Fan Art Big Brother: Fan Art

4.50 star(s) 8 Votes
Jan 29, 2018
Victor : …et ça c’est mon cadeau pour toi…
Victor : ...and this is my gift to you...

Ornella : Pas si vite… !
Ornella : Not so fast...!
Victor : Aaah ?!

Annicka : Max ! Ça va ?
Annicka : Max! Are you ok ?
Max : Gnnnh…

Victor : Grrr ! Je n’ai pas l’habitude de frapper les filles mais pour toi je vais faire une exception !
Victor : Grrr ! I don't usually hit girls but for you I'll make an exception !

Ornella : Si tu bouge, je te détruis…
Ornella : If you move, I will destroy you...

CLIC !...


Oct 2, 2016
Givine just wondering if there is any method similar to that for a more "flowing hair" ? Like having the hair fall down if the model is laying down on the bed or in leaning positions.

Mando Logica

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Nov 23, 2020
Hello every one!

Today, I will featuring you the use of Dforce... with mattress! So basically this post is for YOU, fan art creators. But, can inspire YOU, luckers :)

First of all this guide is inspired by this:
It's just an extension.

Look at this:

View attachment 1108476 Classical pose on a bed. The figure is just positioning "on" the bed, like it could be on the floor.

View attachment 1108484 But here, the mattress is not as rough as the floor. The body is a little depressed in the mattress.

To do that was more simple that I thought it was.

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At the end, you should have something like that:

View attachment 1108543

Sorry for my horrible .

Very useful tutorial. Thanks a lot!
  • Hey there
Reactions: Givine


Mar 27, 2019
I had a similar experience with Dforce 564641_Test_HDRI.jpg
This can be really worked with, especially if you are also using Dforce-enabled clothes and hair. There are also special morphs that create folds when the body bends. As a result, you can get a very cool job, it's a pity that my computer does not handle DAZ well.
Jan 29, 2018
Anne : CA SUFFIT ! Je vais en finir avec cette merde !
Anne : Enough ! I'm going to finish with this shit !

Ornella : Anne !? Qu’est ce que vous faite ???...
Ornella : Anne !? What are you doing ???...
Annicka : Anne posez cette arme !
Annicka : Anne, put the gun down !

Max : Arrête maman ce n’est pas un jouet, il est chargé tu va blesser quelqu’un…
Max : Stop it mom, it's not a toy, it's loaded, you'll hurt someone...

Alice : MAMAN ! Qu’est-ce que tu fais !?
Alice : Mommy ! What are you doing ?
Lisa : Arrête maman tu nous fais peur…
Lisa : Stop it mommy you're scaring us...

Anne : restez là vous deux et taisez-vous ! Ou alors si vous voulez parler, expliquez-moi pourquoi vous avez baisés avec mon ...compagnon ?!
Anne : Stay there you two and shut up ! Or if you want to talk, explain to me why you fucked my… companion ?
Lisa / Alice : …Bah, euh… !?
Lisa / Alice : ...Well, uh...!?

Anne : Aller écarte-toi jeune fille, je ne te veux aucun mal… pour l’instant !
Anne : Come on get out of the way young lady, I don't want to hurt you... yet!
Ornella : Désolé Anne, mais je ne peux pas vous laisser faire ça !
Ornella : Sorry Anne, but I can't let you do that!
Max : Arrête maman, je…
Max : Stop it Mum, I...

Annicka : Que tout le monde ce calme, je vais aller voir qui c’est.
Annicka : Everyone calm down, I'll go and see who it is.
Anne : Je n’attendais personne, alors qui que ce soit ne le laissez pas rentrer !
Anne : I wasn't expecting anyone, so whoever it is don't let them in !


Nov 22, 2020
Anne : CA SUFFIT ! Je vais en finir avec cette merde !
Anne : Enough ! I'm going to finish with this shit !

Ornella : Anne !? Qu’est ce que vous faite ???...
Ornella : Anne !? What are you doing ???...
Annicka : Anne posez cette arme !
Annicka : Anne, put the gun down !

Max : Arrête maman ce n’est pas un jouet, il est chargé tu va blesser quelqu’un…
Max : Stop it mom, it's not a toy, it's loaded, you'll hurt someone...

Alice : MAMAN ! Qu’est-ce que tu fais !?
Alice : Mommy ! What are you doing ?
Lisa : Arrête maman tu nous fais peur…
Lisa : Stop it mommy you're scaring us...

Anne : restez là vous deux et taisez-vous ! Ou alors si vous voulez parler, expliquez-moi pourquoi vous avez baisés avec mon ...compagnon ?!
Anne : Stay there you two and shut up ! Or if you want to talk, explain to me why you fucked my… companion ?
Lisa / Alice : …Bah, euh… !?
Lisa / Alice : ...Well, uh...!?

Anne : Aller écarte-toi jeune fille, je ne te veux aucun mal… pour l’instant !
Anne : Come on get out of the way young lady, I don't want to hurt you... yet!
Ornella : Désolé Anne, mais je ne peux pas vous laisser faire ça !
Ornella : Sorry Anne, but I can't let you do that!
Max : Arrête maman, je…
Max : Stop it Mum, I...

Annicka : Que tout le monde ce calme, je vais aller voir qui c’est.
Annicka : Everyone calm down, I'll go and see who it is.
Anne : Je n’attendais personne, alors qui que ce soit ne le laissez pas rentrer !
Anne : I wasn't expecting anyone, so whoever it is don't let them in !
"Annicka : Everyone calm down, I'll go and see who it is."

= Who, who? You know who! Everybody's fucked, Melissa's here! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: (y)
Jan 29, 2018
Kira : Ah oui, personne ? Même pas ta propre sœur ?
Kira : Oh yeah, no one ? Not even your own sister ?

Lisa / Alice : TANTE KIRA !!!
Lisa / Alice : AUNT KIRA !!!

Anne : Kira !? Que… ? Comment tu… ???
Anne : Kira !? What...? How do you...???

Max : Tante Kira ? Qu’est-ce que tu fais là, je te croyait reparti en Europe ?
Max : Aunt Kira ? What are you doing here, I thought you went back to Europe ?

Ornella : Ouf ! Je suis bien contente de vous voir tout les deux, la situation est devenue un peu compliquée…
Ornella : Phew ! I'm glad to see you two, the situation has become a little complicated...
Eric : (Merde, il ne manquait plus que cette pute !)
Eric : (Shit, all that was missing was that bitch !)

Alex : Merci Sophia, vous avez été impérial toutes les deux, mais ce que je craignais est arrivé alors je vais reprendre les choses en main.
Alex : Thank you Sophia, you were both great, but what I was afraid of happened so I'll take it from here.
Sophia : Merci Alex, j’avoue que je ne me sentais pas les épaules pour gérer ça.
Sophia : Thank you Alex, I have to admit I didn't feel like I had the shoulders to handle this.

Alex : Anne ne faite pas ça, il n’en vaux pas la peine ! Anne, je m’appelle Alexis, la jeune fille devant vous s’appelle Melissa et la dame à coté de moi s’appelle Sophia. Nous avons été engagés par votre sœur pour capturer Eric. *Voix douce* Vos soucis sont terminés Anne, je vous le promets. Posez cette arme maintenant ! (Merde, c’est le chaos total dans sa tête, j’ai vite intérêt de trouver et de me connecter à un psy si je ne veux pas que ça dégénère davantage !).
Alex : Anne don't do this, he's not worth it! Anne, my name is Alexis, the girl in front of you is Melissa and the lady next to me is Sophia. We have been hired by your sister to capture Eric. *Soft voice* Your worries are over Anne, I promise you. Put the gun down now! (Shit, it's total chaos in her head, I better find and connect to a shrink soon if I don't want it to get any worse !).
Jan 29, 2018
Kira : Il à raison Anne, pose cette arme. Ce n’est pas en le tuant que tu récupèreras ta maison ou que Lisa recouvrera sa virginité…
Kira : He's right Anne, put the gun down. Killing him won't get you your house back or Lisa her virginity...

Alex : Non Kira, Anne n’est pas au courant de tout cela !
Alex : No Kira, Anne doesn't know about this !

Kira : Quoi ? mais je croyais que…
Kira : What? But I thought that...

Anne : QUOI ! Tu as osé souiller Lisa ? Espèce de rebut de partouse tu va…
Anne : WHAT ! You dared to defile Lisa ? You piece of trash you're going to...

Anne : *PANW !!!* Aaaahh !!!
Anne : *PANW !!!* Aaaahh !!!

Melissa : Aah !
Victor : Qu… !
Victor : Wha… !

Sophia : MELISSA !!!


Nov 22, 2020
Kira : Il à raison Anne, pose cette arme. Ce n’est pas en le tuant que tu récupèreras ta maison ou que Lisa recouvrera sa virginité…
Kira : He's right Anne, put the gun down. Killing him won't get you your house back or Lisa her virginity...

Alex : Non Kira, Anne n’est pas au courant de tout cela !
Alex : No Kira, Anne doesn't know about this !

Kira : Quoi ? mais je croyais que…
Kira : What? But I thought that...

Anne : QUOI ! Tu as osé souiller Lisa ? Espèce de rebut de partouse tu va…
Anne : WHAT ! You dared to defile Lisa ? You piece of trash you're going to...

Anne : *PANW !!!* Aaaahh !!!
Anne : *PANW !!!* Aaaahh !!!

Melissa : Aah !
Victor : Qu… !
Victor : Wha… !

Sophia : MELISSA !!!
Wow, Bruno, what a plot twist! :unsure:
Anything but that I could not have imagined.:unsure:
The suspense is building!(y):love:


Sep 14, 2017
Kira : Il à raison Anne, pose cette arme. Ce n’est pas en le tuant que tu récupèreras ta maison ou que Lisa recouvrera sa virginité…
Kira : He's right Anne, put the gun down. Killing him won't get you your house back or Lisa her virginity...

Alex : Non Kira, Anne n’est pas au courant de tout cela !
Alex : No Kira, Anne doesn't know about this !

Kira : Quoi ? mais je croyais que…
Kira : What? But I thought that...

Anne : QUOI ! Tu as osé souiller Lisa ? Espèce de rebut de partouse tu va…
Anne : WHAT ! You dared to defile Lisa ? You piece of trash you're going to...

Anne : *PANW !!!* Aaaahh !!!
Anne : *PANW !!!* Aaaahh !!!

Melissa : Aah !
Victor : Qu… !
Victor : Wha… !

Sophia : MELISSA !!!
Finally some BANG BANG!:love:
I was hoping for a few episodes back.:cool:
pity she didn't hit him:cautious:
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Nov 22, 2020
Finally some BANG BANG!:love:
I was hoping for a few episodes back.:cool:
pity she didn't hit him:cautious:
Givine, but it's " BANG BANG!" in the wrong place! (Or I see something wrong :oops: ), and such " BANG BANG!", not exactly what we've been waiting for many episodes;)!
But...., Bruno will tell us.:sneaky:
Looking forward, waiting for the continuation.(y)


Sep 14, 2017
Givine, but it's " BANG BANG!" in the wrong place! (Or I see something wrong :oops: ), and such " BANG BANG!", not exactly what we've been waiting for many episodes;)!
But...., Bruno will tell us.:sneaky:
Looking forward, waiting for the continuation.(y)
When someone said "pity she didn't hit him" so you think i don't know she missed her? There must be a language barrier:unsure: ... or I write it really wrong, i was never good at writting.:ROFLMAO:
And yes, it looks like poor Melissa got it.:cautious:

I perfectly understand that some people doesn't like hairy pussy. Every one got his taste. I personally found that hairy ones give a bit of innocence to the girl, or maybe a least modest.
I don't mind hairy pussy, but here I would need a brushcutter. Please next time, let her breathe at least a little.:giggle: Even with the jungle, it's an amazing picture:p
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4.50 star(s) 8 Votes