Fan Art Big Brother: Fan Art

4.50 star(s) 8 Votes
Jan 29, 2018
Max is doing it on purpose, its all a setup to show the girls the true face of Victor. Max is being so insidiously sneaky in this storyline, he actually almost makes Eric look like a good person haha its great
Bonjour à tout les deux.
En fait il y à un peu de tous cela. Dans la vrai vie, quand tu prends un bon coup sans t'être préparé à le recevoir, il y à de forte chance que ton agresseur prennent le dessus. c'est ce que j'ai voulu restituer, une bagarre ressemble rarement à ce qu'on vois dans les films, le premier qui frappe prend vite le dessus. En plus, même si Max est devenu plus fort, Eric n'est pas un enfant de chœur...

Hello to both of you.
In fact there is a little bit of all that. In real life, when you take a good blow without being prepared to receive it, there is a strong chance that your aggressor takes the upper hand. This is what I wanted to restore, a fight rarely resembles what we see in the movies, the first one who strikes quickly takes the upper hand. Moreover, even if Max has become stronger, Eric is not a choirboy...
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Nov 22, 2020
Bonjour à tout les deux.
En fait il y à un peu de tous cela. Dans la vrai vie, quand tu prends un bon coup sans t'être préparé à le recevoir, il y à de forte chance que ton agresseur prennent le dessus. c'est ce que j'ai voulu restituer, une bagarre ressemble rarement à ce qu'on vois dans les films, le premier qui frappe prend vite le dessus. En plus, même si Max est devenu plus fort, Eric n'est pas un enfant de chœur...

Hello to both of you.
In fact there is a little bit of all that. In real life, when you take a good blow without being prepared to receive it, there is a strong chance that your aggressor takes the upper hand. This is what I wanted to restore, a fight rarely resembles what we see in the movies, the first one who strikes quickly takes the upper hand. Moreover, even if Max has become stronger, Eric is not a choirboy...
Dear Bruno, of course the concept of first strike is clear and undeniable(y). But more importantly, what happens next in your story, what Max's plan is. So far, Max is acting, surprisingly, quite sensibly.
For myself, I took for myself the most correct explanation that Falco described.
Looking forward to the rest of the story to learn about the concept of Bruno's plan. :)
Jan 29, 2018
Dear Bruno, of course the concept of first strike is clear and undeniable(y). But more importantly, what happens next in your story, what Max's plan is. So far, Max is acting, surprisingly, quite sensibly.
For myself, I took for myself the most correct explanation that Falco described.
Looking forward to the rest of the story to learn about the concept of Bruno's plan. :)
Je pense que tu peu trouver une partie de la réponse pages 436 ;)
I think you can find part of the answer on page 436 ;)
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Jan 29, 2018
Ornella : Ce n’est pas en frappant Max que ça va vous empêcher de sombrer vous savez ? Alice c’est rendu compte de l’ordure que vous êtes, elle en parlera à sa mère et à sa sœur…
Ornella : It's not by hitting Max that it will stop you from sinking, you know ? Alice is aware of what a scumbag you are, she'll tell her mother and her sister...

Victor : Ne compte pas là-dessus, j’ai dis à cette salope que si elle parlait, j’enverrai sa sœur travailler dans tous les pires bars à pute de la ville…
Victor : Don't count on it, I told that bitch that if she talks, I'll send her sister to work in every worst whore bar in town…

Anne / Lisa : *Voix étouffée* Ah !
Anne / Lisa : *Muffled voice* Ah !
Annicka : *chuchotement* Silence ! *voix compatissante* je suis désolé Anne…
Annicka : *whispering* Quiet ! *(sympathetic voice) I'm sorry, Anne...

Victor : …En suite je l’ai plaqué sur son lit et je l’ai baiser en lui faisant comprendre que j’avais des tonnes d’amis qui serait très intéressé pour baiser sa mère pendant qu’elle est ligotée et bâillonnée !
Victor : …Then I put him on his bed and fucked him, making him understand that I have tons of friends who would be very interested in fucking his mother while she is tied up and gagged!

Annicka : *chuchotement* Tenez bon Anne, c’est bientôt terminé.
Annicka : *whispering* Hold on Anne, it's almost over.
Anne : *murmure plaintif* Non, non, non !
Anne : *whimpering plaintively* No, no, no!
Lisa : (Alice ! Vite je dois aller la voir !)
Lisa : (Alice ! Hurry I have to go see her !)

Ornella : Ça y est Max, tes soucis sont terminés, ta mère viens enfin de voir le vrai visage de l’homme qu’elle aimait… Aller relève-toi, ta mère te regarde, montre-lui ce qu’il en coûte à ceux qui lui font du mal !
Ornella : That's it Max, your worries are over, your mother has finally seen the true face of the man she loved... Come on, get up, your mother is watching you, show her what it costs to those who hurt her!
Max : … ??? … maman ?
Max : … ??? … mom?

Victor : Anne !? Non attends je vais t’expli…
Victor : Anne !? No wait, I'll explain...

Anne : Ferme ta putain de gueule espèce de sous merde répugnante. Tu me donne envie de vomir !
Anne : Shut the fuck up you disgusting piece of shit. You make me want to vomit !

Ornella : échec et mat Victor !
Ornella : Checkmate Victor !
Max : Je n’ai pas tout compris à ce qui viens de se passer mais le résulta me va quand-même…
Max : I didn't understand everything that just happened but I'm ok with the result...


Nov 22, 2020
Ornella : Ce n’est pas en frappant Max que ça va vous empêcher de sombrer vous savez ? Alice c’est rendu compte de l’ordure que vous êtes, elle en parlera à sa mère et à sa sœur…
Ornella : It's not by hitting Max that it will stop you from sinking, you know ? Alice is aware of what a scumbag you are, she'll tell her mother and her sister...

Victor : Ne compte pas là-dessus, j’ai dis à cette salope que si elle parlait, j’enverrai sa sœur travailler dans tous les pires bars à pute de la ville…
Victor : Don't count on it, I told that bitch that if she talks, I'll send her sister to work in every worst whore bar in town…

Anne / Lisa : *Voix étouffée* Ah !
Anne / Lisa : *Muffled voice* Ah !
Annicka : *chuchotement* Silence ! *voix compatissante* je suis désolé Anne…
Annicka : *whispering* Quiet ! *(sympathetic voice) I'm sorry, Anne...

Victor : …En suite je l’ai plaqué sur son lit et je l’ai baiser en lui faisant comprendre que j’avais des tonnes d’amis qui serait très intéressé pour baiser sa mère pendant qu’elle est ligotée et bâillonnée !
Victor : …Then I put him on his bed and fucked him, making him understand that I have tons of friends who would be very interested in fucking his mother while she is tied up and gagged!

Annicka : *chuchotement* Tenez bon Anne, c’est bientôt terminé.
Annicka : *whispering* Hold on Anne, it's almost over.
Anne : *murmure plaintif* Non, non, non !
Anne : *whimpering plaintively* No, no, no!
Lisa : (Alice ! Vite je dois aller la voir !)
Lisa : (Alice ! Hurry I have to go see her !)

Ornella : Ça y est Max, tes soucis sont terminés, ta mère viens enfin de voir le vrai visage de l’homme qu’elle aimait… Aller relève-toi, ta mère te regarde, montre-lui ce qu’il en coûte à ceux qui lui font du mal !
Ornella : That's it Max, your worries are over, your mother has finally seen the true face of the man she loved... Come on, get up, your mother is watching you, show her what it costs to those who hurt her!
Max : … ??? … maman ?
Max : … ??? … mom?

Victor : Anne !? Non attends je vais t’expli…
Victor : Anne !? No wait, I'll explain...

Anne : Ferme ta putain de gueule espèce de sous merde répugnante. Tu me donne envie de vomir !
Anne : Shut the fuck up you disgusting piece of shit. You make me want to vomit !

Ornella : échec et mat Victor !
Ornella : Checkmate Victor !
Max : Je n’ai pas tout compris à ce qui viens de se passer mais le résulta me va quand-même…
Max : I didn't understand everything that just happened but I'm ok with the result...
Dear Friend Bruno :love: , this:
"Max : I didn't understand everything that just happened but I'm ok with the result..."
was just epic!;)

You made my night tonight, I laughed for half an hour!!!(y):ROFLMAO:


Sep 14, 2017
Ornella : Ce n’est pas en frappant Max que ça va vous empêcher de sombrer vous savez ? Alice c’est rendu compte de l’ordure que vous êtes, elle en parlera à sa mère et à sa sœur…
Ornella : It's not by hitting Max that it will stop you from sinking, you know ? Alice is aware of what a scumbag you are, she'll tell her mother and her sister...

Victor : Ne compte pas là-dessus, j’ai dis à cette salope que si elle parlait, j’enverrai sa sœur travailler dans tous les pires bars à pute de la ville…
Victor : Don't count on it, I told that bitch that if she talks, I'll send her sister to work in every worst whore bar in town…

Anne / Lisa : *Voix étouffée* Ah !
Anne / Lisa : *Muffled voice* Ah !
Annicka : *chuchotement* Silence ! *voix compatissante* je suis désolé Anne…
Annicka : *whispering* Quiet ! *(sympathetic voice) I'm sorry, Anne...

Victor : …En suite je l’ai plaqué sur son lit et je l’ai baiser en lui faisant comprendre que j’avais des tonnes d’amis qui serait très intéressé pour baiser sa mère pendant qu’elle est ligotée et bâillonnée !
Victor : …Then I put him on his bed and fucked him, making him understand that I have tons of friends who would be very interested in fucking his mother while she is tied up and gagged!

Annicka : *chuchotement* Tenez bon Anne, c’est bientôt terminé.
Annicka : *whispering* Hold on Anne, it's almost over.
Anne : *murmure plaintif* Non, non, non !
Anne : *whimpering plaintively* No, no, no!
Lisa : (Alice ! Vite je dois aller la voir !)
Lisa : (Alice ! Hurry I have to go see her !)

Ornella : Ça y est Max, tes soucis sont terminés, ta mère viens enfin de voir le vrai visage de l’homme qu’elle aimait… Aller relève-toi, ta mère te regarde, montre-lui ce qu’il en coûte à ceux qui lui font du mal !
Ornella : That's it Max, your worries are over, your mother has finally seen the true face of the man she loved... Come on, get up, your mother is watching you, show her what it costs to those who hurt her!
Max : … ??? … maman ?
Max : … ??? … mom?

Victor : Anne !? Non attends je vais t’expli…
Victor : Anne !? No wait, I'll explain...

Anne : Ferme ta putain de gueule espèce de sous merde répugnante. Tu me donne envie de vomir !
Anne : Shut the fuck up you disgusting piece of shit. You make me want to vomit !

Ornella : échec et mat Victor !
Ornella : Checkmate Victor !
Max : Je n’ai pas tout compris à ce qui viens de se passer mais le résulta me va quand-même…
Max : I didn't understand everything that just happened but I'm ok with the result...
I expected it a little differently, but considering all the circumstances your solution is even better.:love:

Still after revenge on Eric (because it would be probably the only goal and reason to come back:cool:). I would have left these three traitorous horny whores they call them self family, even if the story of the engagement to Ornella was a lie.
(Only naive Lisa looks pretty innocent about it in your story.:unsure:)

A family that would falsely accuse me and send me to prison with an army program for two years. Because they were convinced of that by my mother's boyfriend. Whom they know for a few months and not me, the family member. There are things that are not so easy to forgive and therefore i would never want to see them again.:cautious:

Perhaps I have a bad idea of what a military camp is. In my country such a thing does not exist, but from my point of view, if you don't want to join the army. It's just a prison with an army regime, which is even worse than the prison itself:unsure:. The idea of sending someone from the family there and thinking that the person will return to you like better person, as if nothing had happened, is really ridiculous:ROFLMAO:.

Please don't get me wrong i think it is great story and i love it, pretty please continue i have to see your grand finale. :love:

Deleted member 237822

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2017
Eric: Ah, now this is living. Without that brat here, all these beauties are mine
Ann: Master, could we go another round please?
Eric: Hmm, honestly Ann ever since you got pregnant your sexual appetite has skyrocketed
Ann: Don't you love having a sex addicted woman, after all you managed to get my girls pregnant as well.
Eric: Very Well, then come please your Master. Just be careful as these two are fast asleep
Ann: Yes Master, even our child seems to be craving some sex
Eric: Well hurry up & please your Master & Our Child View attachment 973069
So what happened afterwards? Well the Police arrived & mum was quick to say I saved the entire family & how Eric had enslaved them for months. During the investigation the Police found out that Eric was actually a man named Victor Moro & part of a notorious family.

I was cleared of any wrong doing & life returned to some form of normality, the girls all gave birth to Eric's children who were quickly put up for adoption as they wanted no reminders of Eric. I eventually married both Mum & Aunt Kira in an unofficial ceremony & they quickly got pregnant with my child. Alice recently found out she was pregnant while Lisa wants to wait a bit longer, but she still lets me cum in her.

We are now living happily as a united family.
View attachment 1046397
I need a whole series of these kind of images but without Eric/ntr


Nov 22, 2020
I expected it a little differently, but considering all the circumstances your solution is even better.:love:

Still after revenge on Eric (because it would be probably the only goal and reason to come back:cool:). I would have left these three traitorous horny whores they call them self family, even if the story of the engagement to Ornella was a lie.
(Only naive Lisa looks pretty innocent about it in your story.:unsure:)

A family that would falsely accuse me and send me to prison with an army program for two years. Because they were convinced of that by my mother's boyfriend. Whom they know for a few months and not me, the family member. There are things that are not so easy to forgive and therefore i would never want to see them again.:cautious:

Perhaps I have a bad idea of what a military camp is. In my country such a thing does not exist, but from my point of view, if you don't want to join the army. It's just a prison with an army regime, which is even worse than the prison itself:unsure:. The idea of sending someone from the family there and thinking that the person will return to you like better person, as if nothing had happened, is really ridiculous:ROFLMAO:.

Please don't get me wrong i think it is great story and i love it, pretty please continue i have to see your grand finale. :love:
Lofi, you're right about a lot of things. (y)

In Bruno's concept of storytelling, there was an initial error. That form of content:oops:, as outlined, does not exist in the American penitentiary system in principle.

A version of where Max was, optimally, might have looked like this. Under the influence of Eric's lies, Ann sends Max to a summer scout camp, with a military bias (for 3 summer months), from her point of view, there is nothing particularly objectionable about it. But! Eric falsifies Max's prosecution, incognito, several times by sending drugs in the mail. The camp management (bribed by Eric) initiates the case, referring it to the regular (civilian investigation. The judge, in spite of insufficient evidence (without a jury trial) imposes a sentence of TWO years in prison, with minimum security confinement (this type of confinement does exist). Next, the letters (from family members) are perforated and eliminated.
Max feels betrayed and abandoned.;)

The family feels that Max is offended (it is not clear why) and does not want to communicate.
This, a sensible preamble. Next, other considerations in the development of the plot.
In the end, Max served 2 years in prison for 3 months in a camp, abandoned and betrayed, from his point of view, by his family, which is, in fact, relative - the truth.
And so on.

I apologize for my Google English.

P.S. By the way, Lisa, exactly in the interpretation of this story, is still a little whore, not only that she, after two years of maneuvering, put her little cunt under Eric's dick, she also in the last sentence, after sex with Max, in fact said - Oh, see how I learned to suck dicks from Uncle Eric, what a master, I probably should continue and learn other skills to become a real whore bitch. That's about it - innocence. Sad and unfair.:mad:

Translated with (free version)


Sep 14, 2017
Lofi, you're right about a lot of things. (y)

In Bruno's concept of storytelling, there was an initial error. That form of content:oops:, as outlined, does not exist in the American penitentiary system in principle.

A version of where Max was, optimally, might have looked like this. Under the influence of Eric's lies, Ann sends Max to a summer scout camp, with a military bias (for 3 summer months), from her point of view, there is nothing particularly objectionable about it. But! Eric falsifies Max's prosecution, incognito, several times by sending drugs in the mail. The camp management (bribed by Eric) initiates the case, referring it to the regular (civilian investigation. The judge, in spite of insufficient evidence (without a jury trial) imposes a sentence of TWO years in prison, with minimum security confinement (this type of confinement does exist). Next, the letters (from family members) are perforated and eliminated.
Max feels betrayed and abandoned.;)

The family feels that Max is offended (it is not clear why) and does not want to communicate.
This, a sensible preamble. Next, other considerations in the development of the plot.
In the end, Max served 2 years in prison for 3 months in a camp, abandoned and betrayed, from his point of view, by his family, which is, in fact, relative - the truth.
And so on.

I apologize for my Google English.

P.S. By the way, Lisa, exactly in the interpretation of this story, is still a little whore, not only that she, after two years of maneuvering, put her little cunt under Eric's dick, she also in the last sentence, after sex with Max, in fact said - Oh, see how I learned to suck dicks from Uncle Eric, what a master, I probably should continue and learn other skills to become a real whore bitch. That's about it - innocence. Sad and unfair.:mad:

Translated with (free version)
Well, that makes a lot more sense. So if it's only a military camp for three months and let's say Eric was able to block the mail and tell the girls he just didn't want to come back, for example. ok ok much more sense. :unsure:
But then I miss the reason why he hated girls for leaving him when they thought he had left them.:unsure:
however, thanks for the explanation i knew i got something wrong. :love::ROFLMAO:
As for Lisa, I meant more innocence for sending him to military camp.:cool: With her fucking Eric, it's a tax that he just wasn't there. Sure could be reason to hate her too.:rolleyes:
But after this explanation i don't see much more reason to max leave, after kill Eric of course.:p They are whores but after 2 years of influence of Eric:rolleyes:....Max himself tried to make them before Eric.:whistle:
Still thank you(y)
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Jan 29, 2018
Ornella : On a changé le plan, tu es bien meilleur amant que comédien. Tu devais avoir l’air réellement désemparé…
Ornella : We changed the plan, you are a much better lover than actor. You must have looked really distraught...
Victor : Je le savais, c’était un coup-monté ! Toi, ta salope de copine et sa mè…
Victor : I knew it, it was a set-up! You, your slutty girlfriend and her mot...

Max : Je t’interdis de lui parler comme ça !!!
Max : Don't you dare talk to her like that !!!
Victor : Humpf !
Victor : Humpf !

Anne : houai, vas-y mon chéri, pète lui la gueule !!!
Anne : go ahead darling, break his face !!!

Max : Avec plaisir. Aller viens là espèce de détraqué, je vais te faire voir ce que j’ai appris en deux ans ! Et cette fois tu ne me prendras en traitre…
Max : With pleasure. Come here you crazy bastard, I'll show you what I've learned in two years ! And this time you won't take me as a traitor...

Victor : Enfin je vais pourvoir passer mes nerfs sur toi, ça faisait longtemps que j’attendais…
Victor : At last I'm going to be able to take my nerves out on you, I've been waiting a long time...

Victor : …ce moment !
Victor : …this moment !

Max : lent et grossier. Ton attaque ne valait même pas celle d’un enfant…
Max : Slow and rude. Your attack wasn't even worth a child's...
Victor : ARGH ??? Tu va me le payer petit merdeux…
Victor : ARGH ??? You're going to pay for this little shit...
Jan 29, 2018
Well, that makes a lot more sense. So if it's only a military camp for three months and let's say Eric was able to block the mail and tell the girls he just didn't want to come back, for example. ok ok much more sense. :unsure:
But then I miss the reason why he hated girls for leaving him when they thought he had left them.:unsure:
however, thanks for the explanation i knew i got something wrong. :love::ROFLMAO:
As for Lisa, I meant more innocence for sending him to military camp.:cool: With her fucking Eric, it's a tax that he just wasn't there. Sure could be reason to hate her too.:rolleyes:
But after this explanation i don't see much more reason to max leave, after kill Eric of course.:p They are whores but after 2 years of influence of Eric:rolleyes:....Max himself tried to make them before Eric.:whistle:
Still thank you(y)
Salut lofi.
Voici quelques éléments de réponses.
L'amour et la haine sont pratiquement indissociable... Max reproche aux filles de ne pas voir Eric comme lui le vois. Lorsqu'elles se sont rangées du côté d'Eric, Max s'est senti trahi et son amour s'est changé en haine. Il le dit à sa mère quand elle vient le voir le matin : "Je vous déteste à la hauteur de ma tristesse".
Max sait qu'Eric contrôle tout et tout le monde, et qu'il a également réussi à intercepté toutes ses tentatives de communication avec sa mère. A l'arrivée, Max est persuadé que sa propre famille le vois comme quelqu'un qui a mal tourné. De son point de vue, détesté et chassé par sa propre famille (les personnes qu'il aimait), il ne lui reste plus que la vengeance pour ne pas finir de perdre la raison.
Bon, après je ne suis pas scénariste :sneaky: et, en lisant vos commentaires, je m’aperçois qu'effectivement, j'ai oublié de préciser énormément de choses ! Oups...;)

Hi lofi.
Here are some answers.
Love and hate are practically inseparable... Max blames the girls for not seeing Eric the way he does. When they sided with Eric, Max felt betrayed and his love turned to hate. He tells his mother when she comes to see him in the morning: "I hate you to the extent of my sadness".
Max knows that Eric controls everything and everyone, and that he has also managed to intercept all his attempts to communicate with his mother. In the end, Max is convinced that his own family sees him as someone who has gone wrong. From his point of view, hated and hunted by his own family (the people he loved), he is left with nothing but revenge to keep him from losing his mind.
Well, I'm not a scriptwriter :sneaky: and, reading your comments, I realize that I forgot to specify a lot of things! Oops...;)
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Nov 22, 2020
Well, that makes a lot more sense. So if it's only a military camp for three months and let's say Eric was able to block the mail and tell the girls he just didn't want to come back, for example. ok ok much more sense. :unsure:
But then I miss the reason why he hated girls for leaving him when they thought he had left them.:unsure:
however, thanks for the explanation i knew i got something wrong. :love::ROFLMAO:
As for Lisa, I meant more innocence for sending him to military camp.:cool: With her fucking Eric, it's a tax that he just wasn't there. Sure could be reason to hate her too.:rolleyes:
But after this explanation i don't see much more reason to max leave, after kill Eric of course.:p They are whores but after 2 years of influence of Eric:rolleyes:....Max himself tried to make them before Eric.:whistle:
Still thank you(y)
Dear Lofi. :love:
The three-month camp was originally the subject of the original game.
All other options are FAN extensions.

No camp, for TWO years, for a REALLY young child, is possible by definition. But, under the scheme I suggested, it (after Eric's machinations) would be the usual punishment for juvenile delinquents, and that's possible.
Why is a term of two years necessary? Because three months is not long enough to change the psychology of all the girls and subdue them. That's why the FAN version is based on two years of Max's absence.

The hatred arose from misunderstanding (the letters were worn out, by Eric's bribed employees, information was falsified for Max) and from a feeling of complete injustice, from the fact that you were innocent and spent two years in juvenile detention, and so on and so forth.

Two years of injustice and lack of support from family, which reinforces that injustice manifold and leads to the development, in Max's heart, of such blind hatred turning to rage.

Again, don't forget that TWO years of the main story, and what was going on there and how (this story, for which Bruno:love: is deeply thankful, is about what happened AFTER those two years) disappears.
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Nov 22, 2020
Ornella : On a changé le plan, tu es bien meilleur amant que comédien. Tu devais avoir l’air réellement désemparé…
Ornella : We changed the plan, you are a much better lover than actor. You must have looked really distraught...
Victor : Je le savais, c’était un coup-monté ! Toi, ta salope de copine et sa mè…
Victor : I knew it, it was a set-up! You, your slutty girlfriend and her mot...

Max : Je t’interdis de lui parler comme ça !!!
Max : Don't you dare talk to her like that !!!
Victor : Humpf !
Victor : Humpf !

Anne : houai, vas-y mon chéri, pète lui la gueule !!!
Anne : go ahead darling, break his face !!!

Max : Avec plaisir. Aller viens là espèce de détraqué, je vais te faire voir ce que j’ai appris en deux ans ! Et cette fois tu ne me prendras en traitre…
Max : With pleasure. Come here you crazy bastard, I'll show you what I've learned in two years ! And this time you won't take me as a traitor...

Victor : Enfin je vais pourvoir passer mes nerfs sur toi, ça faisait longtemps que j’attendais…
Victor : At last I'm going to be able to take my nerves out on you, I've been waiting a long time...

Victor : …ce moment !
Victor : …this moment !

Max : lent et grossier. Ton attaque ne valait même pas celle d’un enfant…
Max : Slow and rude. Your attack wasn't even worth a child's...
Victor : ARGH ??? Tu va me le payer petit merdeux…
Victor : ARGH ??? You're going to pay for this little shit...
Brother Bruno, you are my fair hero.:love::love::love:
But what is Ann like:love::ROFLMAO::giggle:! What an emotion, what a pose, well, just a masterpiece rendering!(y)


Sep 14, 2017
Salut lofi.
Voici quelques éléments de réponses.
L'amour et la haine sont pratiquement indissociable... Max reproche aux filles de ne pas voir Eric comme lui le vois. Lorsqu'elles se sont rangées du côté d'Eric, Max s'est senti trahi et son amour s'est changé en haine. Il le dit à sa mère quand elle vient le voir le matin : "Je vous déteste à la hauteur de ma tristesse".
Max sait qu'Eric contrôle tout et tout le monde, et qu'il a également réussi à intercepté toutes ses tentatives de communication avec sa mère. A l'arrivée, Max est persuadé que sa propre famille le vois comme quelqu'un qui a mal tourné. De son point de vue, détesté et chassé par sa propre famille (les personnes qu'il aimait), il ne lui reste plus que la vengeance pour ne pas finir de perdre la raison.
Bon, après je ne suis pas scénariste :sneaky: et, en lisant vos commentaires, je m’aperçois qu'effectivement, j'ai oublié de préciser énormément de choses ! Oups...;)

Hi lofi.
Here are some answers.
Love and hate are practically inseparable... Max blames the girls for not seeing Eric the way he does. When they sided with Eric, Max felt betrayed and his love turned to hate. He tells his mother when she comes to see him in the morning: "I hate you to the extent of my sadness".
Max knows that Eric controls everything and everyone, and that he has also managed to intercept all his attempts to communicate with his mother. In the end, Max is convinced that his own family sees him as someone who has gone wrong. From his point of view, hated and hunted by his own family (the people he loved), he is left with nothing but revenge to keep him from losing his mind.
Well, I'm not a scriptwriter :sneaky: and, reading your comments, I realize that I forgot to specify a lot of things! Oops...;)
For me, it's easy to draw conclusions with a view of the whole situation, but I couldn't quite see the view and the reasons for the characters.:censored:
In the last post, for example, I forgot a few reasons for Max's anger. Like seeing Eric on camera fucking his family after they left him and sent a few letters about how cool Eric is and so on ...:eek:
writing a story to make everything make sense to everyone is really hard. You can forget a trifle and someone will imagine wrong, someone has other cultural prerequisites, etc.:geek:
But the important thing is that most people understand it well and I think you did great job.(y)
Now I'm just waiting for Eric to pull out the knife Max overpowers him and finishes him.:giggle: sorry I've seen too many movies:ROFLMAO:
Jan 29, 2018
Eric : RRAAAH !
Max : Prévisible !
Max : Predictable !
Victor : Humpf !
Victor : Humpf !

Max : Tu en as assez ? Je te conseil de ne pas te relever.
Max : Have you had enough ? I advise you not to get up.
Victor : *douleur* Aah, fils de pute !
Victor : *pain* Aah, son of a bitch !

Anne : Tu sais ce qu’elle te dit la pute ? Bravo mon chéri, tu lui as donné une bonne leçon. Et toi espèce de résidu de préservatif avarié, tire-toi de chez moi, je ne veux plus jamais te voir !
Anne : Do you know what the bitch said to you ? Well done my dear, you've taught her a good lesson. And you, you rotten condom residue, get out of my house, I never want to see you again !

Anne : Dire que je t’ai cru, que je t’ai fais confiance, comment as-tu pu ? Mais c’est terminé, tu ne pauseras plus tes sales mains sur moi ni sur mes filles ! De toute façon tu était incapable de me faire jouir, alors que Max, rien qu’avec sa langue, il m’a donné plus de plaisir que tu n’en a été capable en deux ans !
Anne : To think that I believed you, that I trusted you, how could you ? But it's over, you won't lay your dirty hands on me or my daughters again ! Anyway you were unable to make me cum, whereas Max, only with his tongue, he gave me more pleasure than you were able to in two years !

Max : Qu’est-ce que tu veux que je fasse de lui maman ?
Max : What do you want me to do with him, Mom ?
Anne : Fout-le dehors, il nous a suffisamment fais de mal.
Anne : Kick him out, he's hurt us enough.
Victor : Très bien je vais partir, mais avant…
Victor : Fine, I'll leave, but first...

Victor : …je vais finir ce que j’ai commencé !...
Victor : ...I'll finish what I started !...
Max : Oupf !

Victor : ça c’est mon cadeau pour ta mère…
Victor : This is my present for your mother...
Max : AARGH !
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