No, I admit it's DPC's fault for doubling down and making Maya's loan situation more ridiculous.
But the problem is, when characters make mistakes, and shit goes wrong, everyone gets worked up over the characters making the mistakes.
It's exactly when we make mistakes that shit goes wrong. If we didn't make mistakes, shit wouldn't go wrong, and life would be peachy. Tricky, but peachy.
So if Sage told the mc outright:
Sage: "Hey Fuckface, you wanna stalk my boyfriend? Oh by the way, see that really curvaceous teacher over there?"
mc: "What? Stalk your... Which teacher, the brunette?"
Sage: "No that's Isabella, the librarian, no, I mean the blonde teacher, the one that is looking at Isabella, actually, fuck, she's really staring daggers at her, what the fuck is that all about about..? Anyway, no, the blonde one, see her?"
mc: "Yeah sure, Mrs. Milk Machine"
Sage: "Mrs... what? Anyway, well she's my mom, so don't get any ideas about fucking her!"
mc: "What? Me? Why would I? I mean, I'm just a spineless little fuck, I only fucked one girl in my life, I don't have the balls to approach a MILF like that!"
Sage: Just making sure. Plus that older teacher over there, that's my dad. Don't fuck him either...
mc: "Awww."
I mean yeah, that would have been a great exchange, but then Jade would be out of the story, cause the mc would have felt all weird and shit about it.
But it didn't happen that way. Sage mistakenly assumed he knew, or just didn't think to tell him, you know, because she was all worked up about asking for a favour from her parents that she wasn't thinking clearly, and she made a mistake.
And when you make mistakes, shit happens. And it did.