptcy discharge of student loan is very hard.)

So the realistic scenario is that the current loan is made to the dad, with him pledging his house/business as collateral, and Maya is just a co-signer. It will hurt the dad a lot more if the loan is not paid back.

In light of the above, there's no real reason why Maya can't take a student loan (unless she is not ready to deal with a real student loan's consequences, which is a legit concern).


Separate from the game scenario, look at what we have accomplished - the few of us, none being financial experts (I assume) just spending our spare time talking about things, already figured out a lot. Just think what could be accomplished if Maya talks to an advisor at the school financial office, who deals with this kind of issues routinely. My beef is really just no one even surfaced this idea.
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