I am of the same opinion. The fact is that kind of body is going to sag a lot as the years go by. She is obviously overweight or what the french call "skinny fat". In real life nobody will ever hang out with someone with such a sour puss look all the time. The constant frown look is very bad for the psyche not just for the perpetrator but for anyone hanging around them as well... Add that she is married to a jarhead... Well that tells you everything really about it and pretty much seals the deal... Thanks no thanks... I suspect the people here like her because she is the closest thing to a milf that is part of the main story and not a side character (like jade)...
Careful now, apparently I've deeply insulted some waifu whiteknights by simply stating that I was surprised on the number of men that actually finds that type of personality charming.
One even wrote a rage post on how I should delete the game, even though I never criticized the game, but just stated that I find their waifu's personality disgusting.
You know, this personality is not rare in women, not at all. Just go to Twitter and you've a sea of them to choose from. They might not have the same boobs to waist circumference ratio, but that's just me being picky as we clearly know they've been through a lot, right?
In a more serious note, I think some people should not invest that deep in a college fanfic and allow others to have different or negative opinions about their favorite miss... I mean, missus.
At this point Derek might be the best waifu in the game, as every one of them at this point is either a dick towards you, used you, emotionally manipulated you, went behind your back or lied to you.
This makes this VN quite a interesting read. The usual wall of useless text that most Ren'Py VNs do are extremely boring.
This also makes the girls much more realistic, as they appear perfect from the outside, but once you get intimate with them, you start seeing just how many flaws they have.
Overall, I liked it very much thus far, but I do have some issues with some aspects of the game.
- Not much of a game, although I am okay with it playing mostly as an interactive movie. Just wish there were more interactions with the main plot other than just dialogue choices (like the fighting mini game).
- Some bits of information are stalled way beyond tolerable levels with cliché interruptions or excessive use of cliffhangers. It does feel like a TV show sometimes.
- Some of the game's philosophical ponderings are quite cringey.
- You can't directly shape your character's personality in many cases, despite the DIK/CHICK system. Lots of times the game just follows the author's default personality. I myself did not like some of the auto-simping you are forced into either because the game didn't give you a choice or because any of the choices still led to the same outcome.
- The MC needs some better shirts... Too... colorful
I'll await until the game is complete to give it a better review and a score.
Oh, I also forgot to mention that the game's name isn't the best. I hadn't give any attention to this game until now because I didn't take it serious due to its name.