this looks interesting and it's a very well structured request, if i can make a suggestion though:
Your download links do not work because you put them all together
you should structure your download links a bit better so they can fit more inline with the other posts on the site, something like this
You must be registered to see the links
You must be registered to see the links
You must be registered to see the links
You must be registered to see the links
You must be registered to see the links
You must be registered to see the links
also for the SPOILERS you are using you can remove the extra SPOILER in them just for aesthetic reasons
finally I see you are the developer of this game and I suggest you contact admin/staff and ask for a 'Game Developer' tag for your profile so that you can be easily identified as the developer.
Best of luck with your game
EDIT: also I see that you mention English is not your first language, there are many helpful people here that can help you proofread and re-write the script if need be, myself included. All you have to do is ask for help