And her arrow hit exactly the target.
From now on, I am struck down once and for all.
And this is me - so happy.
And her arrow hit exactly the target.
Dear Bruno, I could not understand - why Max would talk about the cameras
Alice : Je n’ai jamais été aussi humilié de ma vie…
Alice : I've never been so humiliated in my life...
Max : Tu n’a qu’un mot à dire pour tout arrêter, mais je sais que tu ne le feras pas. Tu aime trop l’argent. Pour 35 000 Dollar tu va me laisser te dominer et te traiter comme une pute !
Max : You only have to say the word to stop it, but I know you won't. You love money too much. For 35,000 dollars you'll let me dominate you and treat you like a whore !
Alice : Je n’aime pas la tournure que prend cette conversation, je pourrais très bien dire stop et là, c’est toi qui te retrouvera comme un con…
Alice : I don't like the way this conversation is going, I could just as easily say stop and then you'll be the one who ends up looking like an asshole...
Max : Et bien vas y dit-le… ! Alors ? J’attends… Tu vois, tu ne dis rien et tu sais pourquoi ? Parce que contrairement à lui, moi je me préoccupe de toi, je sais ce que tu aime et je vais te le donner sans penser à moi. Et ça, ça fais toute la différence. Aller écarte les jambes, le show à démarré depuis une minute, montre à tout le monde comme tu aime te faire baiser par ton petit frère…
Max : Well, go ahead and say it...! Well ? I'm waiting... You see, you don't say anything and you know why ? Because unlike him, I care about you, I know what you like and I'll give it to you without thinking about myself. And that makes all the difference. Come on spread your legs, the show started a minute ago, show everyone how much you love getting fucked by your little brother...
Alice : (Quel prétentieux ! Et bien vas-y mon cher frère, fais-moi donc voir toute l’étendu de ta science des femmes… Je peux jouer la comédie mais si tu pense que je vais simuler un orgasme pour ton show, je vais fortement te décevoir) Oui c’est vrai, j’adore ta grosse queue frérot. Viens me la mettre, j’ai été très méchante…
Alice : (How pretentious ! Well go ahead my dear brother, let me see the full extent of your knowledge of women... I can act but if you think I'm going to fake an orgasm for your show, I'm going to disappoint you badly) Yes it's true, I love your big cock brother. Come and put it in me, I've been very naughty...
Max : Pas si vite, avant je vais te faire voir ce que tu as perdu avec mon départ.
Max : Not so fast, first I'm going to make you see what you've lost with me gone.
Alice : qu’est ce que tu va faire ?
Alice : What are you going to do?
Max : Tu va goûter à ma spécialité, aucune femme ne lui résiste !
Max : You will taste my specialty, no woman can resist it !
Alice : Tiens donc ! C’est extrêmement prétentieux de ta part de penser que…
Alice : How about that ! It is extremely pretentious of you to think that...
l’explication arrive à la fin de ce chapitreDear Bruno, I could not understand - why Max would talk about the cameras, formally, it is a stupidity comparable to the one when he returned the rights to Victor (consequences in your story).
After much thought- found a possible branch of the story, where this action is justified.
Now I am curious where your story will lead.
I will not hide it, you - intrigued.
I look forward to the sequel.![]()
I love when we gets a double dose in one day
Sophia : d’après ce que vous me dites, ce garçon est assez impressionnant, mais vous pensez vraiment qu’il sera capable d’enchainer trois fois de suite ?
Sophia : from what you tell me, this boy is pretty impressive, but do you really think he'll be able to do three times in a row ?
Melissa : Oh oui ! Je m’en suis assuré, croyez-moi il en est parfaitement capable… une fois il a réussi à me faire l’amour cinq fois de suite…
Melissa : Oh yes ! I've made sure of that, believe me he's perfectly capable... he once managed to make love to me five times in a row...
Sophia : Quoi !? Vous voulez dire que vous avez réellement… pratiqué tout les deux ? Mais, et Alex ?
Sophia : What !? You mean you two have actually... practiced ? But what about Alex ?
Alex : Ne vous inquiétez pas Sophia, je suis très bien placé pour savoir que ma mère et moi ne nous quitterons jamais. Et puis moi j’ai Alice alors, quand elle le souhaite, je laisse ma mère libre de pimenter sa vie. A l’arrivé, elle me revient toujours plus amoureuse qu’avant.
Alex : Don't worry Sophia, I'm well aware that my mother and I will never leave each other. And I have Alice, so when she wants to, I let my mother free to spice up her life. When she arrives, she always comes back to me more in love than before.
Sophia : Ha !? (Un peu comme pour Liam et moi… Je n’ai pas envi de le quitter mais, dans les bras de Dylan, je retrouve la passion et ma jeunesse. Quel horrible situation, je suis malheureuse de tromper Liam et je suis malheureuse de ne pas pouvoir donner à mon fils l’amour qu’il désir.
Sophia : Ha !? (Kind of like Liam and I... I don't want to leave him, but in Dylan's arms, I find passion and youth. What a horrible situation, I'm unhappy to cheat on Liam and I'm unhappy that I can't give my son the love he wants.
Alex : Que ce passe t-il Sophia ? Je sens monter en vous un immense désespoir, voulez vous que je vous aide à…
Alex : What is going on Sophia ? I feel a huge despair rising in you, do you want me to help you to...
Sophia : …Non ! C’est gentil à vous mais non merci. C’est juste que cette histoire me fait regretter d’être loin de ma famille en ce moment. Mais, vous m’avez convaincu, je VEUX vous aider. Personne n’a le droit de séparer une mère et son fils !
Sophia : ...No ! It's nice of you but no thanks. It's just that this story makes me regret being away from my family right now. But, you've convinced me, I WANT to help you. No one has the right to separate a mother and son !
Alex : Je suis heureux de vous l’entendre dire, alors continuons. (Incroyable ! son esprit vient brusquement de se modifier. Cette fois j’en ai la preuve, Sophia deviendra comme nous…).
Alex : I'm glad to hear you say that, so let's keep going. (Unbelievable ! His mind has suddenly changed. This time I have proof, Sophia will become like us...).
Kate has a awesome butt. Thank you so much Mando.
Dear Mango, you spoil us.
We're finally waiting for the sequel. Vivat!
With pleasureDear Mango, you spoil us.![]()
Dear Mando, you know how it is - the trembling in your hands when you look at your worksWith pleasure. By the way, it is Mando not Mango
No No, it is ok, I was just checking if it is a mistyping or you describe my work as mango fruitDear Mando, you know how it is - the trembling in your hands when you look at your works, and as a result - a typo.
Forgive me for being an idiot.![]()
I like your comment because you are one of those who had the intelligence to take a step back with this imageI have a big struggle with myself, I do not know if I should be happy because of your amazing art or I should feel sad for her.
You have confused me mate![]()
That's why I love the art here. It is like a movie, the director wants to deliver a message to the audience, but the audience may get the message right or guess another message the author would not mean at all which leads to an interesting open discussion.I like your comment because you are one of those who had the intelligence to take a step back with this image
Basically I had assets that I had never used and that I wanted to try. So for this type of scene I make up a story..
Anne comes out of the building and wallows in the garbage like a piece of shit. I make my image and I ask myself the question "but why it wallows" I decide to add two additional characters and give it:
Anne comes out of the building, sees two men giving each other a blowjob, doesn’t see the obstacle and wallows like shit. the two men offer him their help
Imagine that you fall to the ground all by yourself and I take your picture by including two characters of skin colors opposed to yours. You can imagine all the comments that can say that.
I told you, your art is amazing
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