I despise scams like this, but I can't help but notice DPC's overreaction to the point of getting insomnia. What's wrong with this guy ? Is he so obsessed with money that even something nonsensical like this fucks him up that bad. Nobody supporting him on Patreon is going to switch to some shady account, but he acts as if his house was broken into.
At this point I feel like he needs therapy. He's making upwards of $10k a month from Patreon only and god knows how much from other platforms, but still he loves playing the victim. How much cash does a guy need to lead a comfortable life. He hit it big with one game and now he wants to be the next Jeff Bezos, sheesh.
Do you remember that terrible feeling of looming doom concerning an important assignment, which you’ve postponed to the last possible moment? Do remember that feeling of embarrassment when someone discovers a flaw in your work?
Now imagine those feelings combined with DPCs reality: it’s all published, and out there while you have hundreds of clients who have different expectations, constantly trying to communicate with you. You get a high from reading a mega fan's lovely words about AL and BaDIK, but is replaced by bitterness when you read twice as many “are we there yet” / “fuck you, you greedy over sensitive cunt!” Comments.
When you put that kind of strain on one guy who’s probably always a little weird in the best of ways, that can lead to erratic behavior. You have to be somewhat of an emotional lad to write these kinds of characters anyways.
This is one man who’s reputation, income, ego, and future professional aspirations are tied to the success of this game. I don’t think he’s obsessed with money, but you can’t really blame him for being obsessed about this work. Add to all of this that he’s a pioneer of sorts in a fledgling business. Adult games are still not commonly accepted or valued, hence he works anonymously and on his own.
I think that a DPC as a public figure, you know a director at an office with a full studio behind him would be in a radically different state of mind. I think the nature of this development breeds the ideal conditions for a bad work-life balance.
In short I think we need to cut him some slack, and if you feel like you’re spending too much on his patreon, just reduce it or stop. You can always throw some money at him after his update is out instead.
TLDR: Cut him some slack, he’s not in a very healthy work environment.