I'm away for what, a few days, and I come back to this!?
For fucks sake! We're at the half way mark now. It's only appropriate that the Interlude exist here, that's exactly when an Interlude make the most sense! And what's an "interlude"? It's a deviation from the main story. Hence the focus on a different protagonist, except it's not really a deviation is it?
So, at pretty much the exact midpoint of the game/story, the MC has consolidated his choice (unless you're playing it smart - whatup my "other" brothers), and now the story changes gear.
Just when you though the mc's love life was smooth sailing from here on, it's an ass blast from the past (I'm presuming the mc blasted Zoey in the ass in the past, she seems like she'd be up for some casual anal).
Is it a cliché? Of course it fucking is. What isn't a cliché in this story?
- The virginal princess with a body to die for and a face that could actually kill you - Jill
- The lesbian lovers (can't think of any funny shit to add to this) - M&J
- The Bible bashing, overbearing, hot wife having (I'm subscribing to the Nora theory for no particular reason), homophobic father - Patrick the cunt
- The bad girl hiding her insecurities while shooting up and doing serious anal - Quinn
- The psycho axe murderer with permanent eyebrow damage - Bella
- The angry redheaded babe with the gay lover - Sage
- The dorky, big-dicked DnG role player - Magnar
- The feisty nerd girl with the mega booty - Sally
- The hot, experienced older woman with the useless husband - Jade
- The cucked husband (suck shit limp dick) - Burke
- The babe hiding behind her geeky exterior just waiting for a makeover - KRJ (Ok, I could be delusional)
- The frat wars - DIKs vs Alphas
- The closet gay jock - Possibly half of them, but obviously Chad
- The homophobic jocks - Well... the homophobic jocks I guess
- The not-so-ex not-so-girlfriend returns - Zoey
And so fucking on...
So why worry about another cliché? Everything else has worked so far. It's not about the cliché, it's about how it's been done. And to use DPC's recent words (but let's be honest, he probably stole them from me in the first place), "Fuck Me" if it hasn't been done well so far.
So yeah, DPC took a break from the current story. You got a problem with that? Get a fucking life!

He's been working solidly on this game, for your inexpensive pleasure (thank you Patreons, you lovely rich bastids), for the past 4 fucking years, and he deviates for a bit and people start going bananas? Fuck off!
Even now, as he completes the 9th episode, 4 years in the making, he's refencing notes and scenes that he prepared from the very beginning. It means it's all going to plan. All the characters you've come to love were created ages ago, including Zoey, by the same guy, so take a chill pill and just enjoy the ride.
Will he fuck it up eventually? Possibly, if his last endeavour is anything to go by? But for fuck's sake, people are bagging episode 9 and it hasn't even come out yet. And getting worked up over the wait? You do know that it will take you less than a week to probably play through the next episode (I'll probably play it in one sitting) and then it's 6 months minimum until episode 10. What's another month or three per episode given it's going to be many, many fucking years before this thing ends.
Now, to anyone that I've inadvertently offended, just be glad I didn't call you a bunch of cunts (term of endearment of course), and be aware that I'm mostly just talking out of my ass.
And before I sign off, I'd like to dedicated this post to my homie
Lostanddamned, who I know has been going through long-ass "Shazba Post" withdrawals. I apologise my friend, I know it's been a rocky ride of late. I hope this fix will tide you over for a while. Because there's not much else to write about until that Lazy Milker MotherFucker Dev gets off his ass and finishes episode 9!