Well, I waited to see what the dev. wanted to change in the next update where the game will go so I tried this one out.
And I must say if the game continue like this its a safe recommendation.
First the whole NTR?/cuckold/voyeurism thing.
With the current 1.4.0 build you can at least avoid that one potential companion? (Her name is Lettice but I think she is just a tutorial enemy) to not being shagged by her companion in arms called Paul which she really loves

Its unclear if they still banged after you fingered her into exhaustion but who will stop themself from this chance when they see a sleeping and defenseless girl in a mediveal fantasy setting ?

If you still want to see her with the dude you can chose so by not following her.
Sadly, after that everything else is unchanged and all you gonna see is others banging and all you do is watching them so be warned.
After playing the content which is avialbe its clearly that the game was (or is) focused more on voyeurism where after the MC wins a specific battle you recieve a "reward"...but its other people fucking

Its like
RedPillBlues said, its setting up sex for others. And sometimes its rather questionble how this even plays out.
How can two bandits who never ever thought to change their life but got beaten up badly by the void being, then started to fuck each other infront of this void being and have on the same time change their mind to stop being bandits and help the village which they brought much trouble already (like kidnaping the kid) ?
I had my thoughts that the void being was a mortal mage first but now I think he is some sort of boring version of a Slaanesh walking avatar.
The repetitive trope is that people you meet are normal buddies/friends/colleague but after they meet YOU, these people fall in love with each other. The female imperial recruit + Paul, the Smith boi + a Sentinel (female), the two bandits (male + female), the two imperial soldiers (also male + female), the Slave Trainer (Female) + her Slave (male) or the Slave Master (Female) + 2 Slaves (both males) ...Like a amor angel...thats not really what I would expect to happen after I lost a battle against a void being.

So if the game will change that like it was changed with Lettice im gladly will take it.
Back to the other stuff.
You play a void being called Fabian, you cant change the name tho.
If you strugle to find the key to skip the dialog its the W button. You should only skip the dialog when you at least played the game once. The story, despite being sometimes janky here and there, is still good for what it is.
If you exploratory friendly like myself you will find different items (Potions) and other stuff, like some background info, to help on your journey.
You should make a seperate save before opening a specific chest in the forest.
The "Sentinels" are not killable so if you defeat them after the battle they will come back so be careful.
The game however restores some HP and Mana after each battle.
The game comes with a walkthrough. It can you help when you have problems with the combat.
I got some bug where I destroyed the Cristal the Sentinels didnt deactivated.
And rarely I got somehow a auto attack who attacks multiple people one a single rout. I dont know what triggers it.
(I think its a combo but im not sure)
And then there is this:
During the game you meet different girls which you can then add to your castle.
Some of them are:
Cara the Merchants Daughter ( Right now she is just your peronal vendor who sells you stuff)
Anna the Berserker Merc (You need first find her and do a quest)
Lia the Elf (your first companion)
After the Prolouge you are free to do what you want. Mostly you will do different Quests because there is not much else to do since there is not much content in the build tho.
One thing what I didnt get are the Magic schools. You get 9 of them. And when I randomly brought the magic books like Ice, Earth and Wind (I already had Fire) I couldnt use the others since the game only allows you to have 4 Slots for each character.
Does that mean I need to be careful not to fill them with unnecesery Magic I need and wait for the better once or will the slots increase the further I progress in the game ?
PS: I didnt get the scene with Morelia despite handing her the item over and Lettice one with the picture 4